September 3rd - September 7th


No School Monday, September 3 - LABOR DAY

LOGGING IN COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS - Reminder - for service hours to count for the 2017-18 school year they must be logged in by the close of school Tuesday, September 4th!  This is CRITICAL for those 7th and 8th grades students seeking membership or maintaining their membership in National Junior Honor Society.  

MORNING CARPOOL -  There still can be times when it drags, but for the greater community, things are generally faster.  Between 7:55 - 8:15 as you wind through the carpool lane and your entire lane has stopped, if you are in front of the Middle School or along the Gold Zone walk, please drop your children.  You do not have to wait until you are exactly in front of the Gold Zone.

FALL SPORTS IN FULL SWING - Congratulations to our Cross Country Team on a great performance at Country Day on Wednesday.  Special congratulations to Will Stutzman and Asher Herrin who finished first in their age groups.  Volleyball kicks off Tuesday, flag football (grade 4) opens Thursday. Kudos to our football team on it’s 44-6 thrashing of Pinewood! Come see this power packed offense when we play Calvary next Thursday! PLEASE SUPPORT THE EAGLES!

CELL PHONES! - Most of the time there is no need for a student to have a cell phone in school. They become an attractive nuisance often resulting in a disciplinary action. Two times a cell phone might be needed are when your child is going home with someone else or to complete a project in class. If it is necessary to bring a phone, they must be turned in each morning.


Please notify the nurse if your child is sick or plans to be absent: This will help as we do attendance daily and prevent unnecessary calls home. If you would like work sent home, contact Ms. Ross (351-4500 x315 or by 12:00 to request assignments.

For your child’s safety at lunch there is a list of all allergies posted in Hancock Hall  and several size appropriate EpiPens available.


In Middle School, we have a strong National Junior Honor Society. Our members participate in community service projects for our school as well as in the larger Savannah community. Current 8th graders who achieve a cumulative GPA of 90% will be invited to apply after the first trimester. Current 7th graders who meet that same academic standard will have the opportunity to apply after the second trimester. There are five criteria that the Faculty Council looks for when accepting members to NJHS. They include: Scholarship, Service, Character, Citizenship, and Leadership. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Guggenheim, the NJHS faculty advisor.


Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.

VERY IMPORTANT - 7th GRADE STUDENTS TAKE NOTE!!!  Along with strong academics, service is one of the defining categories for admission to the National Junior Honor Society.  In order to be considered for membership, a student MUST have met Hancock’s criteria of 10 hours of service per year. To include hours earned in the summer, we accept hours for the 2017-18 school year through Tuesday, September 4th.  After that, all hours are credited toward the 2018-19 school year.

Wilmington Island Farmers Market is looking for student and adult volunteers to assist on Saturdays from 8:00am to 1:30pm September through December at Islands High School.  Volunteers may view more information and sign up for shifts on their website --

Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon is looking for race crew volunteers to help support our community and thousands of walkers and runners on Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th.  Students and their families can sign up to to help with the starting line, finish line, or a water station along the way. More information and sign up forms can be found on their website --

Union Mission exists to prevent and end homelessness in the Savannah community.  They welcome students and their families to volunteer to visit and serve a meal, sort donations, or participate in a family activity night.  More information can be found through their website --


This week students met in small groups to either complete team building activities with Ms. Pedrick or review and unpack The Hancock Way with their advisor.  Our virtue of the month is responsibility, and we look forward to discussing this further with students in the week ahead.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Ms. Pedrick at


Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, we will begin in Chapter 2 by graphing and comparing integers, ordering rational numbers, and finding opposites and absolute values of numbers. We will also review adding and subtracting real numbers.  Students should expect a quiz over sections 2.1-2.3 on Friday, September 7. A new challenge problem will be distributed on Tuesday, September 4 and will be due on Tuesday, September 11.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will be graphing quadratic functions and using our graphing calculators to find the vertex and axis of symmetry of parabolas (10.2).  We will also learn how to use the calculators to solve quadratic equations graphically (10.3).

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 2 and our study or reason and logic.  Students will use inductive and deductive reasoning skills to reach logical conclusions based on statements (2.3).  They will also learn to use postulates to draw conclusions (2.4). We will then begin learning to complete our first proofs with a brief introduction to their structure and then we will do our first algebraic proofs (2.5).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
Students have been learning about the the four states of matter which includes solid, liquid, gas and plasma.  We looked at a plasma ball and how the energy of ionized electrons can illuminate a fluorescent light. Our main focus has been how states of matter change, the physical and chemical properties and changes of matter and the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures.  We will have a test on this material on Thursday, 9/6. We will also have a lab using matters different physical and chemical traits to identify various “mystery” powders.


English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: In the upcoming week, students will be discussing short stories surrounding the theme of Identity and Power (our first mini-unit). Students will be reading “Flowers for Algernon”, “An Episode of War”, and “Adventure of the Speckled Band”, etc. Students will be writing a thematic essay on the following prompts:  What makes you who you are? Why is it important to stand up for what you believe in? How can power become dangerous? What is morality?
Grammar & Vocab: We will be discussing, Subject Complements, Indirect and Direct Objects, and Predicate Adjectives and Predicate Nouns. There will be a quiz on this (and possibly more grammar terms) on 9/18.  Students will be completing Unit 7 Vocabulary exercises and having a quiz on 9/6. The quiz will be a different format from last year.
The discussion centering around our second unit of study,Justice and Equality, will begin on Monday, 9/17. We will be reading short stories and poems from this era. We will begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird on 9/17 as well. The reading schedule will be posted in the coming weeks.

Students above are discussing themes and characters in Fahrenheit 451. The activities below are Novel Cards that summarize their summer reading, and then group work from creating Plot Mountains for Fahrenheit 451 (fitting how they are placed next to the fire extinguisher LOL).

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
This week in American History and Gov’t II we will continue working through the Civil War. We will discuss topics like the Emancipation Proclamation, modern warfare, Matthew Brady, and Gettysburg. No assessments, but looking ahead we will have our Civil War test on Wednesday, September 12th.
Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish the 8th grade will present their writing activities and complete Chapter 1A. We will review all of the grammar and vocabulary on Tuesday, and the test will be Wednesday, September 5th. We will also begin Chapter 1B where students will learn new vocabulary, review the difference of saber and conocer, and how to make comparisons of equality.


Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, we will begin in Chapter 2 by graphing and comparing integers, ordering rational numbers, and finding opposites and absolute values of numbers. We will also review adding and subtracting real numbers.  Students should expect a quiz over sections 2.1-2.3 on Friday, September 7. A new challenge problem will be distributed on Tuesday, September 4 and will be due on Tuesday, September 11.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 2 by practicing the distributive property (2.2) and learning how to simplify variable expressions by combining like terms (2.3).  Students will also be able to identify terms, coefficients, like terms, and constant terms (2.3). There will be our first Math Facts Quiz on Friday and students received the outline on Thursday, 8/30. The quiz will cover previously mastered concepts such as variable and numeric expressions, bases and exponents, basic multiplication facts, long division, multiplying decimals, and order of operations.

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
This week in American History and Gov’t I we will continue our study of Chapter 2.1-2 and discover the struggles and triumphs of the first European explorers. We will look at the types of things that were exchanged between the New World and Old World like foods, animals, and diseases. No assessments this week, but looking forward we will have a quiz over Chapter 2.1-2 on Wednesday, September 12th.

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish the 7th grade will complete Chapter 5B. We will review on Wednesday, and the chapter test will be Thursday, September 6th. We will also begin Chapter 6A where students will learn new vocabulary, how to make comparisons in Spanish, and review prepositions. There will be a graded listening comprehension toward the end of the week.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
In the coming week, students will begin The Hobbit. Students have created their individual reading schedules. Most groups have decided to read 4-5 chapters a week or read 10-13 pages a day. Students should always bring their novels to class, because on the off-chance that we finish a lesson early, students will be able to read. Secondly, I am trying to plan for 20 minutes each Friday for students to read, Wish me luck!
Students will be reading/discussing the novel in book clubs. All of the activities/information will be in their book club folders and in The Hobbit section of  Google Classroom. The first week we will be discussing Tolkien’s background information, main characters, Chapters 1-3, plot elements, and theme(s). Students will be reviewing plot elements by reading “The Monkey’s Paw”, and then applying their knowledge to a larger format (the in-class novel). There will be a quiz on this information on 9/7.
Vocabulary and Grammar lessons will begin in mid-September. Students will receive their vocabulary books during that time as well.
I am super excited to start The Hobbit! (I even have my Gandalf’s staff ready to go!) If students are ever confused or need extra help, please send them to me ASAP. It is critical that students do not wait to ask for help, as there are multiple characters and plot points within this novel.

  • Why a Book Club?
  • Foster’s Student Choice
  • Independent Critical Thinking
  • Group Discussion
  • Writing Skills
What is a Book Club? How will my child be learning?
  • Students will have Book Club Journals. (Show example)
  • Students will have group discussions every week, including whole class discussions that are teacher led.
  • Students will have a class activity with each Book Club meeting day that will count for a CW grade.
  • Students will be in charge of creating their own reading schedule based upon an end date supplied by the teacher.  
  • Students will have response forms for homework during their reading time. Their homework will either be to read & respond, or complete a reading activity.
Mrs. Boyer’s End Goals for 7th Grade (by using Book Clubs):
This class is tailored to all types of student learning styles.
Students enjoy reading and have at least one author that they are excited about.
There is a clear difference between the student’s writing when they entered 7th grade to when they ended 7th grade.
Students can argue both sides of an opinion by using textual evidence and supporting their claim(s).

Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
Last Friday we completed our microscope lab to learn the parts and use of a microscope. (Please see the photos below.) This week we have started our unit on the classification of life and the 6 major kingdoms.  We started off discussing the criteria for determining if something is “alive”. We also worked on completing an example of a dichotomous key and students are creating one of their own using objects found at home.  Then, we completed a graphic organizer and watched some videos to help identify the characteristics that describe each of the kingdoms. We will finish up our discussion on Tuesday and have a quiz on classification and the 6 kingdoms on Wednesday, September 5th.  Our next topic of study will be cells and cell theory.





Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Accelerated Math 7, we will wrap up Chapter 1 on Tuesday by using the problem solving plan to solve word problems.  On Wednesday, students will review for their Chapter 1 test that will take place on Thursday, September 6. On Friday, we will do a diagnostic skill test in A new challenge problem will be distributed on Tuesday, September 4 and will be due on Tuesday, September 11.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 2 by practicing the distributive property (2.2) and learning how to simplify variable expressions by combining like terms (2.3).  Students will also be able to identify terms, coefficients, like terms, and constant terms (2.3). There will be our first Math Facts Quiz on Friday and students received the outline on Thursday, 8/30. The quiz will cover previously mastered concepts such as variable and numeric expressions, bases and exponents, basic multiplication facts, long division, multiplying decimals, and order of operations.

ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim
Literature - Continue short story unit - the quiz over short story concepts has been moved to 9/21
Grammar - Work on proofreading skills - Capitalization, Periods, Questions Marks, and Commas - Quiz 9/12
Vocabulary - Greek/Latin root words List 3 + 7 SAT words. Students will complete Exercises A-D for homework and will practice writing sentences with the 7 SAT words. They will need to know the parts of speech for the 10 Greek/Latin words. Quiz 9/14.
Writing - Continue to practice paragraph format
Reading Log: Reading for the reading log begins for Trimester One has begun. As stated in the syllabus, all middle school students are required to read 360 minutes during the course of the trimester - reading that is outside of their regular assignments. They have a form on which to keep track of their minutes, and on Mondays in class I post their minutes in a spreadsheet. They need to obtain a parent signature to verify the minutes read. This counts as a project grade. The grading scale is written in the syllabus. This year students will be reading for 20 minutes on Wednesday during a silent reading time. This time counts for their reading log if they get their form signed by the proctor. Reading log minutes for 6th grade are due Friday, October 26th.

Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
We wrapped up the scientific method with a M&M Lab only to chow down the samples when they were done.

I will be using a teacher created book for learning about Matter and Heat transfer. There will be a project near the end of these two sections on Heat Transfer. Project information will be going out soon.  We will be taking the unit test for Scientific Method, Lab Safety and Metric Conversion Tuesday, 9/4. Students have already reviewed and reviewed again for this test. Moving on to what matters….. MATTER!

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
This week ended with our first big test on Chapter 1- The World’s Early People. The kids did a fantastic job with this Chapter and I was impressed with their level of understanding of the key concepts of the Chapter. We will dive into Chapter 2, Early Farmers and City Dwellers, on Tuesday with the introduction to Lesson 1- Producing Food. We will continue outlining the lessons with focus on key terms, Linking History to Geography and Culture, Developing Map Skills, and Understanding Historical Interpretation. Mid-week brings us to Lesson 2, Forming Complex Societies. We will have a Quiz on Lesson 2 on Thursday the 6th. To end the week the students will learn how the Past and Present meet through a small group project on Citizenship- How Loyalty is present in communities then and now and how working together is vital to any growing society.

Spanish - Ms. Dubick
The 6th graders are gearing up for their first test this Thursday September 6.  They are also doing their first project, which is a Spanish skit using their question words and classroom phrases.
I highly recommend that they use Quizlet to study for their vocab!  It’s a great, fun online resource to help them learn, and all the kids have usernames now.
I am available every morning at 7:45 for extra help, they just need to email me ahead of time.

Art - Mrs. Cookson
“Great art picks up where nature ends.” - Marc Chagall
It will be a quiet in the art room this week.
8th: Begin color wheel painting on Graffiti Names; present Art Proposals
7th: No art this week due to Labor Day Holiday
6th: Begin the final drawings for Adjective, Adjective, Noun
