January 13th - January 17th

In my professional life, senioritis has been a constant issue.  Students in their last year of middle school with post graduation plans in place, “coast” through to the end of the year.  Our 8th graders have been up front that they are ready to move on. Some have been lifers at HDS and are more than ready for a change of scenery.  However, this comes at a GREAT cost, the message it sends to the student’s high school of choice. Our students are all getting admitted to fine high schools. That is not the issue.  The issue comes in the next step of the process, course selection and course placement (level). If students have declining grades during the spring term, it puts them at risk of not getting the courses of their choice or not getting into honors and AP courses in their freshman year.

Our 8th grade advisors are meeting with their advisees to discuss this issue with them.  The Director of Admissions and a guidance counselor from BC will be speaking to the students about this issue at next week’s Morning Meeting.  Please support your students success by having a similar discussion.

Just a reminder that our T2 exams will be on February 13th and 14th.  These will be half days.  Please see the chart below for exam information.

St. Vincent’s Academy will be holding an open house this Sunday, January 12th.  Click HERE for more information.

Previously I have shared articles with families written by Susan Kruger the CEO of an organization called SOAR.  This week’s article covers homework. I shared it with our Middle School TEAM and am sharing it with our families now.  Click HERE for the article.

THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments as well.
History/black, Science/green, ELA/blue, Spanish/red, and Math/pink.
Dates are subject to change; teachers will keep the calendar updated.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.

***8th Graders***  If you would like to be recognized with The President’s Volunteer Service Award at our Honor’s Assembly, all completed community service hours need to be submitted to Mrs. Mannarino no later than March 30, 2020.  Awards need to be ordered on March 31, 2020 to guarantee arrival of medals for our assembly.  Any community service hours submitted after March 30 will be entered into FACTS, but will not be included for a PVSA.  

50-74 hours
75-99 hours
100+ hours

*** 7th Graders *** Nomination to National Junior Honor Society requires a commitment to service.  To be nominated for membership in NJHS, it is expected that you completed the 10 hours required in the 6th grade and have some service hours logged for your 7th grade year.  If you did not do your 6th grade hours you should be doing and logging them NOW!

HDS Extended Day Care needs volunteers to help out after school.  We are currently limiting this opportunity to 8th graders, with a possibility of opening it up to 6th and 7th graders later on.  If a student is interested in earning some community service hours, please contact Mrs. Mannarino.

The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions.  The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless.  For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or stiles@oscm.org.

America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community.  Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at bryce@helpendhunger.org for more information.

The 6th Grade Kindness Club made quite an impression an impression in December sending Holiday Cards to the troops and working on a Kindness Challenge.  Watch for more positivity from this group to fill the halls of Hancock!

The Virtue of the Month is Empathy and we will be challenging students to understand issues from the perspective of someone else.  

-Allison Maher, School Counselor

As always, middle school students that stay for extended should report to the appropriate classrooms to be signed-in immediately after school.  We have mandatory homework time from 3:30 to 4:00 and 4:00 to 5:30 students may choose to go to Hancock Hall for board games, outside to play, or stay in a quiet classroom to complete homework.  Student athletes staying at school until their practice/game are also required to report to extended for sign-in and work on homework. To be released for a practice/game, a parent or coach must sign the student/s out.  Click HERE to view this month’s Extended Newsletter!

If you have extra school-appropriate magazines lying around at home, please donate to us by dropping off with Mrs. Mannarino in the Middle School office!  This month we will be working on an empathy activity and will need pictures of people showing emotions. Thank you in advance for your help!

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will continue our study of Chapter 6, Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities. We will learn to solve compound inequalities and absolute value inequalities. On Tuesday we will have a quiz covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of inequalities. 

Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning about properties of Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squares (8.4), properties of trapezoids and kites (8.5), and identifying special quadrilaterals (8.6).  There will be a quiz on Tuesday covering sections 8.1-8.4.

Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will complete Chapter 8 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 8 test on Tuesday.  We will then jump to Chapter 7 and begin to learn about similar polygons and scale factor (7.1-7.2). We will also learn how to show triangles are similar using a variety of methods including Angle-Angle (7.3), Side-Side-Side, and Side-Angle-Side (7.4).

Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
The eighth graders have wrapped up learning about the basics of force and motion.  We will now be applying that information to the study of car crashes and safety, as next week students will use the engineering process to create an Egg-cellent race car to protect their “egg” (passenger).  They will then study the effects of momentum, inertia, speed, acceleration and various forces. Our school science fair judging will be on Wednesday, 1/15 where judges from various schools will help determine which exceptional projects in the different categories will advance to the regional science fair at Savannah State University on Wednesday, 2/5.  All project winners will be announced before the end of January. We will then have our unit test on motion (speed, acceleration, velocity, etc.) and forces, including friction and gravity on Friday, 1/17/20.  
After this the students will focus on specific information about Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion with a  student-produced project. This project will also count as a test grade. Also, don’t forget that the January Science Choice Board assignment is due Friday, 1/31/20.  
English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
We are in the midst of Act II & Act III of Romeo and Juliet! 
Act I & Act II through scene iii due 1/13
Act II & Act III due 1/20
Act IV & Act V due 1/27
There will be two quizzes and one test over this play. :)

Vocabulary: Students will be engaging with the Shakespearean vocabulary. 

Projects: Students will be engaging with multiple hands-on activities throughout the Unit.

Extra (OPTIONAL) Project: I have posted an OPTIONAL assignment on the 8th Grade GC Classwork section. This will be an extra project grade for the Second Trimester and will be due on February 3rd.

Exams: Animal Farm and Romeo & Juliet will both be on the T2 Exam. Students will have at least two more quizzes and one more test before the end of this trimester. 

History & Gov’t II - Mrs. Robinson
This week in American History & Government II we will continue our Unit on World War I. We will dive into America’s involvement in the war on the front lines and at home. The week will end with a mini-project where students take on the role of world leaders and create their own plan for peace to end the war. The Unit Five test is scheduled for Jan 22nd. 

8th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
Vocabulary: Recipes and ingredients as well as affirmative and negative words, describing things with emphasis using the suffix -ísimo.
Grammar: Formal and informal affirmative commands, using pronouns with commands, using double object pronouns in a sentence. 

We will also be working on IXL and ClassZone assignments for online practice, in class as well as for homework. 

Lists will be posted in Google Classroom

Vocab and grammar quizzes: Vocab and grammar quiz 14 Jan - Affirmative commands and food vocabulary

Test (TBD)  22 Jan

Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will continue our study of Chapter 6, Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities. We will learn to solve compound inequalities and absolute value inequalities. On Tuesday we will have a quiz covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of inequalities.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete the first portion of Chapter 6 by learning about using similar polygons to find the lengths of sides (6.5) and scale drawings (6.6).  There will be a day of review on Wednesday and the Chapter 6.1-6.6 test on Thursday. We will then begin the 2nd portion of Chapter 6 by learning about probability and odds (6.7).

History & Gov’t I - Mrs. Robinson
This week, in American History & Government I, we will continue our study of America becoming a new nation. Last week we went over the Articles of Confederation and the issues that developed with that government and worked on our Create Your Own Government Project. Students will present their governments on Monday and try to convince their peers that the government they created is the best option for a new nation. As the week continues we will explore how the Founding Fathers created the Constitution to deal with the deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation. The week will end with an activity concerning the opposing positions in the country at the time, Federalist vs. Anti Federalists.  The Unit 6 Quiz will be Jan 23rd, and the test will be Feb 4th. 

7th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
Vocabulary: (Continued)Shopping and travel (clothing, sizes, prices, locations)
Grammar: Using question words, correctly formatting questions, review formal (Ustedes) commands to ask for items. Introduce tener expressions, stem-changing verbs, and direct object pronouns. Review numbers 1-100

We will also be working on IXL and ClassZone assignments for online practice in class as well as for homework. 

Lists will be posted in Google Classroom

Vocab and grammar quizzes: Vocab and grammar quiz 14 Jan - Tener expressions and clothing vocabulary

Test (TBD)  22 Jan

ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students have been engaging in a Book Club theme revolving around Voices of the World. We will start this after a three week grammar and vocabulary unit. 

Vocabulary: Students are engaging with Unit 5; the quiz is TBA. Students have their vocabulary workbooks; this workbook will be collected in May and used during their 8th grade year as well.

Grammar: Students will soon begin a unit on Phrases! Please send your child in for morning help if needed. Also, I always post extra resources in GC such as practice sheets, IXL links, Youtube videos, etc. Grammar is a difficult concept to grasp which means your child needs to identify their learning style and use that to succeed in regards to these concepts. I have found that my 7th grade students need focused units instead of having days assigned to grammar, vocab, literature, etc. Therefore, we will spending two-three weeks on teaching vocab unit 5 and phrases before we begin another novel. However, I will ask that the students begin reading their Choice novel near the end of the focused grammar and vocab weeks.  There will be a test on 1/24.

Extra (OPTIONAL) Project: I have posted an OPTIONAL assignment on the 7th Grade GC Classwork section. This will be an extra project grade for the Second Trimester and will be due on February 3rd.

Life Science - Mrs. DuRant
Next week in Life Science, we will wrap up our unit on the Muscular System and review for our unit test which will be on Wednesday, January 15.  Then we will begin the Nervous System. We have a field trip coming up on January 24th to the UGA Marine Education Center on Skidaway Island. Students will be participating in a fish and oyster dissection. 

Accelerated Math 7 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will continue our study of Chapter 6, Integers. We will have a quiz on Tuesday covering ordering integers, adding integers, and subtracting integers. We will also learn to multiply and divide integers, and we will learn about rational numbers.

Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete the first portion of Chapter 6 by learning about using similar polygons to find the lengths of sides (6.5) and scale drawings (6.6).  There will be a day of review on Wednesday and the Chapter 6.1-6.6 test on Thursday. We will then begin the 2nd portion of Chapter 6 by learning about probability and odds (6.7).

ELA - Mrs. Sasser
This week, students will have a quiz on The Outsiders for chapters 1 and 2 on Monday. They will begin reading chapters 3 and 4 this week and work on character traits, developing character charts and comparing/contrasting the different social groups in the novel. Students will also read a nonfiction article about the impacts of bullying, relating this selection to both our novel and their personal life. 
For vocabulary, we are still working on our Unit 7 Greek/Latin roots selection. Students will have a quiz on Wednesday 1/15. 
Our grammar unit on pronoun types and sentence parts will be practiced through our daily DGP. Students should be reviewing their grammar concepts from class by using IXL. 

Earth Science - Mrs. Hoffman
Sixth grade is ready to ROCK the second trimester!  They started off learning information about minerals and their properties (i.e. hardness, luster, streak, cleavage/ fracture, color, magnetism) and participated in a mineral lab identifying six unknown minerals. (See the photos below.)  They also began working on a rock and mineral trifold using this information on minerals, along with notes taken on the three major groups of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous) and the rock cycle.  
Next week we will begin the exciting topic of earthquakes including the different types, causes, safety and damage they can impose.  Upcoming lab activities including making a simulated earthquake-proof wall and seismometer. Later in the month we will turn our focus to volcanoes and the students will have a quiz on both earthquakes and volcanoes on Friday, 1/31/20.  Our January Science in Comics assignment is also due this day.  

Earth Science - Mrs. DuRant
Next week in Earth Science, students will conclude their study of the layers of the earth. We will then shift our focus to study continental drift theory, plate tectonics and sea floor spreading. Students will complete an in class project related to pangea. Our unit test will be on Wednesday, January 22. Science in Comics is due January 31st.

Ancient Civ -  Mr. O’Hayer
This week we take a look at the Early Civilization of Greece (Lesson 2) and dive specifically into the achievements and influences of the Minoans and the Mycenaeans. We will also look at the importance of Homer and discuss the importance of Greek Mythology and everyday life in Greece. Students will begin their Greek God/Godesses project which will be completed in class. Details to TBA. Later in the week will begin Lesson 3, Greek City States. Here we will analyze the relationship between Greece’s geography and the development of Greek City-States. Also of importance is how the development of democracy developed in Greece and how their influence impacts our world governments today. Assessments will be determined according to the progress of  our lessons.

Spanish - Mr. Alexander
We will begin the week with a special treat - a special guest will visit for a class on hispanic music and a salsa lesson!
We will also be reviewing and learning new words related to the classroom.  We will be reviewing the alphabet and discussing historical and cultural influences of the Mayans.
**Please remind your child(ren) that the weekly participation grade now counts off 5pts per infraction - distracting behaviour, non-participation, etc. Each student was given a copy of the syllabus as well as the list of new rules and procedures and told to keep them in their binders.**

Art - Mrs. Cookson
“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” - Leonardo da Vinci
8th: Will work on storyboards and set development for Stop Motion Animation
7th: Will work on either digital or analog versions of music posters
6th: Will have a demo on the wet felting process and may start laying out layers
