December 14th - December 18th



January 2021 Lunch Sign-Up is now open! THE DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27TH. 

White Gate will dismiss at 12:15pm on Friday. No Extended will be offered. Classes will resume Tuesday, January 5th. Happy Holidays! 


We have created a great way for students and parents to check for upcoming assessmentsTHIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.

Different subjects will appear in different colors:

History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.

Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time.  This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.  Click HERE for a log form.


We have had great success at securing volunteers to escort HRB PK - 2nd grade students during morning carpool!  Because of this, we will limit one day a week per student for now.  Reminder: duty hours are 7:45 - 8:10.  ½ hour of community service credit each day.  Students should keep a log of their hours on the community service form. If you are interested, email Mr. Crawford and Mrs. Mannarino.


Monday, December 14th: Madeline O. and Laney B.

Tuesday, December 15th: Ford D. and Madison B.

Wednesday, December 16th: Mills S. and Elle R.

Thursday, December 17th: Maggie A. and Sasha B.

Friday, December 18th: Carter H. and Coles B.

This year in the LC Corner, I will be offering tips and strategies to support your work at school and at home. Please reach out to me anytime you need assistance or have any questions.


  • Do you quickly review the concepts you learned in class before packing up at night?

  • Do you begin studying ahead of time, or do you wait until the last minute?

  • Do you keep your notes/handouts organized in your binders?

  • Do you review and explain the concepts with someone?

If the majority of your answers are “No”, please drop by to see me, and I’ll be happy to support your efforts.

December is a great time to discuss and practice acts of generosity and gratitude with your student!  Celebrating these virtues is also a way to help combat difficult emotions resulting from the prolonged Covid Pandemic.

Having your student pick out a toy for the Toy Drive or finding other tangible ways to give are powerful. However, there are essential gratitude skills that children need to learn including how to give a meaningful thank you (written or verbally).

Here are some ideas to use at home:

 10 Ways to Start Teaching Your Child Gratitude.

Allison Maher       


This week we took a quiz on slope and slope-intercept form of linear equations on Tuesday. We then continued on to slope-point form (5.3), which is often easier to use than slope-intercept form. Next week we will cover the standard form of linear equations (5.4). We will then practice and review until our test on Thursday (12/17) over all the forms of linear equations.


Next week in Geometry, we will complete Chapter 6 by learning how to use proportionality theorems to find lengths in triangles (6.6) and perform dilations in the coordinate plane (6.7).  There will be a quiz on Tuesday covering 6.1-6.5.  There will be a day of review on Thursday and the Chapter 6 test on Thursday.


Students have finished reading Animal Farm! Awesome job! 

This week students will be combining their reading and creative thinking skills to develop their perfect society. What does Orwell think is the best type of governing system? What type of government would work best for a 2020 society? How does a leader enforce laws? What type of leader garners the most respect from the people? 

Students will be spending four days creating their society and diving into Orwell’s point of view.

*It is critically important that all 8th graders stick with the timelines I give them for reading and projects. Also, if students are spending more than 25-35 minutes on ELA homework, please send them to me in the morning. Students in the 8th grade really need to pay attention to their time management skills before moving forward to 9th grade.*


We will begin the new year by finishing out our discussion of Animal Farm. Students will be working on a second 45 minute writing prompt which will act as their first draft of their literary review of Animal Farm. 

Look at these amazing Animal Farm themed Political Cartoons. 

Attention!! The T2 Reading Log is OPTIONAL; however, there is an option for up to three extra credit assignments on GC. 


Hola...Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will work on a review for the upcoming test.  The test will be given on Thursday. The test will consist mainly of pastime vocabulary, the verb IR/to go and stem changing verbs.  Since Spanish is cumulative, there will be grammar points and vocabulary from the past as well as the current material. Also, I would like to wish you all the best and I hope you have a Happy and safe Holiday with your family and friends.  


       This week the eighth graders have been learning about the two main types of energy (kinetic and potential) and the different forms energy can take (chemical, nuclear, electrical, sound, wave, mechanical and thermal). They also worked on calculating the amount of potential and kinetic energy found in different hypothetical situations using math formulas.  During our lab last week students observed energy transformations with various activities including making a fruit battery, investigating electric motors, determining the effect heat can have on the bounce of a rubber ball, and observing how solar cells work. (See photos below).  We finished up the week with discussions about energy conservation and students participated in a pendulum lab.  (Photos next week.)  Then the students had a short quiz over their energy material.  

Next week we will focus the first part of the week on thermal energy and heat transfer.  Students will learn about radiation, conduction and convection and heat conductors/ insulators.  This week students have turned in their science fair project formal reports (test grade) and their science fair project triptychs are due Wednesday, 12/16.  Everyone will then have an opportunity to present their projects to the class (classwork grade).  This triptych grade is the exam project grade for Trimester 2.  The final logbook check (homework grade) is also next Wednesday, 12/16.  


Next week, in American History & Government II, students will prep for their Reconstruction Unit test on Monday and Tuesday. Their test will be on Wednesday, December 16.


Hola…..the students will begin their week  with a two day review.  We will take Monday and Tuesday to prepare for the test on Chapter 3.  Wednesday the students will take their test.  The test will consist of family vocabulary, adjective vocabulary, -er, -ir verb conjugations and the verbs TENER & VENIR as well as material from the past. Also, I would like to wish my students and their families a Happy Holiday season.  Be safe and have fun.


 Hola…..the students will begin their week  with a two day review.  We will take Monday and Tuesday to prepare for the test on Chapter 3.  Wednesday the students will take their test.  The test will consist of family vocabulary, adjective vocabulary, -er, -ir verb conjugations and the verbs TENER & VENIR as well as material from the past. Also, I would like to wish my students and their families a Happy Holiday season.  Be safe and have fun.


This week we took a quiz on slope and slope-intercept form of linear equations on Tuesday. We then continued on to slope-point form (5.3), which is often easier to use than slope-intercept form. Next week we will cover the standard form of linear equations (5.4). We will then practice and review until our test on Thursday (12/17) over all the forms of linear equations.


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 5 by learning how to divide fractions (5.5) and use multiplicative inverses to solve equations involving fractions (5.6).  There will be a quiz covering sections 5.1-5.4 on Tuesday.


Students have finished their project blueprint and will be working in class on their final project. Students will have four days in class to complete this assignment. 

Theme Park Test/Project Assignment

Objective: Students will complete this summative project as a means to reinforce the student’s knowledge of their reading and research skills. Students will be encouraged to creatively engage with the plot events within the novel and critically analyze the cause and effect of the protagonist’s choices while also engaging with the culture of the novel. Students will engage with literary devices such as theme, motif, symbolism and mood. 

Assignment: Students will create a THEME (drawn and/or 3D) park that demonstrates their acquired knowledge of the Voices of the World Unit Novel Choice. 


Students will finish out their research unit by discussing the Faces of Innocence Project. We will then begin reading the theatrical version of The Diary of Anne Frank

Students will have a Vocabulary Unit Test on 4, 5 &6 on January 12th.

Attention!! The T2 Reading Log is OPTIONAL; however, there is an option for up to three extra credit assignments on GC. 


Students will complete their final project for Lord of the Flies They will research the history of masks and analyze their uses throughout the novel. Students will then create a plaster mask of their own and decorate it during art class to reflect either a particular theme in the novel or a character. They will write an essay detailing their research. Final projects and essays will be due Friday 12/18. All requirements and rubrics are posted to Google Classroom. As always, students are welcome to drop their writing off to me early for detailed feedback. 

We will resume  vocabulary after the winter break. 

A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home. 


Next week in Life Science we will conclude our study of the Skeletal System. Enrichment material on the Skeletal System is in the Google Classroom.  A test on the Skeletal System is planned for Tuesday, December 15.  We will then begin a brief study of vertebrates and invertebrates before our holiday break. 


Next week in American History & Government, students will research Lewis and Clark’s expedition. Students will be assigned a portion of Lewis & Clark’s expedition to research and present to classmates. There is NO test next week.  Last week’s blog stated there would be a test but there is NOT a test.

US HISTORY - MR. O’HAYER Next week in American History we will conclude our study of Life In The Colonies which includes examining how the colonies governed themselves, the development of slavery and the spread of new ideas. Our Chapter assessment will be on Wednesday the 16th. Also, our Building our own Colony project is due on the 17th. We have been working on this project for the past week in class. 


Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will complete our chapter on Number Patterns and Fractions. On Monday we will convert fractions to decimals, and on Tuesday and Wednesday we will review for the Chapter 4 Test on Thursday.


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 5 by learning how to divide fractions (5.5) and use multiplicative inverses to solve equations involving fractions (5.6).  There will be a quiz covering sections 5.1-5.4 on Tuesday.


This week the sixth graders began our unit on Plate Tectonics.  We started off learning about the layers of the Earth.  Students also reviewed the locations of Earth’s oceans, continents and major islands, along with basic information on latitude, longitude, and other mapping skills.  We constructed 3-D topographic maps and identified contour lines depicting mountains and depressions.  There will be a short quiz over this material next Wednesday 12/16.  

Next week is also the due date for the sixth grade Energy Project.  It is due on Tuesday, 12/15 and will count as a test grade and homework grade.  This project was begun the week before Thanksgiving with most of the research conducted during our Zoom classes.  The rest of the project is to be completed at home.  Students chose an example of a renewable or non-renewable energy source and decided on one format to produce their project.  They are choosing between writing a report OR creating a poster OR building a 3-D display/model.  (They will only make ONE of these formats and must include all the content information explained in their grading rubric.)   

In addition, next week will begin information on the continental drift theory, Pangea and how our dynamic earth changes over time.  A quiz on layers of the Earth and continental drift is scheduled for Thursday, 1/7/21 after the winter break.  A reminder that there will NOT be a Science in Comics assignment for December.  Our next one will be due at the end of January.


Next week in Earth Science, the Energy projects will be due on Tuesday, December 15.  For this project, students have chosen one of the following energy sources to research: solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear, fossil fuel, hydroelectric power,  or biomass. Then they will complete the project by selecting to write a written report, making a poster board, OR making a 3-D display.  The final project (writing the report, making the poster or 3-D model) will be completed at home. Next week we will continue our study of mapping by examining longitude and latitude, cardinal directions, and topographic maps. Enrichment material on mapping is in the Google Classroom. There will be a test on mapping on Wednesday, December 16.


Students will complete their project on our novel New Kid. This was assigned this Friday and will be due Friday, 12/18. Students will have the entire week in class to work on this. All guidelines and rubrics are on Google Classroom. I have also emailed a copy to all parents for reference. If students work diligently in class, they should have little homework throughout the week. 

Students will be working on Unit 6 in their Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary books.They will have a vocabulary test on Tuesday 12/15. 

Reading Reminder: As with any novel study, students will have guided questions to complete for each chapter. These should be answered in complete, thorough sentences, as it will serve as their study guide for their quizzes and final test. It is essential that students keep up with the assigned reading if they want to be successful on our in class assignments. 

All reading assignments are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day. 

A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home. 


This week we will continue working with the ver ‘ser’ which means ‘to be’ (in a more permanent sense).  We will learn the indefinite articles and talk about usage of adjectives.  Students will continue to learn more about personality traits; and finally, we will discuss ‘The Liberator’ Simón Bolívar who fought for the independence of many South American countries. Make sure to continue working on Duolingo and IXL everyday!


Next week in World History we will finish the Unit on Greece and Rome. Students will examine the beginnings and impacts of Christianity. Finally we will dive deep into the legacy and influence of the Greek and Roman Civilizations and how these influences impact our world today. Our final Unit Test will be Thursday, the 17th.  Also, we will be collecting Student Readers for Greece and Rome before we leave for the holiday break.


“Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.” - Martha Graham

No Friday classes due to a special schedule.

Sketchbook Prompt: Draw a soft object with a steel skin, screws, rivets, and bolts.

8th: Will work on the Camouflage Drawing Challenge

7th: Will continue to work on masks

6th: Will have time to complete all unfinished projects or for free art exploration
