March 8th - March 12th
Sign up for April lunches by Friday, March 26th.
For the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and administrative team members, please remember to put your mask on if you are outside of your vehicle on campus for any reason. Additionally, parents are still not allowed inside the buildings unless they have a scheduled meeting. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Early checkouts should continue to occur by 2:15pm due to our staggered dismissal times this year. Please submit all changes using our Daily Carpool Changes form.
Students are required to perform 10 hours of community service each year while at Hancock. Some students and families embrace the concept of service and we recognize them with a President’s Volunteer Service Award at our annual Honors Assembly.
Bronze Certificates recognize 50-74 hours of service
Silver Certificates recognize 75 - 99 hours of service
Gold Certificates recognize 100+ hours of service
If you would like to be recognized with a President’s Volunteer Service Award, all completed community service hours need to be submitted to Mrs. Mannarino no later than March 26, 2021. Any community service hours submitted after this day will not be included for a PVSA.
Spring Break (March 13th-March 21st); Classes resume March 22nd
8th grade trip to Tybee Island (Friday, March 26th)
Easter Break (April 2nd-April 5th); Classes resume April 6th
We have created a great way for students and parents to check for upcoming assessments. THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.
Different subjects will appear in different colors:
History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.
Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time. This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form.
We have had great success at securing volunteers to escort HRB PK - 2nd grade students during morning carpool! Because of this, we will limit one day a week per student for now. Reminder: duty hours are 7:45 - 8:10. ½ hour of community service credit each day. Please keep track of the weather and dress appropriately. Students should keep a log of their hours on the community service form. If you are interested, email Mr. Crawford and Mrs. Mannarino.
Monday, March 8th: Carter & Coles
Tuesday, March 9th: Cullen & Andrew
Wednesday, March 10th: Hayden & Will
Thursday, March 11th: Harper & Ava
Friday, March 12th: Boots & Maggie
This year in the LC Corner, I will be offering tips and strategies to support your work at school and at home. Please reach out to me anytime you need assistance or have any questions.
Middle school is the time when you start to grow up and figure out who you are in the world. Take risks and be brave. It will pay off in the end! (PATHWAY TO SUCCESS)
As parents, we work hard to help our children develop into compassionate and empathic individuals. These qualities lead to a desire to help others and meaningful social connections. The most powerful way to teach these virtues are by modeling them as parents.
7 Do's and Don'ts to Help Your Family Build Empathy Skills
Allison Maher
Next week, we will start on Exponent rules in chapter 8. We will go over the basics of the rules on Monday and Tuesday (8.1-8.2). I am having surgery and will be out for the rest of the week, but there will be plenty of practice to do for the remainder of the week. This will include zero and negative exponents in 8.3 and a review of scientific notation in 8.4. All notes, assignments, and homework will be on google classroom as always, and there will be support for the students from the other math faculty as they learn this extension of exponents.
Next week in Geometry, we will continue Chapter 10 by proving some theorems about tangent lines (10.1), learn about properties of chords and inscribed angles (10.3-10.4), learn about angle relationships within circles (10.5), and segment lengths in circles (10.6). There will be a quiz covering sections 10.1-10.3 on Wednesday.
Students received the majority of this past week to work on their formal reports, specifically their Annotated Bibliography. As we bring this Yom HaShoah project to a close, students should be working at home on their contest submission and formal report. As per the deadlines, the formal reports and submission pieces are due after Spring Break. If students do not want to be working on school work over the break, I highly suggest that students take the allotted class time/homework time to complete their work. Students received almost four class periods this week to work, and they will receive one and a half this coming week.
There will be another journal check next week on Wednesday. Students will be expected to have at least 8-10 entries.
**This will be a MAJOR project and will be the foundation for their T3 grades.**
Please be sure that your students are starting to work on their submission piece. All submissions must be in Hancock Hall on 3/22-3/23 with their Cover Sheets. Submissions without cover sheets will not be submitted, and there will be a 15 point deduction from the grade.
Dear Parents,
During the next two months your child will be completing their Yom HaShoah Contest Project. This project is a large part of each student’s overall grade for the third trimester and failure to complete it may result in a failing grade in English Literature.
Besides weekly homework grades as outlined in the dates below, there will be four additional grades accessed for the project based on each individual part required. These are the submission brainstorm, the contest submission piece, formal report/class presentation, and the Reflection Journal. Each of these will count for the following grade: formal report= project grade, the contest submission piece= test, reflection questions=homework, and the presentation= classwork grade.
Supplies needed for this project will include a composition book, report cover, and any specific art materials needed to complete your child’s experiment. Students needing any assistance with these materials should see Mrs. Boyer. (Students may use their ELA composition books, just please start from the back.)
There will be multiple days in class for working on these assignments; however, the majority of the work for the contest submission piece should be completed at home. Students are also encouraged to come in and work on their projects during morning tutorial times.
Please sign the cover sheet of the form to acknowledge the receipt of information of the project and its importance in your child’s ELA class. This form is due by Wednesday, February 10th. If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to email me at I will be glad to offer any assistance I can to ensure your child is successful in their project.
Yom HoShoah Due Dates
This project will be 100% individually created from the student’s mind. Your child will be asked to choose their own topic and create an art or writing piece that portrays that topic. Not only will each student’s work be entered into the JEA’s Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Contest, but they will also be creating a formal report on their project...much like the Science Fair Project. This should be very familiar to them. Students will receive many days in class/homework afternoons to work on this throughout T3.
*It is critically important that all 8th graders stick with the timelines I give them for reading and projects. Also, if students are spending more than 25-35 minutes on ELA homework, please send them to me in the morning. Students in the 8th grade really need to pay attention to their time management skills before moving forward to 9th grade.*
Hola…..Monday, the students will continue working with direct objects and DOP’s. Early on in the week, the students will take a quiz on the DOP’s. Afterwards, the students will begin work on IOP’s. Work on these indirect object pronouns will last throughout the week. At the end of the week, the students will translate into English a short story.
This week in physical science we have been learning about waves including their parts (crest, trough, amplitude, compression, rarefactions, wavelength), various types (mechanical, electromagnetic, transverse, longitudinal, surface), and their different properties (frequency, amplitude, speed). Next week we will focus on wave interactions such as reflection, refraction, and interference and participate in a lab demonstrating how each of these works. Our quiz on waves will be on Thursday 3/11/21 and our March Science in Comic is due 3/31/21.
Next week in American History & Government students will continue to examine how the United States looks overseas with its interest in the Pacific region. Students will discuss the reasons America favored expansion in order to protect its interests. Students will also examine the Spanish-American War and how it led to the creation of an American overseas empire.
Hola...the students will wrap up their work on regular verbs with irregular ‘’yo’’ forms. A quiz will be taken over these verbs. Afterwards, the students will receive a new topic (travel) of vocabulary words. In addition to the new vocabulary words, the students will learn about weather and 1-10 ordinal numbers. At the end of the week, students will be tested on their knowledge of their vocabulary words.
Hola...the students will wrap up their work on regular verbs with irregular ‘’yo’’ forms. A quiz will be taken over these verbs. Afterwards, the students will receive a new topic (travel) of vocabulary words. In addition to the new vocabulary words, the students will learn about weather and 1-10 ordinal numbers. At the end of the week, students will be tested on their knowledge of their vocabulary words.
Next week, we will start on Exponent rules in chapter 8. We will go over the basics of the rules on Monday and Tuesday (8.1-8.2). I am having surgery and will be out for the rest of the week, but there will be plenty of practice to do for the remainder of the week. This will include zero and negative exponents in 8.3 and a review of scientific notation in 8.4. All notes, assignments, and homework will be on google classroom as always, and there will be support for the students from the other math faculty as they learn this extension of exponents.
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning how to find solutions to and graphing linear equations (8.2) and using intercepts to graph linear equations (8.3). There will be a quiz covering sections 8.1-8.3 on Friday.
Students are working on practicing their oral presentations of the Human Genocide project. Students have spent the past week working, and they have received numerous feedback from me.
Once we come back from break we will begin a wonderful novel called Posted.
Vocabulary: CHANGE!!! There will be a Unit 7-9 Test on March 23rd (changed from the 11th by student request).
NO Reading Log in T3...BUT...there is an extra credit enter the Yom HaShoah Art & Writing Contest sponsored by Jewish Education Alliance (JEA) off of Abercorn in Savannah, Ga. Contact Mrs. Boyer for printed forms more information if you are interested. I will give you an extra project grade.
Due March 23rd.
This week students finish up their Human Genocide Projects. All projects and papers will be presented on Tuesday 3/9.
Starting Wednesday, students will begin reading the novel Posted by John David Anderson. This is a great contemporary novel that infuses humor and complex characters to tackle the ideas of friendship and bullying. Students will be assigned to read pages 1-117. They will have “reading days” this week to get a jump start. Any unfinished reading will be completed over Spring Break. They will have a quiz over these pages on Tuesday 3/23.
As with all of our novel studies, it is important that students keep up with the assigned readings/questions. Failure to complete the reading means they are unprepared for our class discussions and activities. As always, I am available every morning to go over any questions they have.
All reading assignments will be posted to Google Classroom. Typically, students can expect to be assigned their reading on Tuesdays and for it to be completed the following Tuesday.
Vocabulary will resume after spring break and centered around our novel study for the month of April.
NO Reading Log in T3...BUT...there is an extra credit enter the Yom HaShoah Art & Writing Contest sponsored by Jewish Education Alliance (JEA) off of Abercorn in Savannah, Ga. Contact Mrs. Boyer for more information if you are interested. I will give you an extra 10 points added to any assignment of their choice. Due March 23rd.
A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home.
Next week, in Life Science we will begin our study of the cardiovascular system. Students will study the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. They will work throughout the week to label a diagram of the heart and be able to draw a diagram of blood flow through the heart. They will have a quiz on Friday.
Next week in American History & Government students will continue to work on their “Creating Their Own Government report. Students will continue to discuss the principles and formation of the US Constitution. Focus will be on how earlier events shaped our government. The Magna Carta and Enlightenment thinkers will be dissected to help understand the outside influences that aided in creating our American Government systems.
Next week in American History we will continue our examination of the Citizen Handbook. Our focus will continue to be on the principles of the U.S. Constitution, the Magna Carta and the great thinkers of the Enlightenment. We will also dissect the goals of the Preamble. We will also introduce our next project. Students will work in groups to Create a New Government. We will have an assessment on the Citizen Handbook on Thursday the 11th.
Next week in Geometry, we will be participating in the Georgia Math League Contest on Monday. This is a contest Hancock participates in every year and we always place very highly throughout the state. We will also spend Tuesday and Wednesday working on integer concepts from Chapter 6.
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning how to find solutions to and graphing linear equations (8.2) and using intercepts to graph linear equations (8.3). There will be a quiz covering sections 8.1-8.3 on Friday.
This week sixth grade students began their ocean unit with a look at the importance of oceans and how we can test and influence ocean water chemistry including salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH levels (acidity). Students tested samples of ocean water from Tybee to determine its salinity using a refractometer and pH levels using pH testing kits. They then learned about the basic topography of the ocean including the continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, seamounts, trenches and hydrothermal vents. They also participated in a mini-lab demonstrating how sonar is used to map our ocean floors. (See the photos below for both of these lab activities.) Next week we will continue discussing our ocean zones (intertidal, neritic, pelagic, surface, transitional, deep) and discover the differences between nekton, plankton and benthic animals. Students will then work in groups to create an ocean diorama poster showcasing what they have learned and have a science quiz over all this information on Friday, 3/12/21. Our March Science in Comics is due 3/31/21.
Next week in Earth Science, students will begin to explore rocks. We will review the rock cycle through hands-on activities and then focus on the study of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Students will use a variety of rock samples to categorize rocks, as well as comparing and contrasting rocks and minerals.
This week, students will continue to work on their first, formal essay! Please see the due date/outline below.
Students will have a quiz over the writing process and thesis statements on Wednesday 3/10.
All final essays are due Friday 3/12. If students are not going to be at school on Friday, they must submit their essay early.
It is essential that students stay on track with the writing expectations given in class. While we will draft in class, they will have to finish their assigned paragraphs for homework. As always, students may turn in their paragraphs for revisions. The revision schedule is below:
I will only check revisions based on the calendar above. All revisions must be dropped off BEFORE homeroom.
Students will NOT have vocabulary this week.
Reading Reminder: As with any novel study, students will have guided questions to complete for each section. These should be answered in complete, thorough sentences, as it will serve as their study guide for their quizzes and final test. It is essential that students keep up with the assigned reading if they want to be successful on our in class assignments.
All reading assignments are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day.
A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home.
This week we will continue working with the verb ‘Ir’ and discuss its various forms and uses. We will do some activities to solidify our knowledge of the vocabulary dealing with places and activities. We will also talk about culture in Honduras, discuss the artwork of Velásquez, and learn how to read a map of the city.
* Make sure to continue working on Duolingo and IXL everyday!
Next week in World History we continue our examination of the causes and impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Students will focus their time on child labor and the industrialists during the IR. We will have a chapter test Thursday the 11th. Our next project will be introduced next Friday. Students will complete a slide presentation on an invention during the IR. Students will also work together to create their own inventions. Students will present their inventions to the class when completed.
“You can spend your life looking over your shoulder, or you can spend your life looking ahead.” - Pleasant Rowland
Sketchbook Prompt: Separate your entire page with 6 lines, then fill in the spaces with different patterns
8th: Will begin carving on our Sgraffito
7th: Will finish with Shadow Boxes in correlation with narrative work in ELA
6th: Will start wrap up our Restricted Sculpture
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