March 1st - March 5th
We have created a great way for students and parents to check for upcoming assessments. THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.
Different subjects will appear in different colors:
History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.
Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time. This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.
We have had great success at securing volunteers to escort HRB PK - 2nd grade students during morning carpool! Because of this, we will limit one day a week per student for now. Reminder: duty hours are 7:45 - 8:10. ½ hour of community service credit each day. Please keep track of the weather and dress appropriately. Students should keep a log of their hours on the community service form. If you are interested, email Mr. Crawford and Mrs. Mannarino.
Monday, March 1st: Ella O. & Harper W.
Tuesday, March 2nd: Cullen D. & Wells H.
Wednesday, March 3rd: Andrew W. & Hayden H.
Thursday, March 4th: Madison B. & Adair S.
Friday, March 5th: No School
This year in the LC Corner, I will be offering tips and strategies to support your work at school and at home. Please reach out to me anytime you need assistance or have any questions.
Research shows that school involvement can be a big determining factor for your success. Kids who are involved with after school activities, sports, and clubs are more likely to do well inside and outside of school. (PATHWAY TO SUCCESS)
February is a great time to highlight compassion with your student! Here is a quick activity that you can do with your student to bring joy to others:
Send a Virtual Valentine's to a Child at St. Jude Hospital
Allison Maher
The Trimester Exam projects were fantastic! I am so proud of your students’ hard work and perseverance as they encountered and solved problems.
Next week we will do a short review of systems of equations with a test on Thursday 3/11. The students will get their practice test Tuesday and get any questions answered Wednesday.
Next week in Geometry, we will spend 2 days reviewing some important concepts from Algebra 1 such as graphing linear equations and graphing/solving quadratic equations. We will also begin Chapter 10 in which we will learn more about circles than you ever knew you could! We will learn about properties of tangent lines (10.1) and how to find arc measures in circles (10.2).
Students will be working this week on their annotated bibliography for their Formal Report, the Unit 9 Vocabulary-with a quiz on 3/12, and reading poems from the children of Treblinka; I never saw another butterfly.
Students have received their Yom HaShoah project packets. For this, we will be partnering with the Jewish Education Alliance of Savannah as all students will be entered into the 2021 Holocaust Remembrance Art & Writing Contest. **This will be a MAJOR project and will be the foundation for their T3 grades.**
Please be sure that your students are starting to work on their submission piece. All submissions must be in Hancock Hall on 3/22-3/23 with their Cover Sheets. Submissions without cover sheets will not be submitted and there will be an 15 point deduction from the grade.
Dear Parents,
During the next two months your child will be completing their Yom HaShoah Contest Project. This project is a large part of each student’s overall grade for the third trimester and failure to complete it may result in a failing grade in English Literature.
Besides weekly homework grades as outlined in the dates below, there will be four additional grades accessed for the project based on each individual part required. These are the submission brainstorm, the contest submission piece, formal report/class presentation, and the Reflection Journal. Each of these will count for the following grade: formal report= project grade, the contest submission piece= test, reflection questions=homework, and the presentation= classwork grade.
Supplies needed for this project will include a composition book, report cover, and any specific art materials needed to complete your child’s experiment. Students needing any assistance with these materials should see Mrs. Boyer. (Students may use their ELA composition books, just please start from the back.)
There will be multiple days in class for working on these assignments; however, the majority of the work for the contest submission piece should be completed at home. Students are also encouraged to come in and work on their projects during morning tutorial times.
Please sign the cover sheet of the form to acknowledge the receipt of information of the project and its importance in your child’s ELA class. This form is due by Wednesday, February 10th. If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to email me at I will be glad to offer any assistance I can to ensure your child is successful in their project.
Yom HoShoah Due Dates
This project will be 100% individually created from the student’s mind. Your child will be asked to choose their own topic and create an art or writing piece that portrays that topic. Not only will each student’s work be entered into the JEA’s Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Contest, but they will also be creating a formal report on their project...much like the Science Fair Project. This should be very familiar to them. Students will receive many days in class/homework afternoons to work on this throughout T3.
*It is critically important that all 8th graders stick with the timelines I give them for reading and projects. Also, if students are spending more than 25-35 minutes on ELA homework, please send them to me in the morning. Students in the 8th grade really need to pay attention to their time management skills before moving forward to 9th grade.*
HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH - MRS. SALE!! 2 semesters down and only 1 to go...the students will begin the week off with learning about Direct Object nouns and pronouns. It’s a fun concept and one that they should pick up quickly. Since it is a short week, the students will not have a quiz &/or a test.
The votes are in for the HDS school competition for the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair pin design contest. This was an optional opportunity to design and create a drawing for the 2021 pin given out at this year's state science fair competition. Congratulations to 8th graders Jamison Beck who placed 2nd place, and Ailish Racicot who placed 3rd place. Jamison received a $2.00 credit and Ailish received a $1.00 credit for the concession cart. Our first place winner was a 6th grader, Alden Landry. She received a $5.00 gift certificate for our NJHS concession cart. (See photo below.)
This week has been unique one for teaching, as we had one set of Zooming students and one set of in-person students. All of them completed an inquiry lab creating soda straw rockets. In this lab they worked in small groups to discuss and design their own lab activity, including determining the question to test and variables, collecting data and creating related questions that may be found on an actual student lab activity. Basic lab materials were sent home, so even our remote learners got a chance to make a rocket. (See photos below.) We also spent some time briefly discussing satellites and the forces necessary to keep them in space, geosynchronous orbits and space junk.
Next week will begin the 3rd trimester with information on waves. This will include the various parts of a wave (crest, trough, amplitude, compression, rarefactions, wavelength), types of waves (mechanical, electromagnetic, transverse, longitudinal, surface), and the different properties of waves (frequency, amplitude, speed). The following week we will focus on wave interactions such as reflection, refraction, and interference and participate in a lab demonstrating how each of these works. Our quiz on waves will be on Thursday 3/11/21.
Next week in American History & Government Mrs. Horton will be taking over for T3. Students will begin studying the start of World War I.
Hola...the students will start off their last ‘’7th grade’’ semester with reviewing the exam. The grammar point for the week is learning about the regular verbs with irregular ‘’yo forms’’. The week will be a short one and we will end it with a partner activity that will incorporate the verbs with irregular YO forms.
Hola...the students will start off their last ‘’7th grade’’ semester with reviewing the exam. The grammar point for the week is learning about the regular verbs with irregular ‘’yo forms’’. The week will be a short one and we will end it with a partner activity that will incorporate the verbs with irregular YO forms.
The Trimester Exam projects were fantastic! I am so proud of your students’ hard work and perseverance as they encountered and solved problems.
Next week we will do a short review of systems of equations with a test on Thursday 3/11. The students will get their practice test Tuesday and get any questions answered Wednesday.
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 7 by learning how to calculate compound interest (7.7). We will have a day of review on Tuesday and the Chapter 7 test on Wednesday. We will then begin Chapter 8 by learning about relations and functions (8.1).
This week we will start a major project; the Human Genocide project. Students will be working on this until the beginning of Spring Break.
Once we come back from break we will begin a wonderful novel called Posted.
Vocabulary: We will begin Unit 9 with a Quiz on March 4th. There will be a Unit 7-9 Test on March 11th.
NO Reading Log in T3...BUT...there is an extra credit enter the Yom HaShoah Art & Writing Contest sponsored by Jewish Education Alliance (JEA) off of Abercorn in Savannah, Ga. Contact Mrs. Boyer for printed forms more information if you are interested. I will give you an extra project grade.
Due March 23rd.
This week students will begin working on their Human Genocide Project. They will work with partners to research a genocide that has occured in a particular country. They are being asked to examine the question “Can genocide exist today?” Students will be given research packets and be asked to create a Google Slides presentation or a Google Site detailing their findings. Students will also complete a reflection paper that examines what they have learned and shows how their assigned genocide connects to the Holocaust.
All projects will be presented on Tuesday 3/9.
Vocabulary will resume after spring break.
NO Reading Log in T3...BUT...there is an extra credit enter the Yom HaShoah Art & Writing Contest sponsored by Jewish Education Alliance (JEA) off of Abercorn in Savannah, Ga. Contact Mrs. Boyer for more information if you are interested. I will give you an extra 10 points added to any assignment of their choice. Due March 23rd.
A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home.
Students did a great job on their exam projects! They researched and developed a prosthetic hand and compared it with the hands of other students to see which was the most functional. They also researched the interrelationship of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems as well as investigated careers related to these systems. Next week in Life Science, we will wrap up our unit of the respiratory system. Students will build a model of the respiratory system. They will have a quiz on Tuesday, March 2 on the respiratory system. Then we will begin our study of the cardiovascular system. Students will study the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. They will work throughout the week to label a diagram of the heart and be able to draw a diagram of blood flow through the heart.
Next week in American History & Government Mrs. Horton will be taking over for T3. Students will begin looking at how the U.S. government was established and organized.
Next week in American History we will begin our “Citizen Handbook” Unit. Here students will discover the inner workings of our government. Focus will be on the U.S. Constitution (structure and principles), The three branches of government, and Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.
Next week in Geometry, we will be participating in the Georgia Math League Contest on Monday. This is a contest Hancock participates in every year and we always place very highly throughout the state. We will also spend Tuesday and Wednesday working on integer concepts from Chapter 6.
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 7 by learning how to calculate compound interest (7.7). We will have a day of review on Tuesday and the Chapter 7 test on Wednesday. We will then begin Chapter 8 by learning about relations and functions (8.1).
The sixth graders have done a FANTASTIC job on their exam projects. This individual project consisted of four parts centering around earthquakes and volcanoes. There was a mapping activity to find specific locations and patterns of various earthquakes and volcanoes around the world, a handout focusing on their parts and effects, researching a specific volcanic eruption to create a poster and finally presenting these posters during class. For the volcano poster each student had a different volcano from all parts of the world to research including Vesuvius, Mt. St. Helens, Pinatubo, Krakatoa and Mt. Pelee. Students determined and described the type of volcano (shield, composite or cinder-cone) and eruption, its exact location and the loss of life/property. They also drew and/or printed pictures/ diagrams of their volcano and included interesting facts. See photos below.
Congratulations to sixth grader Alden Landry who won the HDS school competition for the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair pin design contest. This was an optional opportunity to design and create a drawing for the 2021 pin given out at this year's competition. (Science fair projects are something that all Hancock students will complete during their eighth grade year.) She received a $5.00 gift certificate for our NJHS concession cart. 2nd place went to 8th grader Jamison Beck and 3rd place went to 8th grader Ailish Racicot. (See photo below.)
Next week 6th grade will start off the 3rd trimester with our next unit in Earth Science: Oceans. We will start off learning about the importance of the oceans and ocean water chemistry. Then we will begin information focusing on the ways that the ocean waters move, including waves, tides and currents. Students will create a wave bottle to demonstrate the parts of a wave, learn about deep and surface water currents and discuss what causes and influences our tides, especially those locally here in Savannah. Our next science quiz is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 3/11/21.
Students did an amazing job on their exam projects. They enjoyed researching volcanoes around the world and did a wonderful job on their presentations to the class. They also used mapping skills to plot volcanoes and earthquakes around the world. Next week in Earth Science, students will begin their study of minerals. After learning about the physical characteristics and properties of minerals, they will conduct a mineral identification lab.
This week, students will be diving into their first, formal essay! Over the next two weeks they will go through the writing process and create an essay examining the theme of our novel, Refugee. Students will spend this week learning about intros and thesis statements. They will also outline their paragraphs.
Students will have a quiz over the writing process and thesis statements on Wednesday 3/10.
It is essential that students stay on track with the writing expectations given in class. While we will draft in class, they will have to finish their assigned paragraphs for homework. As always, students may turn in their paragraphs for revisions. The revision schedule is below:
I will only check revision based on the calendar above. All revisions must be dropped off BEFORE homeroom.
Final essays are due Friday 3/12 at the end of class.
Students will NOT have vocabulary this week.
Reading Reminder: As with any novel study, students will have guided questions to complete for each section. These should be answered in complete, thorough sentences, as it will serve as their study guide for their quizzes and final test. It is essential that students keep up with the assigned reading if they want to be successful on our in class assignments.
All reading assignments are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day.
A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home.
This week we will be introducing the irregular verb ‘Ir’ meaning ‘to go’. We will get plenty of practice with this essential verb through oral and written activities. Students will also learn a ‘hack’ for talking about the future and discuss things they are ‘going to’ do.
* Make sure to continue working on Duolingo and IXL everyday!
Next week in World History we will begin a new Unit- The Industrial Revolution: Changes and Challenges. Students will investigate how the Industrial Revolution transformed people’s lives. We will look at how this was a time of transformation in how people worked and lived, bringing innovations along with debate about government, economic systems, and workers rights. Next Friday is parent conferences so a short week.
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.” - Carl Sagan
No Friday classes due to Conferences.
Sketchbook Prompt: Make up some underwater creatures
8th: Will try to make some progress on our Sgraffito
7th: Will start with Shadow Boxes in correlation with narrative work in ELA
6th: Will start to explore 3D with Restricted Sculpture
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