November 18th - November 22nd

The cold is here! Students may wear personal outerwear to school and at recess. However, inside they must have clothing that conforms to their school uniform (ie. approved Lands End and Bahama Joes items and approved spirit wear). If you are in need of spirit wear, please contact Paige Rowlett in the front office. There will be NO TEAM DAYS UNTIL JANUARY; when basketball season officially begins. Ladies may wear solid black/gray/navy leggings under their skirts.

Parents and students are invited to our annual High School Fair on Wednesday, November 20th in Hancock Hall from 6:00 to 7:30pm.  Schools that will be in attendance: BC, SVA, SAS, SCDS, THS, CDS, SCPS, JHS.  

On Friday, November 22nd we will have our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day performance with the Prek-5th grade students.  The middle school will have an alternate schedule with activities. Dismissal for Prek-8th grade will be 12:00pm. There will be no Extended Day Care.

We have been noticing that some students are having difficulty fitting all of their supplies into their lockers. After extensive research, we have identified a few factors that contribute to their distress: 
  • Locker shelves that are not tall enough. We suggest shelves that are at least 12 to 12-½ inches high. This allows students to place their binders below the shelf and their books on top of the shelf, and their locker doors will close.
  • Stackable shelves also alleviate the space issue because they allow students an extra place to put lunchboxes and items other than books and binders. 
  • Locker shelves need to be no wider than 12 inches. Students will have the same locker for three years and will be allowed to leave the shelves over the summer, so the investment is good for three years. :)
I am happy to assist any student to organize his/her locker ~ Tricia Guggenheim
Below are pictures of lockers that work:

Dear Parents, as we approach the winter holidays, Hancock Day School is honored to continue the privilege of decorating the tree for the Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit at Memorial University Medical Center and providing gifts for the children there. We will be accepting gifts in the Front and Middle School Offices until December 6th
Memorial Hospital provided us with a list of suggested gifts: 
Infant play sets/ shape sorters/ blocks/ring stackers/ spinners, 
Musical light up toys, activity centers, fisher-price figures/sets
Baby teethers and rattles
Books for infants and toddlers
Wooden puzzles (from infant to early elementary ages)
Play-doh / Play-doh sets / fun craft sets
Mega/Lego Blocks for toddlers
Lego Sets for school aged kids
Action figures
Trains/trucks/cars/hot wheels
Sports balls – basketballs, playground balls, footballs
Games- board games or card games
$10 gift cards for our older kids- Target, Apple iTunes, etc.
*Please NO stuffed animals, Barbie Dolls/baby dolls, coloring books-crayons, or clothing items  *Please do NOT wrap the gifts

As always, middle school students that stay for extended should report to the appropriate classrooms to be signed-in immediately after school.  We have mandatory homework time from 3:30 to 4:00 and 4:00 to 5:30 students may choose to go to Hancock Hall for board games, outside to play, or stay in a quiet classroom to complete homework.  Student athletes staying at school until their practice/game are also required to report to extended for sign-in and work on homework. To be released for a practice/game, a parent or coach must sign the student/s out.  Click HERE to view this month’s Extended Newsletter!

We continue to quickly accumulate student clothing, lunch boxes, and water bottles… With cooler weather here, we anticipate additional miscellaneous items to find their way to our lost and found.  Please remember to label all items with first and last name so that we may return them to their owners.  Thank you in advance for your help!

THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments as well.
History/black, Science/green, ELA/blue, Spanish/red, and Math/pink.
Dates are subject to change; teachers will keep the calendar updated.


Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.

HDS Extended Day Care needs volunteers to help out after school.  We are currently limiting this opportunity to 8th graders, with a possibility of opening it up to 6th and 7th graders later on.  If a student is interested in earning some community service hours, please contact Mrs. Mannarino.

The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions.  The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless.  For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at for more information.

We are excited to launch a Kindness Club for 6th grade students!  Meetings will take place at lunch once per week and are open to any 6th grader.  The purpose will be to promote acceptance, inclusion, and positivity throughout the school.  

-Allison Maher, School Counselor

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will complete our study of Chapter 4: Graphing Linear Equations and Functions. For the week of November 18th we will check our Chapter 4 preview assessment on Monday to help prepare for the Chapter 4 test on Tuesday, November 19th. After the test on Tuesday, we will have a cumulative review of skills and concepts we have worked on this year.

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will begin Chapter 6 by learning about similar polygons and scale factor (6.1-6.3), proving triangles are similar by Angle-Angle (6.4), Side-Side-Side and Side-Angle-Side (6.5), and using proportionality theorems (6.6).  There will be a quiz covering 6.1-6.5 on Thursday.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will continue Chapter 4 by learning about the Triangle Sum Theorem (4.2), the Exterior Angle Theorem (4.2), and the Base Angles Theorem (4.3).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
The eighth graders began their week with a pendulum lab observing the changes between kinetic and potential energy and the effects that string length and washer size had on their pendulum set-up.  (See photos below) They also calculated kinetic and potential energy using the appropriate formulas and learned about the different forms of heat transfer; conduction, radiation and convection. Also see below for photos of our field trip to Savannah Tech as we learned about GIS (Global Information Systems) Day.  The students used compasses to participate in a short orienteering course, looked at transparency overlays to determined layers and symbols used while creating various maps and spoke with a number of businesses and organizations about how GIS is used in the real-world. They also received several free give-aways and were able to use some of the technology displayed in the gallery of vendors.  Thank you so very much to our parents who helped drive to and from the college. Next week we will conclude and review our mini-unit on energy and have a quiz on Tuesday, 11/ 19. We will finish up our week with an ice-cube insulation lab to illustrate heat transfer.

Science Fair:   We only have three more dates for items due for the 8th graders science fair projects, however, these include the final project itself and additional grades worth more than just homework. Our first assignment is for a log book check with all the Data and Results for the experiment (or a prototype for those designing a product) that is due 11/20/19.  This means that all experiments should be done by this time. Students should already be conducting experiments if they need several weeks of data (i.e. growing plants, building a prototype) or collecting materials to ensure they have everything they need. The remaining due dates are listed below.

*NOTE:  I am still missing some of the Risk Assessment Form to complete for the use of chemicals and/or other hazardous/ safety concerns.  These MUST be completed and turned in to me BEFORE you begin your project. 

Finally, limited lab equipment is also available for students to borrow from the school.  Parents should not be spending large amounts of money to purchase materials for this project.  Students will, however, need to be providing their own large cardboard triptych display board for their final completed project due on 12/11/19.
 I am available for specific project questions by email, during the 8th grade independant time 1 - 1:30pm each day and  each morning (especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 7:30am until 8am.  

Remaining Science Fair Project Dates
(* Indicate Homework Grades)

Wednesday                11/20/19                     *Log Book Check with Data/ Results OR
   Prototype/Solution Due

Wednesday                12/4/19                        *Log Book Check/ Updated Results or Solution AND
                                                                               Sketch of Triptych
 Completed Formal Report (printed) Due (TEST grade)

Wednesday                12/11/19                     All Completed Projects Due
This includes the Triptych (end of trimester PROJECT    
grade), Log Book (HOMEWORK grade) and completed Abstract Form--Complete abstract on-line or use form in the packet 
                                                                     Project presentations will also occur this week

English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Students have started their unit on Animal Farm by George Orwell. We will be engaging with this novel until the Winter Holiday. Our unit will focus on mob mentality, types of government systems, and the power of propaganda. Students have already been given notes, and they should begin studying the terms in order to better their comprehension of the material. I have posted an immense amount of material in GC already; most of it will be printed out by me and completed in class. The reading will be broken up into two sections: Chapters 1-5 and 6-10. We will not be discussing Chapters 6-10 until after the Thanksgiving Holiday; therefore, if students are behind, this would be a good time to catch up. 

Quiz: Animal Farm Quiz 12/5, Animal Farm Test 12/13.

Students will engage with Units 13-14, and the vocabulary chosen from the novel. 

Students are learning about the Russian Revolution in order to fully relate it back to their reading of Animal Farm. We have been discussing the meaning of allegory, and why it is critical to this novel to understand both the literal and figurative. 

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. Robinson
Next week in American History and Government Part II, we will be continuing our unit on the Industrialization of America. Next week we will be switching gears from Western Industrialization to Eastern Industrialization. Students will explore the industry boom in the east, do a miniature project on an invention of the industrial age and will finish the week with a discussion about the role of government oversight, pros and cons of big business and monopolies and the role major robber barons like Rockafeller and Carnagie. 

8th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
New vocabulary & Grammar - We will be talking about “Qué hiciste ayer? - what did you do yesterday? Using the preterite to describe one time past actions. 

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will complete our study of Chapter 4: Graphing Linear Equations and Functions. For the week of November 18th we will check our Chapter 4 preview assessment on Monday to help prepare for the Chapter 4 test on Tuesday, November 19th. After the test on Tuesday, we will have a cumulative review of skills and concepts we have worked on this year.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will begin Chapter 5 by learning about rational numbers (5.1) and adding/subtracting/multiplying fractions (5.2-5.4).  There will be a quiz on Thursday covering 5.1-5.4.

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. Robinson
Next week, in American History & Government Part I, we will begin our study of the Revolutionary War. The unit will begin with an exploration of division of patriots and loyalists within the colonies and how that affected relationships in the colonies. We will then study the early battles of the Revolutionary War, focusing on Bunker Hill. The week will end with a study of the Declaration of Independence. Students will explore why it was written, what was said, and the impact it had on the future of America. There will be a miniature video project Thursday and Friday or next week focusing on the Declaration of Independence. Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving holiday!

7th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
New Vocabulary and Grammar - ¿Dónde estás? - where are you? locations with prepositions, using ser vs estar, showing comparisons and superlatives. Notes will be posted on Google Classroom.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students will begin their dive into Book Clubs! Students will have their choice of four novels which deal with the theme of choice. These units will be heavily focused on theme, types of irony, direct and indirect characterization, and a few other literary devices. Vocabulary: Students will begin Unit 3; the quiz is on 11/20. Students have their vocabulary workbooks; this workbook will be collected in May and used during their 8th grade year as well. Grammar: Students will soon begin a unit on Phrases! Please send your child in for morning help if needed. Also, I always post extra resources in GC such as practice sheets, IXL links, Youtube videos, etc. Grammar is a difficult concept to grasp which means your child needs to identify their learning style and use that to succeed in regards to these concepts. Usually Tuesdays and Thursdays are Book Club Days! Assessments can be any day Tuesday-Friday! :) Pictures of our first Book Club Meetings are below! :)

Life Science - Mrs. DuRant
Next week in Life Science we will continue our unit on Genetics with a focus on Inherited Traits.  We will have a station lab on Genetics and Inherited Traits which will reinforce concepts learned over the past two weeks. Our test on this unit will be December 4. We will have a two day review prior to this test to make sure students are well prepared. Students will also complete their monthly writing assignment, Science in the News, in class next week.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

Accelerated Math 7 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will complete our study of Chapter 4: Number Patterns and Fractions. For the week of November 18th we will check our Chapter 4 preview assessment on Monday to help prepare for the Chapter 4 test on Tuesday, November 19th. After the test on Tuesday, we will have a cumulative review of skills and concepts we have worked on this year.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will begin Chapter 5 by learning about rational numbers (5.1) and adding/subtracting/multiplying fractions (5.2-5.4).  There will be a quiz on Thursday covering 5.1-5.4.

ELA - Mrs. Sasser
Students will start reading the non-fiction text Phineas Gage and analyze the use of text features. As students go through this text, they will be asked to annotate and think critically about the structure of non-fictions texts. We will analyze different parts of the brain and read various non-fiction pieces that connect with our story of Phineas Gage. Students WILL be asked to read at home independently. It is vital that your child complete the assigned reading on time. They will be unable to participate in our class discussions and activities if they have not completed the reading. After each chapter, the kids will have a reading check quiz to make sure they are comprehending the reading. Their quizzes next week will be Tuesday and Thursday. 

Earth Science - Mrs. Hoffman
Sixth grade has been working on our Energy unit.  On Monday 11/11, they received information about an Energy Project that will be due Friday, 12/6.  The students chose one particular energy source and we spent two days in class researching how it is used to create electricity and the advantages and disadvantages of using it.  The classroom research composed primarily of using non-internet resources including library books, textbooks and posters. (See photos below of students researching “off the grid.”)  Some also had time to use their chromebook to finish research or begin reports, but the rest of the project is to be completed at home. The students need to organize their information and create a written report OR a poster OR a 3-D model. A detailed rubric, explaining all the content to include and other grading requirements,  went home 11/11 and is posted on Google Classroom. Students also had a quiz on the energy forms and sources and there is a unit test will be on Wednesday, 11/20. Our week ended with a fun “cookie mining” lab to simulate coal mining and land reclamation. (Photos to be posted next week.)

Earth Science - Mrs. DuRant
We started this week with an Escape Room activity focusing on weather. Students had a great time and used their knowledge of weather to use clues to solve several puzzles about weather. Pictures are below of this fun and engaging activity.. Next week in Earth Science, students will participate in a lab exploring  different types of energy. They will also begin a project on researching different types of energy. All research will be done in class and the actual project will be completed at home. The due date for this project is December 6. A unit test on Energy and Renewable/Nonrenewable Resources is planned for December 4. Students will complete their monthly writing assignment, Science in Comics, in class by November 22. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
Next week we begin our Unit on Comparative Religions. This lesson offers a starting point for exploring religions and faith traditions. Students will compare and contrast religious belief systems, origins, and faith traditions. This Unit plan is meant to students a basic understanding of five world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. This unit focuses on the following aspects in regards to the religions mentioned above: key ideas, key people, origins and current areas where the religion is practiced, and culture of the religion. We will have a Test on Buddhism and Hinduism on Tuesday the 20th. All information will be provided to the students for this test.

Spanish - Mr. Alexander
We will continue learning vocabulary of the body as well as “(no) me gusta(n)” and use of indirect object pronouns. Please remind your child(ren) that the weekly participation grade now counts off 5pts per infraction - distracting behaviour, non-participation, etc. Each student was given a copy of the syllabus as well as the list of new rules and procedures and told to keep them in their binders.


Art - Mrs. Cookson
“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.” - Oscar Wilde
8th: Will have an introduction to Pointillism and research for project ideas
7th: Will build Hobbit Houses
6th: Will get back into 1-point perspective drawing
