January 27th - January 31st
Just a reminder that our T2 exams will be on February 13th and 14th. These will be half days. Please see the chart below for exam information.
Just a reminder that our T2 exams will be on February 13th and 14th. These will be half days. Please see the chart below for exam information.
Please remember that the balance of $650.00 is due by Friday, January 31st. We will be having a pre-trip parent meeting on Wednesday, February 19th @ 6:00 pm. This session will be repeated on Thursday morning, February 20th @ 8:30 am. It is important to attend one of these two sessions to get trip updates.
We continue to hear the horrors about the addictive practice of vaping. The article linked below details comments from teens that have been adversely affected by vaping and what they are doing to get the message out to their peers about the dangers. Click HERE for the article.
THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments as well.
History/black, Science/green, ELA/blue, Spanish/red, and Math/pink.
Dates are subject to change; teachers will keep the calendar updated.
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.
***8th Graders*** If you would like to be recognized with The President’s Volunteer Service Award at our Honor’s Assembly, all completed community service hours need to be submitted to Mrs. Mannarino no later than March 30, 2020. Awards need to be ordered on March 31, 2020 to guarantee arrival of medals for our assembly. Any community service hours submitted after March 30 will be entered into FACTS, but will not be included for a PVSA.
*** 7th Graders *** Nomination to National Junior Honor Society requires a commitment to service. To be nominated for membership in NJHS, it is expected that you completed the 10 hours required in the 6th grade and have some service hours logged for your 7th grade year. If you did not do your 6th grade hours you should be doing and logging them NOW!
HDS Extended Day Care needs volunteers to help out after school. We are currently limiting this opportunity to 8th graders, with a possibility of opening it up to 6th and 7th graders later on. If a student is interested in earning some community service hours, please contact Mrs. Mannarino.
The Old Savannah City Mission needs volunteers for various positions. The mission provides food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless. For more information, contact Connell Stiles at 912-232-1979 or stiles@oscm.org.
America’s Second Harvest needs volunteers to help prepare monthly bags of food for senior citizens in our community. Volunteers should arrive by 7:45 and must wear closed-toe shoes. Contact Bryce Seuntjens at bryce@helpendhunger.org for more information.
We continue to highlight empathy as our Virtue of the Month. Alfred Adler, a prominent figure in psychology, said “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.”
All of the middle school faculty are working hard to keep our 8th grade students motivated and working diligently as they wrap up their time at Hancock! High schools will look at grades all the way to the end of the school year so it is important that students continue to work diligently.
The 6th grade Kindness Club is working on some inspiration for middle school during exam week!
-Allison Maher, School Counselor
As always, middle school students that stay for extended should report to the appropriate classrooms to be signed-in immediately after school. We have mandatory homework time from 3:30 to 4:00 and 4:00 to 5:30 students may choose to go to Hancock Hall for board games, outside to play, or stay in a quiet classroom to complete homework. Student athletes staying at school until their practice/game are also required to report to extended for sign-in and work on homework. To be released for a practice/game, a parent or coach must sign the student/s out. Click HERE to view this month’s Extended Newsletter!
If you have extra school-appropriate magazines lying around at home, please donate to us by dropping off with Mrs. Mannarino in the Middle School office! This month we will be working on an empathy activity and will need pictures of people showing emotions. Thank you in advance for your help!
Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will complete our study of Chapter 6, Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities. We will learn to graph linear inequalities in two variables, and then we will preview the Chapter 6 assessment in preparation for our test on Friday.
Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will continue Chapter 9 by learning about matrices and how to add, subtract, and multiply them (9.2). We will also review transformations such as translations, reflections, and rotations (9.3-9.4), learn about compositions of transformations (9.5), and performing dilations and identifying symmetry (9.6-9.7).
Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will continue right triangle trigonometry by learning how to use trigonometry to find the side lengths of right triangles, find angles in right triangles, and solving real-world problems using trigonometry. There will be a day of review on Thursday and the Trigonometry test on Friday.
Physical Science - Ms. Hoffman
We have raced the “Egg-cellent” race cars the students built with poster board and items brought from home to protect their “raw egg” passengers. The cars traveled down a small ramp and hit a barrier while the students timed them and then calculated speed, acceleration and momentum. Most of the vehicles showed little evidence of impact or damage until our last class added some additional force as their car zoomed down the ramp and we had our first and only fatality. (See photos below.) Also this week the eighth graders began their Newton’s Law Project. For this assignment they can choose the format they would like to use to show their knowledge of Sir Isaac Newton and his 3 Laws of Motion. Formats include creating a poster, google slide presentation, booklet, trading cards, or a short video/ movie. This in-class project will count as a test grade and will be due next Wednesday, 1/29/20. After turning in the project we will take some time to allow the students to do a gallery walk and see all of the other projects. Next Friday, 1/31/20 is also the due date for the January Science Choice Board assignment.
A big thank you goes out to all the science fair judges (current and retired teachers from area schools) who took time from their busy schedules to help score our eighth grade projects. After calculating scores for the various competition categories, we have some HDS school science fair winners who will be advancing to the district level at Savannah State University on Wednesday, 2/5/20. These students received the highest marks at our school fair for their projects. They are as follows: Emiline Baxter, Sam Bueno, Brooke Coulter, Harris Glidewell, Ava Grace Harris, Sydney Hoye, Julianna Jones, Jack Owen Myers, Sam Robin, William Shearouse, Harper Silva, Mary Tippens Solana, Isabella Soldan, and Grace Stoever. Congratulations to all these students and we wish them all luck at the next level, which includes a student interview with the judges.
English Language Arts - Mrs. Boyer
Students will be finished with Romeo and Juliet by 1/27!!
Their Act I-III test has been moved to 1/28. Students have received multiple study guides and review material. There will be one more quiz over this play...and perhaps some unannounced Pop Quizzes.
Students learned a study strategy for Romeo and Juliet! They created scene by scene summaries with Post-It Notes!
Our morning/homeroom gentlemen study group! Romeo and Juliet is so popular!
Vocabulary: Students will be engaging with the Shakespearean vocabulary.
Projects: Students will begin their creative yet analytical journeys through Romeo and Juliet through two hands on projects coming up! Students will write their own Eulogy for Juliet and create a Stop-Motion film (in groups) of each act.
Extra (OPTIONAL) Project: I have posted an OPTIONAL assignment on the 8th Grade GC Classwork section. This will be an extra project grade for the Second Trimester and will be due on February 3rd.
Exams: Animal Farm and Romeo & Juliet will both be on the T2 Exam. Students will have at least two more quizzes and one more test before the end of this trimester.
Reading Log Projects are due February 5th!!!!!! This has been on my board and in GC since T2 began! :) Directions are in the Classwork section of GC.
History & Gov’t II - Mrs. Robinson
Next week in American History & Government II we will continue our Unit on the Roaring 20’s. Students will explore the changes the country went through in the roaring 20’s, why they happened, and what they led to. We will look specifically into the Red Scare, Prohibition and the changing rights of women. The rest of the unit will include a look into Jazz, inventions of the time and the Harlem Renaissance.
8th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
U5L2 - Al restaurante (to the restaurant)
Vocabulary list and Grammar guides are in Google Classroom
Vocabulary - Words and phrases used in restaurants
QUIZ - Thursday, January 30th - TEST - Wednesday, February 5th
Grammar -
Review of the verbs Traer (to bring) and Poner [o-->ue] (to put or to set)
Review of Affirmative Commands with pronouns attached
Review of Negative Commands with pronouns BEFORE the command
Using double object pronouns
Using past participles when talking about food preparation
We will also be working on IXL and ClassZone assignments for online practice, in class as well as for homework.
*any review Kahoots or Quizlets will be posted in Google Classroom under their respective categories
Algebra 1 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Algebra 1 we will complete our study of Chapter 6, Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities. We will learn to graph linear inequalities in two variables, and then we will preview the Chapter 6 assessment in preparation for our test on Friday.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 7 by learning how to solve percent problems using proportions (7.2) and the percent equation (7.4), finding percent of change (7.5), using percents in real-world problems (7.6), and learning about how interest and bank accounts work (7.7).
History & Gov’t I - Mrs. Robinson
Next week, in American History & Government I, we will continue our study of America becoming a new nation. We will be focusing on the three branches of government, what their roles are, how they work together and how the country deals with limitations of the Constitution. Students will complete a project on one of the branches of government and an in class activity on checks and balances. The Unit 6 test will be Feb 5th.
7th grade Spanish - Ms. Hill
Describing places and events around town - List posted in GC 23 Jan 2020
QUIZ - Wednesday, January 29th - TEST - Tuesday, Feb 4th
Review the irregular verb ir = to go
Review e → ie stem-changing verbs
Practicing o → ue stem-changing verbs like almorzar (to have lunch) and e → i stem-changing verbs like pedir (to order or ask for)
Using direct object and indirect object pronouns
We will also be working on IXL and ClassZone assignments for online practice, in class as well as for homework.
*any review Kahoots or Quizlets will be posted in Google Classroom under their respective categories
ELA - Mrs. Boyer
Literature: Students will be engaging in a Book Club theme revolving around Voices of the World. Students will have the choice between four novels: Refugee by Alan Gratz, The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz, Audacity by Melanie Crowder, and Just a Drop of Water by Kerry O’Malley Cerra.
Vocabulary: Students will be engaging with Unit 5; the quiz is TBA. Students have their vocabulary workbooks; this workbook will be collected in May and used during their 8th grade year as well.
Writing: Students will be engaging in a research poster/writing project which will focus on their specific novel choice. More details to come!
Extra (OPTIONAL) Project: I have posted an OPTIONAL assignment on the 7th Grade GC Classwork section. This will be an extra project grade for the Second Trimester and will be due on February 3rd.
Reading Log Projects are due February 5th!!!!!! This has been on my board and in GC since T2 began! :) Directions are in the Classwork section of GC.
Life Science - Mrs. DuRant
Next week in Life Science, we will complete our study of the nervous system. On Monday and Tuesday, students will participate in a 2 day Station Lab to review for our unit test on the nervous system. On Wednesday, they will participate in a lab to determine how visual, auditory, and tactile clues affect reflexes. Unit test on the nervous system will be on Thursday, January 30. On Friday, we will begin to work on our second trimester activity project.
Accelerated Math 7 - Mr. Cargile
Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will complete our study of Chapter 6, Integers. We will investigate the coordinate plane, and then we will preview the Chapter 6 assessment in preparation for our test on Thursday.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 7 by learning how to solve percent problems using proportions (7.2) and the percent equation (7.4), finding percent of change (7.5), using percents in real-world problems (7.6), and learning about how interest and bank accounts work (7.7).
ELA - Mrs. Sasser
This week, students will finish up The Outsiders. They will complete a poetry analysis of the Robert Frost poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and relate it to the major themes of the novel. Students will also work on an end of novel debate, analyzing character actions and outcome while using their critical thinking skills to examine multiple occurrences of cause and effect throughout the novel. Students will have a whole novel test on Tuesday 2/4.
Students will not have Greek/Latin vocabulary words this week. We will instead be working with vocabulary from our novel.
Our grammar unit on pronoun types and sentence parts will continue to be practiced through our daily DGP. Students should be reviewing their grammar concepts from class by using IXL.
Earth Science - Mrs. Hoffman
Check out all the earthquakes happening all over the world with www.earthquaketrack.com The sixth graders have been studying lots of information about earthquakes, including the different types, causes, safety and damage they can impose, including tsunamis. We have also watched some great video footage of different earthquakes and the result of their devastation. (I have been posting the video clips on Google Classroom if you would like to review them.) Finally, the students participated in a lab where they made a simulated earthquake-proof wall and demonstrated how a seismometer works. (See photos next week.)
Next week we will turn our focus to the awesome power of volcanoes and the students will have a test on both earthquakes and volcanoes on Friday, 1/31/20. Our January Science in Comics assignment is also due this day. Both earthquakes and volcanoes will then be the topic of our end of the trimester in-class exam project. Details will be given out the first week of February after our unit test.
Earth Science - Mrs. DuRant
Next week in Earth Science, we will begin our unit on earthquakes. Students will explore the causes and consequences of earthquakes in various regions of the world. They will conduct a lab to determine how to make a model of an earthquake resistant structure and another lab on how seismographs work. They will wrap up the week by tracking earthquakes currently occurring throughout the world, using an online earthquake tracking system. We will also discuss earthquake preparedness and safety. Students will have a quiz on earthquakes on Friday, January 31.
Ancient Civ - Mr. O’Hayer
This week students will finish presenting their “Teaching a Lesson” projects from Ch. 8. They have been hard at work preparing to present their material and experience what it’s like to be the teacher. Once the lessons are complete we will go back and review the material presented and discuss the material to make sure all important points were covered. We will have a Quiz on Ch.8 Lesson 2 on Wednesday the 29th. Looking ahead: Our gods/goddesses project is due Feb. 7th. We will continue to work on this project in class. Our Ch. 8 Lesson 3 and 4 Test is Feb. 5th. We will start these lessons next Thursday.
Spanish - Mr. Alexander
We will be learning about clothing this week, as well as continuing with our series ‘Buena Gente’ from Youtube. There will be a quiz on Friday the 31st covering the new vocabulary list which is on Google Classroom.
**Please remind your child(ren) that the weekly participation grade now counts off 5pts per infraction - distracting behaviour, non-participation, etc. Each student was given a copy of the syllabus as well as the list of new rules and procedures and told to keep them in their binders.**
Art - Mrs. Cookson
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” - Michelangelo
8th: Will continue filming stop motion animations
7th: Will actually get to posters now after finishing glazing their hobbit houses last week
6th: Will keep going with wet felting (a long process, but worth the time and effort)
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