October 1st - October 5th
Our 8th grade students have been invited to visit BC and St. Vincent’s. Students who choose to visit need to be dropped off and picked up by parents at the respective schools. Generally, the visits go from 8:30 or 9:00 to noon. Students eat lunch as part of the visitation. There are no 8th grade MORNING classes at HDS on that morning. More details will be coming next week!
Our 8th grade students have been invited to visit BC and St. Vincent’s. Students who choose to visit need to be dropped off and picked up by parents at the respective schools. Generally, the visits go from 8:30 or 9:00 to noon. Students eat lunch as part of the visitation. There are no 8th grade MORNING classes at HDS on that morning. More details will be coming next week!
Morning carpool - after 7:55, when directed by the carpool monitors, please go as far as possible to the GOLD ZONE. Please do not stop at the Middle School door UNLESS the entire line is at a standstill. This permits us to unload up to 14 cars at one time which dramatically speeds up the process.
Afternoon carpool - PLEASE DO NOT LINE UP BEFORE 3:10. If you arrive early, park in a regular spot. Do not block the turn around!
Morning carpool - after 7:55, when directed by the carpool monitors, please go as far as possible to the GOLD ZONE. Please do not stop at the Middle School door UNLESS the entire line is at a standstill. This permits us to unload up to 14 cars at one time which dramatically speeds up the process.
Afternoon carpool - PLEASE DO NOT LINE UP BEFORE 3:10. If you arrive early, park in a regular spot. Do not block the turn around!
Students will participate with an alternative schedule this Friday morning. We will be completing 3 alternative learning activities on that day. Siblings may attend the concert with their brothers or sisters.
Students will participate with an alternative schedule this Friday morning. We will be completing 3 alternative learning activities on that day. Siblings may attend the concert with their brothers or sisters.
Tuesday we had a good information session about the upcoming 8th grade trip to Washington. If you were not able to attend the session, the important documents we discussed can be found here. The times for the two full days in DC can not be finalized until we receive confirmation about our tours of the White House, Pentagon, and the Capitol. We will have a follow up meeting with trip specifics in late January or early February. Please remember to send in your deposit by October 12th.
Tuesday we had a good information session about the upcoming 8th grade trip to Washington. If you were not able to attend the session, the important documents we discussed can be found here. The times for the two full days in DC can not be finalized until we receive confirmation about our tours of the White House, Pentagon, and the Capitol. We will have a follow up meeting with trip specifics in late January or early February. Please remember to send in your deposit by October 12th.
Student-Centered Conferences
Students have already begun preparing a portfolio of their academic goals, challenges, and successes to share with parents during the student-centered conferences on October 18th. Please remember that these conferences are designed to be an opportunity for parents to meet with their child and his/her advisor. Next week you will receive information about signing up for your conference time through PTC Wizard.
Because our middle school teachers see at least seventy students daily, it is not possible for parents to meet with teachers other than their child’s advisor during the designated conference day. If you would like to meet with a teacher other than your child’s advisor, please schedule a meeting on a different day by contacting the teacher directly.
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.
The Village Library on Skidaway Island welcomes middle school volunteers to help with their upcoming Fall Festival on Saturday, October 27th from 10am-2pm. Volunteers will be helping with face and pumpkin painting. Interested students should contact Bill Flammer at cwflammer@comcast.net.
Wilmington Island Farmers Market is looking for student and adult volunteers to assist on Saturdays from 8:00am to 1:30pm September through December at Islands High School. Volunteers may view more information and sign up for shifts on their website.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon is looking for race crew volunteers to help support our community and thousands of walkers and runners on Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th. Students and their families can sign up to to help with the starting line, finish line, or a water station along the way. More information and sign up forms can be found on their website.
This week students have been using advisory and guidance time to discuss the goal-setting process and begin formulating SMART goals for the year. You will hear more about your child’s SMART goals during the student-centered conferences on October 18th.
As September comes to an end, we look forward to exploring our next virtue of the month, respect, in the weeks to come. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Ms. Pedrick at apedrick@hancockdayschool.org
Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, students will continue in Chapter 3 by solving multi-step equations. On Tuesday, we will review for the 3.1-3.3 quiz that will take place on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will do an activity based on multi-step equations. Students will receive a new challenge problem on Monday, October 1st and it will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.
Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue the second half of Chapter 10 by learning about the quadratic formula as a means of solving any quadratic equation (10.6). Students will see the derivation of the formula and then begin using it to solve equations. Students will also learn how the discriminant can be used to identify the number and type of real solutions to a quadratic equation (10.7).
Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will complete Chapter 3 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 3 test on Tuesday. We will then begin Chapter 4 by learning about different properties of triangles including how to classify them, angle addition properties, and the Exterior Angle Theorem (4.1).
Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
Our 8th graders finished up their week with an activity on the half-life of radioactive elements and a quiz over this and the atom, atomic theory, ions and isotopes. (See photos below.) We are now ready to delve into the Periodic Table of the Elements. We will start with how it is set up and the information it tells us. This will lead to a discussion on the different groups of metals, nonmetals and metalloids and how different compounds are formed Students have also been set up on the science IXL program for computer review of various science concepts. Relevant sections will be posted on Google Classroom for either homework assignments or extra review.
English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students are reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The reading schedule is posted in GC and has been handed out to students. Students will be engaging in discussion on identity, social issues, characterization, setting, etc. There will be a quiz on Ch. 9-14 on Tuesday, 10/2. I have given out index cards for students to keep in their novels in regards to notes on characters. There will be a multitude of study materials and students may come in at any time to discuss the novel. Students should be taking avid notes during discussion. There should never be a handout with nothing written on it. All handouts and activities will be used in the making of assessments.
***The key to reading successfully is annotating. Please be sure that your student is annotating with pen, pencils, highlighters, stick-notes, etc. Annotation will allow the students to interact with their texts and be able to purposefully pick out characters, conflicts, literary devices, etc. ***
Grammar & Vocab: Students will be working on Unit 8 Ex. and the quiz will be on 10/3.
All quizzes and tests have been posted on the To Kill a Mockingbird reading schedule. Therefore, all tests and quizzes for the novel have been scheduled until the end of the Trimester!
History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
This week in American History we will continue our study of the Reconstruction Era. Students have a take home open note quiz due on Monday. Next we will discuss Chapter 16.3 in preparation for our test on Thursday, October 4th. Looking forward to a great week!
Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 8th grade will complete Chapter 1B and the test is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9th. On Wednesday we will begin Chapter 2A. Students will learn vocabulary describing daily routine, reflexive verbs, and getting ready for an event. We will also compare special events in the United States to those in Hispanic Countries.
Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, students will continue in Chapter 3 by solving multi-step equations. On Tuesday, we will review for the 3.1-3.3 quiz that will take place on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will do an activity based on multi-step equations. Students will receive a new challenge problem on Monday, October 1st and it will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 3 by learning how to solve equations that have variables on both sides or equations that have infinite or no solutions (3.3). We will also practice word problems (everyone’s favorite!). There will be a quiz on Thursday covering sections 3.1-3.3.
History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
This week in American History we will present our Explorer projects on Monday. Next we will begin readings and discussion from Chapter 3.1-2, which covers the earliest North American colonies. Students will have a take home quiz on Thursday over Chapter 3.1 and geography. Looking forward to a great week!
Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class the 7th grade will complete Chapter 6A and the test is scheduled for Tuesday,October 2nd. On Wednesday we will begin Chapter 6B. Students will learn vocabulary over rooms in a house, furniture, how to give advice, affirmative commands, and the present progressive tense. We will also complete a webquest where students will explore real houses in Spanish-speaking countries in order to prepare our very own version of “House Hunters International”.
ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Students have completed The Hobbit! Yay! They should be so proud of themselves. Their book club folders and journal entries will serve as a study guide for their assessment on October 12th. This assessment will cover the novel in its entirety.
This week students will be turning in their five paragraph essays on Light vs Dark on Oct. 1. They have been carefully editing and discussing these papers and their ideas for weeks; I am extremely excited to see what they have written and how they have grown from their summer reading essays.
Students will be discussing Joseph Campbell’s Hero Journey; this will be the inspiration for a project, “A Hero’s Journey Board Game”. Students will create a board game that persuades the player of the characteristics of a hero. The player will want to be a hero like Bilbo. Students will work in class on this project/presentation and then present it to the class.
Vocabulary and Grammar lessons will begin this week. Students will be completing Unit 2 Vocab Ex. The Unit 2 Vocab Quiz will be on 10/3. In regards to grammar, students will continue their work on phrases (prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, etc.). There will be a test on 10/17 over the material.
Students will be starting their book clubs on the Dystopian Universe on 10/16. Students will choose their novels and their reading schedule the week prior.
Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
We are finishing up our journey learning about cells. See some pictures below of students demonstrating the process of endocytosis (a type of active cell transport where the cell membrane engulfs molecules to bring them inside for use). Students had a test Friday, 9/28 and their Cell Storybooks are due Tuesday, October 2nd. Monday, 10/1 will be a day in class devoted to finishing any last minute details or questions on their cell project We are also planning to go visit the 3rd graders to share our books with them. Our next topic will be the circulatory system to begin learning out our blood, heart and blood types. Students have also been set up on the science IXL program for computer review of various science concepts. Relevant sections will be posted on Google Classroom for either homework assignments or extra review.
Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Accelerated Math 7, students will continue in Chapter 3 by learning bar and line graphs. On Tuesday, we will create our own bar and line graphs on Google Sheets. On Wednesday, we will review for the Chapter 3.1-3.2 quiz that will take place on Thursday, September 4. Students will receive a new challenge problem on Monday, October 1st and it will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 3 by learning how to solve equations that have variables on both sides or equations that have infinite or no solutions (3.3). We will also practice word problems (everyone’s favorite!). There will be a quiz on Thursday covering sections 3.1-3.3.
ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim
LITERATURE: Short Story Test 10/4 - Test will cover short story elements and the short stories: "Dragon, Dragon", "Zlateh the Goat", "Thank You Ma'am", "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", and "The Fun They Had". The Study Guide is attached in Google Classroom.
GRAMMAR: Proofreading Packet Test 10/2 - The test will cover the skills we've learned in the proofreading packet. Work in IXL on the following skills: Sentences, fragments, and run-ons; Subject-verb agreement; Contractions; Punctuation; Capitalization; Formatting. Also review the packet sheets we have completed.
VOCABULARY: List 4 will be distributed 10/10; the quiz will be 10/17.
WRITING: We have begun writing short stories, beginning with a brainstorming guide that is due 10/4. The final draft of the story will be due 10/31.
Reading Log: Reading for the reading log begins for Trimester One has begun. As stated in the syllabus, all middle school students are required to read 360 minutes during the course of the trimester - reading that is outside of their regular assignments. They have a form on which to keep track of their minutes, and on Mondays in class I post their minutes in a spreadsheet. They need to obtain a parent signature to verify the minutes read. This counts as a project grade. The grading scale is written in the syllabus. This year students will be reading for 20 minutes on Wednesday during a silent reading time. This time counts for their reading log if they get their form signed by the proctor. Reading log minutes for 6th grade are due Friday, October 26th.
Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
We finished up Chapter 12, Lesson 1 Earth’s Atmosphere. We will have a quiz on that section Wednesday, October 3rd. We will continue with Chapter 12 Lesson 2 (Partial review) Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere and Lesson 3 Air Climates Next week. The goal is to complete Weather (Chapter 13-Lesson 2 and 3) before the trimester Exam. Unit Test on Chapter 12 will be the Week of October 9th.
Ancient Civ - Mr. O’Hayer
We finished our week with a Quiz on Friday covering Ch. 3 Lessons 2 and 3. Monday we will tackle Lesson 4: Daily Life in Sumer. HW will include outlining the lesson and completing the Reading Checks in the Lesson. Tuesday we will finish Lesson 4 and move on to Lesson 5- The First Empires. Students will Outline the lesson with focus on Vocabulary and Reading Check Questions. No Quiz this week. We will have our Chapter 3 Test on Friday, October 12th covering Lessons 2-5. We will spend extra time reviewing since the test will cover 4 lessons. Review will take place Wednesday after we finish our lesson and Thursday.
Spanish - Ms. Dubick
The students will have a quiz on Wednesday October 1st on numbers, Uruguayan culture and cuisine and the differences in terminology when referring to Latinos, Hispanics, Spanish and Indigenous people. Please ask your children about these differences, and about what people eat in Uruguay! I know they’d love to share what they’re learning with you.
Their test will be on Oct. 11.
I will be out of the country the week of October 15, the wonderful Libby Blake will be subbing.
Art - Mrs. Cookson
“To create one’s own world takes courage.” - Georgia O’Keeffe
Always flexible and fluid in the art room, we are plugging away at our challenges.
8th: We ended up doing complementary color portraits due to a shortened class period. This week we will continue color blending on Graffiti Names.
7th: Will begin preliminary designs for Hobbit Houses.
6th: We will catch up due to shortened class period and work on the Collaborative, Imaginative drawing and watercolor exploration
“Bounce Back From Cancer Bracelets!”
Get your bounce back from cancer bracelets! Contact Feriby McCorkle, Lilly Gayle Helton, Anna Creel, Finley Borak, Phoebe Lynch or Mary Blake Mims to purchase one. We need your help and donation! All proceeds go to CURE! Every purchase changes a child’s world! Prices: diagonal 6 string $2, chevron 4 string $2, knotted braid $1, chinese staircase $1, half and half knot $1.
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