May 20th - May 24th

8:30 - 10:00
Honors Assembly in W. Bell Gymnasium
10:00 - 11:00
Spring Sports Assembly
8:30 - 12:00
3rd Trimester Exams
8:30 - 12:00
3rd Trimester Exams
12:15 - 1:15
8th Grade Graduation Practice at IOHUMC
7:00 - 9:00
Middle School Dance in Hancock Hall
10:00 - 2:00
Middle School Field Day at Villa Marie Center
6:30 - 7:30
8th Grade Graduation at IOHUMC

First day of Summer Vacation for Middle School!

Monday, May 20th - Honors and Springs Sports Assembly in the William Bell Gymnasium
Our Honors Assembly (8:30am-10:00am) and Spring Sports Assembly (10:00am-11:00am) will be held in the gym.  To accommodate both events, we will not be having a reception. Students should be in school uniform on this day (NO gym uniforms).
Tuesday, May 21st and Wednesday, May 22nd - 3rd Trimester Examinations
The exams will begin promptly at 8:30am.  Dismissal will be at 12:00pm. No Middle School Extended will be available either day.
***Wednesday, May 22nd - 8th Grade Graduation Practice at IOHUMC
Graduation practice for 8th grade students will be immediately after exams on Wednesday.  Students should meet Mr. Crawford and Mrs. Mannarino in front of the Sanctuary at 12:15pm.  Pick up will be at 1:15pm. Parents are responsible for providing transportation.
Wednesday, May 22nd - Middle School Dance in Hancock Hall
Middle School students are invited to attend our last dance of the year from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Thursday, May 23rd - Middle School Field Day at Villa Marie Center
Drop off your child at Villa Marie Center (address:  6 Dolan Dr, Savannah, GA 31406) between 9:45am-10:00am. Pick up from Villa Marie will be between 1:45pm-2:00pm.  Each student will need to bring a refillable water bottle. There is no Middle School extended.
***Thursday, May 23rd - Middle School Graduation at IOHUMC
Graduates should arrive by 5:15pm for pictures in front of the Sanctuary.  Graduation will begin at 6:30pm. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the church, which should be completed no later than 8:00pm.

BC is holding a robotics camp this summer for all rising 5th-10th grade boys and girls.  Click HERE for more information.

SVA will be offering a study skills summer course June 3 - 6, 2019.  Click HERE for more information.

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
We are finishing up our year in physical science with information on magnets and how they relate to electricity and also reviewing for exams.  The eighth graders participated in a magnet lab to learn how various materials affect the way magnets work and also to make temporary magnets. (See the photos below.) Next week on Tuesday, 5/21 at 8:30am is the third trimester science exam for eighth grade.  It will cover all of the topics this marking period: waves, sound, EM spectrum, light, electricity and magnetism.
Also, a big thank you to Mr. Schwalbe and Ms. Sheahan from BC who brought and demonstrated their student-built robot as they visited to share information about their Robotics Club and upcoming Robotics Summer Camp.  This school year their high school team designed a built a robot they called Space Cadet and entered him in the FRC (First Robotics) competition against many other schools in our region. Robotics is a great tie-in with our electricity/ magnetism unit and I appreciate these two teachers taking their time, especially during their busy exam schedule, to talk with the eighth graders.
In closing, it has been so great working with this group of students during these last two years.  I wish them all the best in high school and beyond. Hopefully, they will take all they have learned to become the best student and person they can possibly be.  And always remember...SCIENCE IS EVERYWHERE!! :)

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. English
Wow, the year is wrapping up! This week we have our final exam! You will want to review the topic guide that we work on in class. I will accept the topic guides at the exam for four homework assignments (one per page of the topic guide). It’s been a great two years with you all and I’m excited to see what the future holds for you!  

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. English
We are wrapping up our year with our summative assessment projects (due Tuesday at 8:30). We will present our findings to friends and family in a research fair style in Hancock Hall (Tuesday, May 21, 2019 8:30-10:00). Please come in and see what we’ve done. Looking forward to it!

Life Science - Ms. Hoffman
This has been a week of 7th grade TEACHERS!  From Monday through Thursday, small groups of students “taught” lessons on four different body systems: digestive, respiratory, nervous and the five senses. Each group used a list of background questions to create google slides, review handouts, activities and study guides that they used to present/ explain the information to the other students in their class.  As the lessons are presented, the other students took notes from the slides, completed a review handout/ worksheet, participated in an activity/ game and were given a study guide to help learn the information. The activities the different groups organized and presented included measuring the length of our digestive system, utilizing a touch box, taking a right/ left brain survey, watching the response of our eye pupils, comparing respiration rates for resting/ exercising, playing a review question/ answer game, completing crosswords, testing reflexes and playing a 4 corners review game. (See the photos below.) All of the students did a FABULOUS job!!
Each student should already know the information from their assigned topic from creating their own lesson and on Monday, 5/13, they received the focus review questions and, the previous week, all the sections in the book covering all of the group topics to begin studying for their final science exam. On Friday 5/17, we worked on a short study guide for the skeletal and muscular systems and went over questions about all the student-led lessons. We will continue our review on Monday, May 23rd reinforcing all of this information. Our seventh grade third trimester exam will be on Wednesday, May 22nd at 8:30am and will only cover topics from the second half of this trimester.   These topics will be the following body systems: skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory, nervous and the five senses.

Earth Science - Mrs. Taylor
Students will have a chance to have a 30 min review with me Monday.

Spanish - Ms. Dubick
We will review for their exam on Monday and their exam will be on Tuesday May 21st.
I am very proud of how these students have done this year!

Art - Mrs. Cookson
Have a great summer!!
