September 30th - October 4th

Please click HERE for more information.

Dorian marked the third year in a row that Savannah life has been disrupted by a hurricane.  At the Middle School level we feel it is important to capture the lost instructional time. To do this we are cancelling the T1 exams scheduled for October 29th and 30th.  Those dates will now be FULL DAYS.  This is the same process we followed last year with Irma.  A new exam schedule for T2 and T3 will be posted at a later date.

This year our 8th grade students have independent time from 12:30 - 1:30 each day.  Students can choose to spend the time eating, studying, at recess or just relaxing. Each month the class is divided into 4 groups.  Each week on Thursday one group can choose to do an alternative activity. Mr. Crawford is discussing with the class what those activities might be.  Current ideas include going off campus for lunch or off campus for ice cream. Each week, the group going off campus will make the decision. They may also elect to do nothing special.  Click HERE for the parental release form to grant your student permission to participate.


Talent Show Audition Sign Ups: Please complete with a parent at your side. Students must audition for the show during one of the time slots listed. Students who do not audition will not be considered for the show. Sign Ups will close on October 4th. Once sign-ups have closed, parents will receive an email with the Talent Show Contract and the time slot available for their child. Students must bring the signed contract to the audition. We will only be accepting 15 acts for this year's performance.


Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.

** NEW ** HDS Extended Day Care needs volunteers to help out after school.  We are currently limiting this opportunity to 8th graders, with a possibility of opening it up to 6th and 7th graders later on.  If a student is interested in earning some community service hours, they will need to sign up a week in advance using THIS LINK.  Please contact Mrs. Mannarino with any questions.

The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions.  The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless.  For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at for more information.

As we enter the month of October, the Virtue of the Month is Cooperation.  Working together involves multiple skills, with negotiation often being one of the most challenging for middle school students.  In “Lunch Bunch” we will be working to identify the roles of group members and what makes up an effective group. We will also talk through some of the challenges that groups run into.

-Allison Maher, School Counselor

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will continue our study of Properties of Real Numbers. Students will continue to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers. We will have a quiz at the end of the week to help us track our progress.

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will complete Chapter 3 by learning how to find the distance between a point and a line (3.6).  We will have a day of review on Wednesday and the Chapter 3 test on Thursday. We will then begin Chapter 4 by learning about triangles and their various properties (4.1).

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will complete Chapter 10 by practicing using the quadratic formula (10.6) and learning about the discriminant and how it is used (10.7).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
 We have started learning about the Periodic Table of the Elements, including how it is organized, comparing Metals, Non-Metals and Metalloids and discussing which elements are useful and necessary for our bodies.  We looked at nutrient facts on cereal boxes to see what essential metals and other elements are in some of our food. We will have a quiz over the periodic table information on Tuesday, 10/1. Next week we will also begin an in-class project to learn about one particular element as we create an HDS mini-periodic table for the first 42 elements.  Don’t forget that the September Science Choice Board is due Monday, 9/30/19.   
 Log books will be checked next Wednesday 10/2 for notes students are starting to take for their background information about their project topic. We spent the class period on Monday, 9/23 deciding which things to research and used the computers to begin this process.  They will be continuing this research on their own to include in their rough draft due Wednesday, 10/16 and in the actual formal report due in December. I will also be looking for materials and procedures during our 10/2 log book check for those students who failed to include this information for the last log book check two weeks ago. (Please note:  If chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials are to be utilized there will be an additional form(s) to be completed and I will notify each student who needs this completed before they begin their experiment or project construction.) And, limited lab equipment is also available for students to borrow from the school.  
Remember, the log book should also contain all their thoughts, ideas and information about their projects and each page is numbered and dated.  Below is the list of all the due dates for our project. I am available for specific project questions by email, during the 8th grade independant time 1 - 1:30pm each day and  each morning (especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 7:30am until 8am.  

Science Fair Project Dates
(* Indicate Homework Grades)

Monday                       8/26/19                        Science Fair Packets Home
Friday                           8/30/19                        *Signed Science Fair Proposal Form AND Parent
   Approval Form (1B) Due

Wednesday                9/4/19                          *Log Book Check/ Science Fair Topic and
   Question or Problem Due

Wednesday                9/18/19                        *Log Book Check with detailed Science Fair
                                                                               Materials and Procedures Due

Wednesday                10/02/19                     *Log Book Check with Research Notes Due

Wednesday                10/16/19                     *Rough Draft of Background Information Due
                                                                               (email or share document)

Wednesday                10/23/19                     *Log Book Check with Updates/ Revisions Due

Wednesday                11/6/19                        *Final Draft of Background Information Due
                                                                               (email or share document)

Wednesday                11/20/19                     *Log Book Check with Data/ Results OR
   Prototype/Solution Due

Wednesday                12/4/19                        *Log Book Check/ Updated Results or Solution AND
                                                                               Sketch of Triptych
 Completed Formal Report (printed) Due

Wednesday                12/11/19                     All Completed Projects Due
(Triptych, Log Book and completed Abstract Form)
            Complete abstract on-line or use form in the packet 
                                                                     Project presentations will also occur this week

English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Students will be embarking on their reading of To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM). This novel will address some hard-hitting issues, so look forward to some engaging dinner conversations! I have sent out a reading schedule with your students, but it can also be found in the TKAM Topic in GC. Students should be on Chapter 14 by the end of this week. The majority of their reading should be completed at home and during their free time. In class we will be interacting with activities based on this reading. Students have read an excerpt from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou and “Brown v. Board of Education” by Walter Dean Myers. Students will be using this reading to intertwine with their reading of TKAM. 

IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOUR CHILD STAY ON TRACK WITH THEIR READING SCHEDULE. If students are not keeping up with the reading, then they will not be able to participate in projects, discussions, and activities. I am always in my room by 7:45 am if your child wants to hop on my couch or comfy chair and read for 15-20 minutes!! :)

TKAM Assessments
Ch. 1-8 Quiz 10/1
Ch. 1-14 Test 10/8

All class materials have been scanned into GC for students to use as study aids. :)

We will be engaging in Units 13 & 14 on for the next few weeks; the quiz will be on 10/16. 

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. Robinson
Next week in American History and Government Part II, we will really be diving into our unit on Reconstruction. Students will start to explore how the country worked to rebuild after such a decisive war. We will also explore the fall out of the Civil War and learn about particular people who fought for change in this new America.

8th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
National Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month is in full effect. We will be learning more members of the Hispanic and Latino community that made contributions to society in several facets such as Art, Music, Science or Medicine, Literature, etc. 

Vocabulary and grammar: 
Ser and Estar with descriptions and emotions
Verb phrases with Estar. 

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will continue our study of Properties of Real Numbers. Students will continue to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers. We will have a quiz at the end of the week to help us track our progress.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 3 by practicing solving two-step equations (3.1), learning how to solve multi-step equations (3.2), and learning how to solve equations with variables on both sides of the equation (3.3).  There will be Math Facts Quiz #2 on Tuesday.

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. Robinson
Next week in American History & Government Part I, we will continue our study of European exploration of the Americas. Students will explore the differences between different countries' arrival in the Americas and their relationship with native people there. We will also continue to work on our major Explorer Research Project. Details of this project have been given to students and posted on Google Classroom. The first presentations (google slides & artifact) will be on October 7th. Students have some in class time to work but should be working on this project at home a little each night as well.

7th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
Hispanic Heritage Month is in full effect. We will continue to learn about notable members of society that are of Hispanic or Latino heritage. 

Vocabulary: Tener and Querer and expressions with food. 

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students will be embarking on their reading of The Hobbit. This novel is a part of the fantasy genre, so look forward to some interesting dinner conversations! I have sent out a reading schedule with your students, but it can also be found in the The Hobbit Topic in GC. Students have received their novels and should be on Chapter 7-11 by this week. The majority of their reading should be completed at home and during their free time. In class we will be interacting with activities based on this reading. 

IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOUR CHILD STAY ON TRACK WITH THEIR READING SCHEDULE. If students are not keeping up with the reading, then they will not be able to participate in projects, discussions, and activities. I am always in my room by 7:45 am if your child wants to hop on my couch or comfy chair and read for 15-20 minutes!! :)

Usually Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are Literature Days. 

Students will have a Tolkien notes/Hero’s Journey/Parts of Speech quiz on 9/26. Students will have a Chapter 1-4 Quiz on 10/1. Students will have a test on Ch. 1-11 on 10/9. 

Vocabulary: Students will begin Unit 2; the quiz is on October 4th. Students have their vocabulary workbooks; this workbook will be collected in May and used during their 8th grade year as well.

Grammar: Our grammar units will begin this week; therefore, please send your child in for morning help if needed. Also, I always post extra resources in GC such as practice sheets, IXL links, Youtube videos, etc. Grammar is a difficult concept to grasp which means your child needs to identify their learning style and use that to succeed in regards to these concepts. 

Usually Tuesdays and Thursdays are Grammar and Vocabulary Days. 

Assessments can be any day Tuesday-Friday! :)

Life Science - Mrs. DuRant
This week, we began to explore the exciting world of cells! Students began learning the structure and function of cells. They also received instructions and a rubric for a unit project in which they will make a model of a plant or animal cell. Instructions are also posted in the google classroom. Due date for this assignment is October 11.This is a project they will complete at home. Next week, we will continue to discuss the structures and functions of the cell through some engaging class mini-projects such as creating a “cell-fie” to help them review the organelles as well as a variety of other strategies to reinforce this knowledge. In lab, we will use the microscopes to compare plant and animal cells and draw conclusions based on our observations.  Students will have a quiz on Wednesday, October 2 on labeling the animal cell diagram.

Accelerated Math 7 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will continue our study of Decimal  Operations. Students will multiply, and divide decimals and learn about scientific notation. At the end of the week we will have a quiz to help us monitor our progress. 

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 3 by practicing solving two-step equations (3.1), learning how to solve multi-step equations (3.2), and learning how to solve equations with variables on both sides of the equation (3.3).  There will be Math Facts Quiz #2 on Tuesday.

ELA - Mrs. Sasser
Students will have a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday. Please make sure they are keeping up with the nightly vocabulary homework and studying the words on Quizlet. :-) Students will continue to review the elements of plot, character, setting, and conflict. They will wrap up their “All Summer in a Day” flip books begin learning the difference between mood and tone. They will read the story “The Monkey’s Paw”, still identifying those key elements of plot, but discussing the ways the author creates an overall suspenseful tone and how that in turn affects the reader’s mood. Students will create a public service announcement poster about the paw. This will be a project grade and is due Monday, October 7th.

Below is the 6th grade playing Quizlet live to review their vocabulary word

Earth Science - Mrs. Hoffman
We have started our Weather Unit this week.  We learned about the five layers of the atmosphere, their composition and what is in the air around us.  The students created simple airborne particle collectors to set up around the school. We will use microscopes to look at what we found in the different locations students chose, which included outside, hallways, Hancock Hall and some of our classrooms. (see photos below) This week we also learned about wind patterns and completed a weather scavenger hunt.  Future topics and activities over the next several weeks will include learning about the types of clouds, air pressure and weather forecasting/ patterns. They will also complete a weather log using observations and our in-class weather station. Don’t forget the September Science in Comics is due Monday, 9/30.

Earth Science - Mrs. DuRant
This week in Earth Science we completed our Heat Transfer Booklets and made an air particle collector during lab. We will continue to learn about the earth’s atmosphere including the layers and composition of the atmosphere, followed by weather and climate changes. Next week we will begin to monitor the weather station and gather data from our air particle collectors. We will also begin an in class project on storms.

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
This week brings us to the end of our studies of Mesopotamia. Our next lesson brings us to how Sumerians lived in their daily lives. We will look at the government and religious life as well as social orders and roles of the Sumerian people. Our last lesson opens the door to reveal the First Empires of the Ancient world. We will explore how these empires developed and study the accomplishments that helped build the foundations of future civilizations. Our Ch. 3 Test will be next Thursday, October 4th. This chapter test will cover lessons 2, 3, 4, and 5. (Not 1)

Spanish - Mr. Alexander
Monday we will review the test and begin introducing irregular verbs with ir,tener, hacer, and querer. We will also learn about the Spanish speaking countries and sample some music - salsa, meringue, tango, bachata.  Our new vocabulary will consist mostly of the smaller helper words in order to allow for a focus on the verbs. Quiz will be on Friday as usual.


Art - Mrs. Cookson
“I don’t say everything, but I paint everything.” - Pablo Picasso
8th: Will continue to gain an understanding of Architecture by emphasizing hidden details
7th: Will continue to work with the human form in motion through Gesture drawing
6th: Will continue to work with a partner on the Imaginative, collaborative piece
