October 8th - October 12th


Monday, October 8th is an all school holiday and Tuesday, October 9th is a Teacher In-Service Day.  Students should return to school on Wednesday, October 10.

SCHOOL PICTURES Student picture proofs were handed out Thursday, October 4. Please remember to return to the office with your choice of pose and payment by October 11. Picture re-take day will be October 16.

Our 8th grade students have been invited to visit Savannah Country Day School.  Students who choose to visit need to be dropped off and picked up by parents on this day.  

Our 8th grade students have been invited to visit BC and St. Vincent’s.  Students who choose to visit need to be dropped off and picked up by parents at the respective schools.  Generally, the visits go from 8:30 or 9:00 to noon. Students eat lunch as part of the visitation. There are no 8th grade MORNING classes at HDS on that morning. Click HERE to view the BC invitation.  Click HERE to view the SVA invitation.

On Thursday October 4, an email was sent to 8th grade families with a letter explaining the high school admissions process.  Click HERE to view the information.

Click here for information regarding ordering an 8th grade ad in the yearbook.  Last day to order these will be November 6, 2018.

On September 25 we had an informational session about the upcoming 8th grade trip to Washington.  If you were not able to attend the session, the important documents we discussed can be found HERE.  The times for the two full days in DC can not be finalized until we receive confirmation about our tours of the White House, Pentagon, and the Capitol.  We will have a follow up meeting with trip specifics in late January or early February. Please remember to send in your deposit by October 12th.

Student-Centered Conferences
Students have already begun preparing a portfolio of their academic goals, challenges, and successes to share with parents during the student-centered conferences on October 18th.  Please remember that these conferences are designed to be an opportunity for parents to meet with their child and his/her advisor.  Yesterday you should have received information about signing up for your conference time through PTC Wizard.  
Because our middle school teachers see approximately seventy students daily, it is not possible for parents to meet with teachers other than their child’s advisor during the designated conference day.  If you would like to meet with a teacher other than your child’s advisor, please schedule a meeting on a different day by contacting the teacher directly.


Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.

The Village Library on Skidaway Island welcomes middle school volunteers to help with their upcoming Fall Festival on Saturday, October 27th from 10am-2pm.  Volunteers will be helping with face and pumpkin painting. Interested students should contact Bill Flammer at cwflammer@comcast.net.

Wilmington Island Farmers Market is looking for student and adult volunteers to assist on Saturdays from 8:00am to 1:30pm September through December at Islands High School.  Volunteers may view more information and sign up for shifts on their website.

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Upcoming packing dates are October 20th, November 17th, and December 15th. Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes.  Contact Bryce Seuntjens at bryce@helpendhunger.org for more information.


This week students have been using advisory and guidance time to discuss the goal-setting process and begin formulating SMART goals for the year.  You will hear more about your child’s SMART goals during the student-centered conferences on October 18th.

This month we are exploring cooperation as our virtue of the month. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Ms. Pedrick at apedrick@hancockdayschool.org


Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, students will continue in Chapter 3 by solving equations with variables on both sides, as well as solving ratios and proportions.  During the week of October 15th, students will be working on a recipe proportion project. Go ahead and start looking for a recipe (dessert, entree, appetizer, etc) that contains at least 8 ingredients.  Make sure it is a recipe that students would want to make (there just might be an extra credit opportunity!) The challenge problem that was distributed on Monday, October 1st will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will complete the second half of Chapter 10 by having a day of review on Wednesday and the Chapter 10.4-10.7 test on Thursday.  We will then begin Chapter 11 by learning about graphing square root functions and finding their domain and range (11.1).

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 4 by learning how to apply congruence in triangles and proving theorems about congruence of triangles (4.2) and prove triangles are congruent by Side-Side-Side (4.3).  There will be a short quiz on Friday covering sections 4.1-4.2.

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
The 8th graders are adding to their knowledge of atoms, ions, isotopes and compounds as they learn about the Periodic Table of Elements.  We have discussed and simulated how it is set up, focusing on the main groups of metals, nonmetals and metalloids. They have also investigated which elements are found in our foods and bodies, by looking at the elements found in a variety of cereals.  (See photos below.) The students will have a short list of elements and compounds to memorize and will begin an in-class project on elements next week. (It will count as one test and one classwork grade.) Our next quiz will be on Friday, 10/12.





English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students are reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The reading schedule is posted in GC and has been handed out to students. Students will be engaging in discussion on identity, social issues, characterization, setting, etc. There will be a test on Chapters 1-14 on 10/11; this is an excellent opportunity for students to bring up their averages. In order to do well on ELA assessments, including homework checks/warm ups, students must be reading and annotating.

Students will be starting a character analysis essay on 10/12 which will be due on 10/24 (more details to come).

The final test for T1 will be on 10/25 and it will be a final novel test over To Kill a Mockingbird. This test will cover all of the material regarding this novel (background knowledge, other readings, handouts, comprehension questions, etc.).

There are multitudes of study materials and students may come in at any time to discuss the novel. Students should be taking avid notes during discussion. There should never be a handout with nothing written on it. All handouts and activities will be used in the making of assessments.

***The key to reading successfully is annotating. Please be sure that your student is annotating with pen, pencils, highlighters, stick-notes, etc. Annotation will allow the students to interact with their texts and be able to purposefully pick out characters, conflicts, literary devices, etc. ***
Mattie Lynch annotates with post it notes! This is a great way for students to organize their notes!

Grammar & Vocab: Students will be working on Unit 9 Ex. The date for the Unit 9 Vocab Quiz is TBA.

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
This week in American History we will begin our Industrial Revolution Unit. Readings and homework will come from Chapter 17.1 & 4. Discussion will center around resources in the West and how they set up an industrial boom in the Northeast. Topics include the Comstock Lode, railroads, and boomtowns. Looking ahead, students will have a short quiz on Chapter 17.1 & 4 on Tuesday, October 16th and test on the Industrial Revolution on Friday, October 19th.
Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class the 8th grade will continue working with the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 2A. We will read about how students in other countries get ready for special events, their preferences in attire, and traditional clothing. Students will also discuss the importance of Teatro Colón.


Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra, students will continue in Chapter 3 by solving equations with variables on both sides, as well as solving ratios and proportions.  During the week of October 15th, students will be working on a recipe proportion project. Go ahead and start looking for a recipe (dessert, entree, appetizer, etc) that contains at least 8 ingredients.  Make sure it is a recipe that students would want to make (there just might be an extra credit opportunity!) The challenge problem that was distributed on Monday, October 1st will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 3 by learning how to solve one and two-step inequalities (3.4-3.5) as well as multi-step inequalities (3.6).  There will be a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
This week in American History we will continue our discussion of the first American colonies. Readings and notes will come from Chapter 3.1-4. We will have a quiz over Chapter 3.1 A & B on Thursday, October 11th. Looking ahead we will have our final test of the trimester on Wednesday, October 17th.

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class the 7th grade will learn about the present progressive tense and affirmative commands through a series of speaking and listening activities. Using the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 6B, students will present their own versions of the fairytale Cinderella. Toward the end of the week we will discuss Día de los Muertos, a popular holiday in the Spanish-speaking community.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Students have completed The Hobbit! Yay! They should be so proud of themselves. Their book club folders and journal entries will serve as a study guide for their assessment on October 12th. This assessment will cover the novel in its entirety, background knowledge, indirect and direct characterization, the Hero’s Journey, etc.
Students turned in their light vs dark essays this week! They did such a great job with this writing process; I am excited to see how they grow as writers in the year to come.
Students will finishing their “Hero’s Journey” board game that persuades the player of the characteristics of a hero. The player will want to be a hero like Bilbo. Students will work in class on this project/presentation. Students will be able to play each game as a part of their test review.

Students are hard at work creating their Board Games!! :)

Vocabulary and Grammar lessons will begin this week. Students will be completing Unit 3 Vocab Ex. The Unit 3 Vocab Quiz is TBA. In regards to grammar, students will continue their work on phrases (prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, etc.). There will be a test on 10/17 over the material.
Students will be starting their book clubs on the Dystopian Universe on 10/16. Students will choose their novels and their reading schedule the week prior.

Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
The students have done a wonderful job on their cell storybooks!  The variety was great, including coloring books, informational books, rhyming books, tours of the cell and mysteries. We were also able to go visit the 3rd graders to share our books with them. Everyone had a great time. Then we started our next unit on the circulatory system by observing the changes in our pulse during rest and exercise.  (See the pictures below.) The focus so far has been on our heart and the flow of blood throughout our body. Next week we will continue with our discussion and include more information about our blood and its’ importance transporting oxygen, nutrients and waste. There will be a short quiz on Thursday, October 11th.







Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Accelerated Math 7, students will continue in Chapter 3 by creating and analyzing sets of data using stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, and box-and-whisker plots. The challenge problem that was distributed on Monday, October 1st will be due on Wednesday, October 10th.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue Chapter 3 by learning how to solve one and two-step inequalities (3.4-3.5) as well as multi-step inequalities (3.6).  There will be a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.

ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim
LITERATURE: We will begin our first class novel, The Outsiders. Students will respond to the text in a journal (per chapter) and will take open-book comprehension quizzes after every few chapters. The unit will culminate in an essay project and unit test.

GRAMMAR: We will review writing dialogue to assist with our short story assignment.

VOCABULARY: List 4 will be distributed 10/10; the quiz will be 10/17.

WRITING: We will continue writing short stories. The rough draft is due 10/19, and the final draft of the story will be due 10/25 (note change because of exam prep). In class we will focus on writing figurative language which will be used in the short story.

Reading Log: As stated in the syllabus, all middle school students are required to read 360 minutes during the course of the trimester - reading that is outside of their regular assignments. They have a form on which to keep track of their minutes, and on Mondays in class I post their minutes in a spreadsheet. They need to obtain a parent signature to verify the minutes read. This counts as a project grade. The grading scale is written in the syllabus. This year students will be reading for 20 minutes on Wednesday during a silent reading time. This time counts for their reading log if they get their form signed by the proctor. Reading log minutes for 6th grade are due Friday, October 26th.

Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
Very Short week. Students will read pages 421-430 and continue in their workbooks pages 195-203. Guided notes through the end should be complete as well. All is due by 10/10. We will have a lot to check when they return. The reading has to do with the Heat Transfer Book they did so this amount of work won’t be difficult. We will have a Unit Test Chapter 12 Wednesday Oct. 17.

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
Short week coming up- fall break the 8th and 9th. Wednesday we will finish up Lesson 5- The First Empire.  Wednesday and Thursday we will spend time reviewing for our Chapter 3 test which is on Friday the 12th. The test will cover Lessons 2-5. As you can see this test will cover more lessons than previous chapters. I will have a study guide to help the students study. Also, if time permits we will begin our Citizenship Lesson which covers Equal Justice. This is important as we will relate this lesson to Hammurabi and his Code of Laws. Coming up- we will have a small research project coming up exploring the life and influence of Hammurabi. Details to come.

Spanish - Ms. Dubick
The students will have a test on Thursday October 11th.  It will cover personal pronouns, questions, numbers, the hispanic history of Western America, Uruguayan culture and the differences in terminology when referring to Latinos, Hispanics, Spanish and Indigenous people.  
Please ask your children about these differences, and about what people eat in Uruguay!  I know they’d love to share what they’re learning with you.

Additionally, there is now a behavior/participation grade in the classwork/homework section in Renweb.  This is to further encourage students to follow classroom rules and participate in class activities and discussions.  This also enforces consequences for distracting behavior that does not merit a demerit but is still detrimental to the learning environment.  All students start with a 100 grade, which is theirs to keep or lose.

I will be out of the country the week of October 15, the wonderful Libby Blake will be subbing.  If you were hoping to meet with me during the student led fall conferences on the 18th, please reach out to me so we can schedule a different time to meet, either before or after school (after I return on October 23rd).

Art - Mrs. Cookson
“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.” - Alberto Giacometti
It will be a quiet week in the art room
8th: Will learn about architectural elements with Toppling Towers
7th: No class due to Columbus Day
6th: Will continue to work on Collaborative, Imaginative drawings


“Bounce Back From Cancer Bracelets!”
Get your bounce back from cancer bracelets!  Contact Feriby McCorkle, Lilly Gayle Helton, Anna Creel, Finley Borak, Phoebe Lynch or Mary Blake Mims to purchase one.  We need your help and donation! All proceeds go to CURE! Every purchase changes a child’s world! Prices: diagonal 6 string $2, chevron 4 string $2, knotted braid $1, chinese staircase $1, half and half knot $1.
