April 15th - April 19th

On Monday, April 8th, the 8th grade students received their graduation packets, which included 10 invitations and documents with important dates/details.  CLICK HERE for the information.

Beginning next Wednesday, we are going to move the Wednesday lunch recess periods into the Bell Gymnasium.  This will facilitate a GREATLY upgraded recess experience. There will be access to lots of different equipment and more organized games.  The one thing everyone needs to participate is a pair of shoes suited for athletic activity (your gym shoes!). Those without proper shoes will have quiet activities in the bleachers.

To accommodate a light week in Middle School assignments and assessments to promote success on the ERB’s we will have some assessments on Monday, April 15th.

Parents:  Please help us plan for the future by completing the 2019-2020 Athletic Interest Survey Form.  To accurately predict our Athletic needs for 2019-20, we need responses from all parents of prospective student-athletes in grades 5th-8th.

On Friday April 12th, student government sponsored a “Puppy Party” to destress after ERB week.
Students participated in a variety of activities that included making dog toys and playing with pets
from the Coastal Pet Rescue.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.

The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions.  The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless.  For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or stiles@oscm.org.

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at bryce@helpendhunger.org for more information.

This month we are exploring confidence as our virtue of the month. Lunch Bunches will continue with the 6th and 7th grades with the groups listed on the door to Hancock Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Ms. Pedrick at apedrick@hancockdayschool.org

Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week, we will have 2 days of review on Monday and Tuesday and then the Chapter 8 test over exponent properties, scientific notation, and exponential growth and decay on Wednesday, April 17.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week, we will have 2 days of review on Monday and Tuesday and then the test on exponents and linear functions on Wednesday.  We will then start our next unit on solving systems of linear equations.

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week, we will complete Chapter 11 by learning about geometric probability (11.7), then having a day of review on Tuesday and the Chapter 11 test on Wednesday.  We will then begin Chapter 12 by learning about 3 dimensional solids and polyhedra (12.1).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
This week students studied the parts of our eye, how we see color and optical illusions. Our next quiz over the EM spectrum and light will be on Monday, 4/15.  Then, we will finish up our unit with mirrors and lenses and participate in a lab demonstrating these concepts. The unit test for the EM spectrum, light, color and mirrors/lens will be Thursday, 4/18 before our Easter holidays. Our next unit of study will be electricity.  The last Science in Comics for the year will be due Tuesday, 4/30 and students may complete up to two extra ones for additional homework credit.

English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students are three weeks into their Yom HaShoah Art/Writing Projects and they are about to read Part III of Night . We are having discussions that combine their reading to their real world knowledge (personal & cultural connections). There will be pop quizzes throughout this novel.

ELA Unit Project: Students will be engaging in a six week project where they will be competing in the Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Writing and Art Contest which is sponsored by the Jewish Educational Alliance of Savannah. Rubrics and Due Dates were handed out on 3/25. Students have handed in their projects, and are now focusing on their formal reports. Students should continue focusing on the journal entries for the next few weeks until the next deadline of 4/22-4/23 for the presentations and formal report. Students should have six journal entries from class time alone (so far). Students will be focusing on this project throughout T3.

Assessments: Most assessments will come from the project for T3. There will be a quiz on 4/16 over Part I & II, and a test on either 5/2 or 5/10 (These announced assessments will be over Night.).

Reading Log: Students will have a choice between turning in a Reading Log (like T1) or a Reading Card (like T2). Either one will be due on 5/14/19. This is a project grade.

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
This week students will continue their study of World War II with discussion, homework, and readings coming from Chapter 24.4. Topics of study include the closing days and battles of World War II as well as how America and the world dealt with the destruction of the war. We will also continue working on our collaborative memorial class project. Please see details on the project and veteran’s memorial event sent on 4/11/19.  

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish the 8th grade will continue to work with the vocabulary and grammar from Chapter 5A. We will be discussing current events and natural disasters in Spanish.  Students will also present their newscast. The vocabulary quiz is Tuesday, April 16th.

Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week, we will have 2 days of review on Monday and Tuesday and then the Chapter 8 test over exponent properties, scientific notation, and exponential growth and decay on Wednesday, April 17. On Thursday, students will be taking the Geometry Aptitude Test during their regularly scheduled math class.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week, we will complete Chapter 8 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 8.7-8.9 test on Tuesday.  We will then begin Chapter 9 by learning about square roots (9.1) and simplifying radical expressions (9.2).

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
This week we will continue our study of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. We will consider the impact that the Democratic-Republican party and the debate between a strong and weak executive branch. Readings and homework will come from Chapter 9.1-2. We will also have a quiz on Thursday, April 18th over Chapter 9.1-2.

Spanish - Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish the 7th grade will continue to work with the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 9B. This chapter focuses on technology and communication in the Spanish-speaking world. Students will learn the difference between the verbs saber and conocer , review some stem-changing verbs, and discuss the importance of cibercafes for travelers. The vocabulary quiz will be Tuesday, April 16th.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students are engaged in the final theme for the year: Sportsmanship. Students are reading one of the following novels:
Tangerine by Edward Bloor
Ghost by Jason Reynolds
A Little Piece of Ground by Elizabeth Laird
The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

Writing: Students will engage in a research paper which will be covering the topic of sports medicine. This paper will correspond with their book club reading.

Grammar: For the remainder of T3 students will be reviewing parts of speech, the writing of dialogue, irregular verbs, citations, comma and semicolon usage, etc.

Vocabulary: CHANGE!! Students will be engaged in Unit 8, 9 & 10 over the next four weeks. There will be a test over Units 8, 9 & 10 on May 9th.

Reading Log: Students will have a choice between turning in a Reading Log (like T1) or a Reading Card (like T2). Either one will be due on 5/14/19. This is a project grade.

Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
This week we have learned basic information about the reptiles and birds, including specific characteristics and adaptations.  Next week we look at our final group of vertebrates, the mammals. The vertebrate unit test on all five groups will be on Thursday, 4/18 before our Easter holidays. Our next unit of study will take us back to the body systems.  We will begin with the skeletal and muscular systems and in May the students will work in groups to research and present to the class information about three of the remaining systems. The last Science in Comics for the year will be due Tuesday, 4/30 and students may complete up to two extra ones for additional homework credit.

Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon
Next week, we will jump into Chapter 9 by discussing percents, fractions, and proportions. On Wednesday, we will review for the Chapter 9.1-9.2 quiz that will take place on Thursday, April 18.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week, we will complete Chapter 8 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 8.7-8.9 test on Tuesday.  We will then begin Chapter 9 by learning about square roots (9.1) and simplifying radical expressions (9.2).

ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim
LITERATURE: Begin reading The Diary of Anne Frank (play version)

VOCABULARY: List 10 Greek/Latin and 7 SAT words was distributed. Quiz on 4/18. Students may write sentences with the 7 SAT words for up to 3 bonus points. They are due on 4/16.

GRAMMAR: Pronouns! We will continue learning about and practicing eight types of pronouns. There will be a quiz on 4/16.

Students will be given a choice. They may choose to keep a Reading Log for 360 minutes as they did 1st trimester or create a card as they did 2nd trimester over one book. They must inform me by 2/22 of their choice, and that choice is final. They may not switch between the two midway through the trimester.
Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
Students will be finishing up their project where they are drawing a scale model of the solar system based off of the original diameters of the Sun and the planets as well as the actual distance each planet is from the sun and scaling it down to inches using scientific notation.  This is to be done in the class only. We will continue with solar system passages. Stay tuned for pics of the scaled down solar system.

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
With ERB taking up most of this week we have moved some assessments until next week. We started Chapter 12- The Early Romans. So far we have discussed the founding of Rome. Next week we will dive deeper into the Roman Republic and analyze and describe the features and development of the Republic. We will have a Quiz on Lessons 1 and 2 on Tuesday the 6th. Our Chapter test will come the following week and will cover Lessons 1-4. Outlines will be due the day of the test. Date TBA.

Spanish - Ms. Dubick
The 6th graders will be finishing their family tree project next week!
The project is due Tuesday April 16th though many students may finish early.

After sharing their family trees we will jump into prepositions while continuing to work with the personality descriptions.  They will have a quiz the following week on the 24th.

Art - Mrs. Cookson
“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting.” - Vincent Van Gogh
8th: Continue to work on Pointillism
7th: Will begin Faux Stained Glass in conjunction with Math
6th: Continue to work on Wet Felting
