January 11th - January 15th




Pre-K: crayon sets (4, 10, 16 or 24)

K: magic marker sets

1st: colored pencil sets

2nd: pencils and pencil sharpeners

3rd: watercolor pads

4th: pony beads and pipe cleaners

5th: watercolor paint sets (small)

6th: paint brushes and glue sticks

7th: yarn and crochet hooks

8th: sketch pads




T2 exams are scheduled for Thursday, February 25th and Friday, February 26th. Please note this is a slight change from our 2020-2021 one-page calendar




























The deadline is FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND! To sign up, you need to go onto your FACTS account, preferably on a computer, and click LUNCH from the menu bar.  Click on the monthly option on the right top bar, click on your STUDENT’S name, click on CREATE WEB ORDER, click on your STUDENT’S name again and the offerings should appear.  Click on your choices and make sure you do for EVERY week of the month for the days you are participating.  Scroll down and hit SUBMIT AND PAY.  Follow the same steps for your other child.  The order will not come through unless that SUBMIT AND PAY part is done.    


Throughout the fall we have been working with our tour company to organize the annual 8th grade trip to Washington DC.  Due to the pandemic our efforts have been unsuccessful.  The major venues are still not open and are not taking any reservations for the immediate future.  Therefore, we have no other choice than to cancel the trip. However, we have arranged for the 8th grade to travel to the Nantahala Outdoor Center in Bryson City, North Carolina.  NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center) in the Nantahala Gorge is a 500-acre outdoor, adventure paradise! Our trip will depart on Tuesday, April 6th, early in the morning.  We will return on Friday, April 9th in the afternoon.  The cost of the trip is $675.  This will be due in two payments via Venmo or check.  A $200 deposit by February 12th and the final payment of $475 by March 31st. Additional details will follow.  


8th Grade Parents: we need just one baby picture of your child for a fun page in the yearbook. If possible, it should show your child younger than 2 years of age. Please make sure it is a high-quality image and email it along with your child's name to yearbook@hancockdayschool.org. The deadline for submitting a picture is Wednesday, January 27, 2021.


We have created a great way for students and parents to check for upcoming assessmentsTHIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.

Different subjects will appear in different colors:

History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.

Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time.  This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.  Click HERE for a log form.


We have had great success at securing volunteers to escort HRB PK - 2nd grade students during morning carpool!  Because of this, we will limit one day a week per student for now.  Reminder: duty hours are 7:45 - 8:10.  ½ hour of community service credit each day.  Please keep track of the weather and dress appropriately. Students should keep a log of their hours on the community service form. If you are interested, email Mr. Crawford and Mrs. Mannarino.


Monday, January 11th: Helen H. and Ava H.

Tuesday, January 12th: Will H. and Hayden H.

Wednesday, January 13th: Ella O. and Harper W.

Thursday, January 14th: Madeline O. and Laney B.

Friday, January 15th: Stella U. and 

This year in the LC Corner, I will be offering tips and strategies to support your work at school and at home. Please reach out to me anytime you need assistance or have any questions. tguggenheim@hancockdayschool.org


You may have used a mnemonic like Roy G. Biv to remember the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) or My Very Educated Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas to remember the correct order of the planets, back when Pluto was still considered the ninth one. Inventing your own silly mnemonic together works just as well and can lighten up a study session.https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/study-skills-for-middle-school-and-beyond/

  • Quizlet and/or flash cards are great tools to help you memorize.

  • Having someone quiz you aloud can be helpful

  • Rewriting notes is a great way to revisit material and refresh your memory

Middle school is a time during which children face increased academic and social challenges.  As a parent of a middle school student, I know it can be tough figuring out how to support your child during these years.  Here’s a great article with some ideas on how parents can help!

15 Challenges Middle School Kids Face and How to Help

Allison Maher 



Happy New Year! Before the break, the student took their test on linear equations. This week is a short one in which we will quickly review linear equation forms and graphing and introduce parallel and perpendicular slopes and lines (5.5). I am eager to jump into linear inequalities (chapter 6) next week and how to solve these equations graphically. 


Next week in Geometry, we will complete Chapter 7 by learning about right triangle trigonometry including the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios (7.5-7.7).  We will learn about how it is applied in the real world.  There will be a test on trigonometry on Friday.


This week students will be finishing their Literary Review Essay. We will then dive into a Propaganda Story Board in-class project where students will be assigned a type of Propaganda and an ad campaign. They will then brainstorm and create an advertisement which students will then vote for their favorite ad. This will review persuasive techniques and allow for collaborative learning. 

*It is critically important that all 8th graders stick with the timelines I give them for reading and projects. Also, if students are spending more than 25-35 minutes on ELA homework, please send them to me in the morning. Students in the 8th grade really need to pay attention to their time management skills before moving forward to 9th grade.*


We will begin Night by Elie Wiesel in the next few weeks. :) We will be partnering with the Jewish Education Alliance of Savannah for a Art/Writing project regarding the novel. This will be a MAJOR project and will be the foundation for their T3 grades. 

Attention!! The T2 Reading Log is OPTIONAL; however, there is an option for up to three extra credit assignments on GC. 


Hola….this week we will continue to work on weather, travel vocabulary and ordinal numbers. This will be done through puzzles, worksheets, educational games and at the end of the week, a quiz. More specifically...the quiz will be on Thursday.


        This week the eighth graders have been learning information about motion, reference points, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration.  This included calculating speed, average speed and acceleration.  They also created and interpreted motion graphs.  (See photos next week.) We will continue discussing these concepts next week including participating in two different labs activities.  The first lab involves going outside to calculate the students’ actual running/walking speeds and stopping distances and the second lab will be building and testing roller coasters.  Our quiz on these topics will be Friday, 1/15/21.  We will then delve into the rest of our Force and Motion unit with discussions and activities about force, gravity and friction.  There will be another quiz on Tuesday, 1/26/21 and our Unit Test is scheduled for Thursday, 2/4/21. The January Science in Comic is due on Friday 1/29/21.


Next week in American History & Government II, students will research the numerous inventions of the Industrial Age. We’ll take a look at the impact Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie had on the Industrial Age. 


Hola…I hope you all are feeling better...it’s awfully quiet here without you. This week on Monday and Tuesday, you all will present your ‘’family tree’’project. On Wednesday, you will receive your new vocabulary. Thursday and Friday you will work on your new vocabulary by completing worksheets and puzzles. Take care of yourselves…!!!!


Monday and Tuesday, you all will present your ‘’family tree’’project. On Wednesday, you will receive your new vocabulary. Thursday and Friday you will work on your new vocabulary by completing worksheets and puzzles.


Happy New Year! Before the break, the student took their test on linear equations. This week is a short one in which we will quickly review linear equation forms and graphing and introduce parallel and perpendicular slopes and lines (5.5). I am eager to jump into linear inequalities (chapter 6) next week and how to solve these equations graphically. 


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 5 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 5 test on Tuesday.  Then we will begin Chapter 6 by learning about ratios, unit rates (6.1), and how to write and solve proportions using cross-multiplication (6.2-6.3).


Students will be diving into their Photo Essay projects, modeled after the Faces of Innocence project where they will have three project choices in order to show their own opinions on social, political, economical, emotional, etc. issues within our world. Last week students were working on ‘analyzing their lens of thinking’. Through critical and creative thinking, students will be designing their own perspective of how they see the world around them. I am so excited to see what this group of students decides to show. 

Once we have completed this journey, the students will then begin reading the theatrical version of The Diary of Anne Frank. This unit will bring us to Spring Break. :)

Students will have a Vocabulary Unit Test on 4, 5 &6 on January 12th. We will begin Unit 7 shortly after. 

Attention!! The T2 Reading Log is OPTIONAL; however, there is an option for up to three extra credit assignments on GC. 

Students are working on groups to discuss five photos from the Faces of Innocence Project. 


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful winter break!

This week, students will be writing an argumentative essay on Lord of the Flies analyzing the true cause of the downfall of the island. Students will read Golding’s “Why Boys Become Vicious” as research and draw on their analysis of the novel to draft their essay. 

As with any writing assignment, students are welcome to come in early and drop off their writing for review/corrections. 

All essays are Wednesday, January 13th. 

We will resume  vocabulary next week with Unit 7. 

Looking ahead----we will begin our next novel study in the middle of next week. We will be reading the theatrical version of The Diary of Anne Frank.

A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home. 


Next week in Life Science, we will wrap up our unit on the Muscular System. Students will participate in an online station lab. The unit test will be on Wednesday. We will then begin to explore the Nervous System.  Remember to check Google Classroom daily for homework assignments. Enrichment material is always posted in the Topics section of Google Classroom. 


Next week in American History & Government we will wrap up our look at explorers of the Americas and their impacts on the formation and expansion of the United States.  There will be a Unit 4 Test on Friday, January 15, a study guide will be handed out Monday, January 11.


Next week in American History we will conclude our study of Life in the Colonies. We will have a Quiz on Wednesday, the 13th, over Ch. 4 Sections 3 and 4. We will then begin Unit 2: Forming a New Nation. Chapter 5 brings us to the Road to Revolution. Section 1, Trouble on the Frontier, Reveals the struggle on the western frontier that draws France and England into a worldwide struggle. Next week we will still be remote learning. It’s important students keep up with their readings and assignments. 


Next week in Accelerated Math 7 we will review our Chapter 4 Number Patterns and Fractions concepts. In addition to review concepts, we will have a lesson and a quiz on converting between fractions and decimals.


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 5 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 5 test on Tuesday.  Then we will begin Chapter 6 by learning about ratios, unit rates (6.1), and how to write and solve proportions using cross-multiplication (6.2-6.3).


The sixth graders have continued learning about the Earth structure with a discussion on the Theory of Continental Drift.  This included looking at fossil and other evidence and creating a puzzle/ model of Pangea during a lab activity.  (See photos below.)  Our quiz on this material will be next Tuesday 1/12/21.  Also next week, we will explore more about the Theory of Plate Tectonics with information on sea floor spreading, subduction and plate boundaries.  Our Plate Tectonic Unit Test will be on Wednesday, 1/20/21.  This will lead us into a short study on rocks and minerals.  Our January Science in Comics is due on Friday, 1/29/21.  


Next week in Earth Science, we will dive deeper into our study of the Layers of the Earth. Several fun and engaging activities are planned as we move into Continental Drift Theory, Pangea, and Plate Tectonics. We will wrap up the week with a Plate Tectonics lab. We will have a quiz on Tuesday on Layers of the Earth. Remember to check Google Classroom daily for homework assignments. Enrichment material is always posted in the Topics section of Google Classroom. 


Welcome back! I hope everyone had an amazing winter break!

This week, students will be starting a new novel study: Refugee. This novel depicts the struggle and trials of three different characters in three different time periods all attempting to flee their home countries and seek refuge and safety elsewhere. We will be completing this unit using Literature Circles, which means students will be assigned a particular character to read about. They will NOT be reading the entire book. 

Each week, they will be assigned certain pages to read and be given a literature circle role to complete. They will have a week to complete the reading and guided questions. Reading assignments will be given at the start of each week, and they will meet to discuss their reading with their groups typically on the following Tuesday/Wednesday. It is imperative that students keep up with their reading, otherwise they will be unable to complete their literature circle roles and have discussions with their partners. 

We will resume  vocabulary next week with Unit 7. 

Check out some of sixth grade’s final New Kid projects! 


Reading Reminder: As with any novel study, students will have guided questions to complete for each section. These should be answered in complete, thorough sentences, as it will serve as their study guide for their quizzes and final test. It is essential that students keep up with the assigned reading if they want to be successful on our in class assignments. 

All reading assignments are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day. 

A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home. 


This week we will begin learning the geography of the Spanish-speaking world. We will begin learning to use the irregular verb ‘estar’ with locations. Students will learn using some fun geography games. And we will continue working with the various uses of ‘ser’. * Make sure to continue working on Duolingo and IXL everyday!


Next week in World History we will continue our study of the great Enlightenment thinkers. We will finish up with Isacc Newton and have a Quiz on Wednesday the 13th. We will then move on to  Rene Descartes and Thomas Hobbs. Important Notice: This Unit will entail a great deal of Reading and Writing. It is so important for students to keep up with their reading assignments. Our next project will be introduced next week. Students will be writing a biography on a Great Thinker of the Enlightenment. Details to follow.
