March 25th - March 29th

In response to the growing concern about the emergence and prevalence of e-smoking, we will be offering two information sessions in March as part of our series. The presentations are being coordinated by our nurses in conjunction with the Georgia Healthy Family Alliance.  There will be a student assembly for grades 6-8 during the school day followed by a presentation for parents at 6:00. If you would prefer your child to not attend the assembly during the school day, please sign THIS FORM and return to Mrs. Mannarino in MS office by 3/27. SPRING SPORTS TEAM PICTURES On Wednesday March 27th, we will be taking spring sports team pictures in the Hancock gym. No individual pictures will be offered. Students should remember to bring their uniforms for the pictures. SPRING PICTURES InFocus will be on campus to take Spring Pictures on April 2nd. Completing this form is required in order to have your child's picture taken. There is a free choice dress for picture day only if you have completed this form. Otherwise, your child must come in their HDS uniform (or PE uniform if it is a PE day).

The Hancock Day School 8th grade graduation will be on Thursday, May 23rd.  Per HDS tradition, we will have a slideshow presentation of our 8th grade students during reception.  Please submit FIVE pictures of your choice to Mrs. Mannarino ASAP. (  **These pictures are separate from the baby picture you submitted for the yearbook**

Parents:  Please help us plan for the future by completing the 2019-2020 Athletic Interest Survey Form.  To accurately predict our Athletic needs for 2019-20, we need responses from all parents of prospective student-athletes in grades 5th-8th.

Click HERE for more information.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.

The President's Volunteer Service Award  In the 8th grade, students who complete hours beyond the basic Hancock Day School requirement are recognized at the annual Middle School Honors Assembly. Eligibility for an award is separated in three levels:  Bronze: 50 - 74 hours, Silver: 75 - 99 hours, Gold: 100 + hours. To qualify for this award your hours are due to Mrs. Mannarino by April 1st so they may be submitted to the President for review.

The March of Dimes Shamrock Run benefits the mission of the March of Dimes to improve the health of babies.  Students can earn a community service hour for participating in the 5K or kids run event on the evening of Friday, March 8th.  Registration information can be found here.

The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions.  The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless.  For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at for more information.

This month we are exploring empathy as our virtue of the month. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Ms. Pedrick at

Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
This week we will jump right back into reality and start Chapter 8. We will begin by applying exponent properties involving products and quotients. On Thursday, students will have a brief quiz over the first 2 sections. On Friday, we will be learning how to define and use zero and negative exponents.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
This week, we will complete Chapter 9 and finding the surface area and volume of solid figures.  Students will discover how to find the volume of prisms and cylinders (9.4), pyramids and cones (9.5), and how to find the surface area and volume of spheres (9.6).  There will be a day of review on Thursday and the Chapter 9 test on Friday.

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week, we will complete Chapter 10 and our exploration of circles by learning how to graph circles on a coordinate plane (10.7).  We will have a day of review on Tuesday and the Chapter 10 test on Wednesday. We will then start Chapter 11 by reviewing how to find the area of various quadrilaterals including squares, rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms (11.1), as well as trapezoids and kites (11.2).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
Welcome back from Spring Break!  We are now ready to finish up our school year all rested and full of energy to learn SCIENCE!  The eighth graders also spent an exciting week visiting Washington D.C. They probably found at least 20 or 30 examples of different ways to describe science during their trip as they visited various sites and learned about our Nation's’ capital.  If each student will list and briefly (but clearly) explain 15 of these different examples, using correct science vocabulary, they will earn a 100 homework grade for science. This is an OPTIONAL assignment and needs to be turned in by Friday, March 29th by the end of the day. On Friday 3/8, students participated in a sound lab and below are photos showing students creating and compared different pitches in glass bottles and making musical flutes out of straws.   After the Spring Break holidays, we will continue with sound and discuss sonic booms, sound resonance and create a wave/ sound booklet. We will also have another quiz on Friday, 3/29 and our March Science in Comics will also be due this same day.

English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students will begin their Holocaust Unit by reading Night by Elie Wiesel.

ELA Unit Project: Students will be engaging in a four-six week project where they will be competing in the Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Writing and Art Contest which is sponsored by the Jewish Educational Alliance of Savannah. Rubrics and Due Dates will be handed out on 3/25. A Parent Signature will be required on the Rubric by 3/28 of this week. Students will be focusing on this project throughout T3.

Reading Log: Students will have a choice between turning in a Reading Log (like T1) or a Reading Card (like T2). Either one will be due on 5/14/19. This is a project grade.

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
This week we are finishing our silent films (due Friday). We also are starting our study of World War II to coincide with ELA class and their study of Night. We will discuss the events that led to World War II and the early days for the Allies and Axis powers. Students will have readings and homework from Chapter 24.1. Looking ahead students will have a quiz on Chapter 24.1 on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. This week in Spanish the 8th grade will begin Chapter 5A. We will discuss natural disasters, newsworthy events, weather extremes, and journalism. We will also continue to use the imperfect and preterite tenses when presenting information about states of being and past events.

Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
This week we will jump right back into reality and start Chapter 8. We will begin by applying exponent properties involving products and quotients. On Thursday, students will have a brief quiz over the first 2 sections. On Friday, we will be learning how to define and use zero and negative exponents.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
This week, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning about slopes of lines (8.4), slope-intercept form of linear equations (8.5), parallel and perpendicular lines on a coordinate plane (8.5), and writing linear equations (8.6).  We will also begin our Stained Glass Project, where students use linear functions to design a unique stained glass window. There will also be a Math Facts Quiz on Thursday.

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
I hope you all had an awesome spring break. It was great to see all the students return! This week we are working on our president interview projects and starting our president madness brackets. Our interview videos will be due on Friday, March 31st. We also will have readings and homework from Chapter 8.1.

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. This week in Spanish class the 7th grade will continue working with the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 9A. We will review “gustar-type” verbs and continue working on the movie assignment.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students will begin their final theme for the year: Sportsmanship. Students will have a choice to read ONE of the following novels:

Tangerine by Edward Bloor
Ghost by Jason Reynolds
A Little Piece of Ground by Elizabeth Laird
The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

Grammar: We will continue our learning of intransitive and transitive verbs, and who vs whom, and which vs that. There will be a quiz in the upcoming weeks, TBA.

Vocabulary: We have begun Unit 8; there will be a quiz on 4/16. We will finish out the year with Unit 9 & 10.

Reading Log: Students will have a choice between turning in a Reading Log (like T1) or a Reading Card (like T2). Either one will be due on 5/14/19. This is a project grade.

Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
Welcome back from Spring Break!  We are now ready to finish up our school year all rested and full of energy to learn SCIENCE!  The seventh graders have worked really hard learning about all the invertebrate animal phyla. Our last week before spring break included our second invertebrate lab, highlighting the annelids (segmented worms), mollusks (snails, clams, octopus), arthropods (crustaceans, insects, arachnids, centipedes)  and echinoderms (sea stars, brittle stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers). See the photos below. We also had a unit test on all these animals. After the break, we will turn our attention to the vertebrates in the Phylum Chordata, beginning with the vertebrate group the Fish. After this we will continue with amphibians and participate in one of our most fun and interesting labs of the year. This two-day lab will focus on the external and internal anatomy of a frog.  Our March Science in Comics is due Friday, 3/29 and we will have a quiz on the chordates, fish and amphibians on Friday, April 5th.

Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon
This week in Accelerated Math 7, we will jump right back into reality by continuing in Chapter 8. We will begin the week by writing and solving proportions as well as solving cross products. We will end the week by learning about scale drawings and models and even doing a real world related activity on Friday.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
This week, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning about slopes of lines (8.4), slope-intercept form of linear equations (8.5), parallel and perpendicular lines on a coordinate plane (8.5), and writing linear equations (8.6).  We will also begin our Stained Glass Project, where students use linear functions to design a unique stained glass window. There will also be a Math Facts Quiz on Thursday.

ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim

Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
Oceans! Ask your little Einsteins about the 28,000 Ducks lost at sea known as the “friendly floaters”, ocean garbage patches, and gyres. They are now relating the weather unit to the Ocean Unit.  Love seeing the connections. We will be having quiz on waves and currents Wednesday, 3/13. Next up, tides and ocean topography.

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing spring break. We have a lot to cover this week. While I was in DC students covered Ch. 9 through a variety of assignments and assessments. We will spend this week going back over that work and covering in more detail the chapter. The Chapter test will be Friday, the 29th. It will only cover Lessons 1 and 2. Outlines are due Friday as well- Lessons 1 and 2.

Spanish - Ms. Dubick
To ease back into Spanish after a luxurious Spring Break, the 6th graders will be learning/reviewing family vocab and personality descriptive words.  They will then use their family vocab with physical, personality and feeling descriptions (using ser, estar and tener) to do a family tree.
They will also be learning about Latino Americans in the military.
Whenever you and your family have time, it would be wonderful for the students to have photo printouts of at least 5 members of their families.  We will start on family trees April 1.

Art - Mrs. Cookson
“Nature is not only all that is visible to the also includes the inner pictures of the soul.” - Edvard Munch
8th: Will have an introduction to Pointillism and begin image research and sketches
7th: Will wrap up their Surrealist animal melds
6th: Will continue on building layers for their wet felting

Craft Club-Week of March 11th
This week our Craft Club used kitchen ingredients to create play-dough.

