April 25th - April 29th



All releases and payment ($325) for the trip were due today, Friday, April 22nd.  If you have any questions an information packet can be found (with the releases) at this linkBoth the Mountain Trail School (aka Camp Kanuga) and Blue Ridge YMCA have excellent websites that provide excellent details.




We are in the final trimester of the year and the “countdown” has begun (especially for the 8th graders!) toward the end of the year. To help keep things straight, important dates can be found at this link.



For the 8th grade graduation every year, we put together a slideshow of the graduating class. We ask that the parents provide 5 *digital* pictures of their 8th grader(s) along with which high school they will be attending. The pictures can be whatever you like to be shown (baby, school, special occasions, with family or friends, etc.). Please submit to Mrs. Mannarino via email (mmannarino@hancockdayschool.org) by Friday, April 29th.



Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects.  THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.

Different subjects will appear in different colors:

History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.


Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time.  This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities.  Click HERE for a log form.


Reminder: duty hours are 7:45 - 8:10.  ½ hour of community service credit each day.  Students should keep a log of their hours on the community service form. If you are interested, see Mrs. Mannarino in the middle school office to sign up!

As Learning Coach, I work with students, parents, and teachers to offer support and strategies throughout the year. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child/ren. I will share ideas and strategies often in this space. My email is: tguggenheim@hancockdayschool.org. I look forward to working with you! 

Tricia Guggenheim

Working Memory, Part 3 - (Marydee Sklar: 50 Tips to Help Students Succeed))

Two weeks ago, I shared information about Working Memory, and last week I shared tools that can support working memory deficits. The following are additional tools that can be helpful.

Whiteboards, Calendars, and Timers

  • Use the Whiteboard as a Family Time-Management Tool

    • Assign every family member his/her own section of the board, perhaps even an individual color marker.

    • In their respective sections, people list what they both need and want to do on that day or weekend.

    • Estimate the spaces and time to spend on each task.

    • As tasks are completed, cross them off.

  • Calendars Are Critical

    • Make the future visible by using monthly calendars.

    • A monthly calendar not only shows the present date and a list of commitments, but is also shows a picture of the future. The picture of time between when a project is assigned and when it is due is critical when it comes to meeting a deadline.

    • You might also encourage your student to cross off each day to bring home the visual point that the deadline is getting closer.

  • Terrific Timers

    • Timers, specifically electronic timers, are favorite time tools. They can be used in many ways to support the time-challenged brain.

    • There all sorts of timers:

      • Cube timers

      • Timers on phones, watches, tablets, and even your stove

    • Remember, simpler is usually better.

Research continues to come out about the importance of developing “grit” in kids. It is the ability to push toward long-term goals despite challenges or failure. Luckily, it is something that can be developed and parents can take the lead on helping their child learn. One of my personal favorite tips is for parents to model a growth mindset. This allows children to understand that with hard work, you can truly develop any skill or ability. Parents can normalize mistakes by discussing obstacles or failures and sharing positive “self talk” that helps push towards success.  

How (and Why) to Teach Kids to Have More Grit

Please feel free to get in touch with me at amaher@hancockdayschool.org if you have any questions or concerns.


Students will continue working on the last two sections of this unit. The test has been moved to Thursday 4/28. The last units will consist of graphing quadratic equations, properties of radicals, solving radical equations, and applying pythagorean theorem and its converse. I will take the last unit slowly knowing that it is the end of the year. 


Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will continue to review important Algebra concepts.  We will begin reviewing factoring and solving quadratic equations.  There will be a quiz on Thursday.  We will also have the last STAR Math Assessment on Friday.


Next week in Geometry, we will complete Chapter 12 by learning how to find the volume of pyramids and cones (12.5).  We will also learn how to find the surface area and volume of spheres (12.6) and learn about the relationships between similar solids (12.7).  We will have a day of review on Thursday and the Chapter 12 test on Friday.  We will also have the last STAR assessment on Thursday.


This week we will be STAR testing on 4/26. 

Students will be focusing on the first five pages of their Creative Story. We have so many different ideas being flushed out, and I am so excited to see everyone’s vision come to life. 

I am hoping to hear from the JEA in the next few days! I will email families as soon as I hear back regarding the contest winners. Keep your fingers crossed! 

Yom HoShoah Due Dates


April 28th, 2022

(Optional) Holocaust Remembrance Program (Extra Credit Opportunity- on GC)

**As students continue into their 8th grade year, it is imperative that they keep up with their reading, annotate their novels, and come in for extra help. The foundation of this class is heavily based on discussion and the sharing of ideas; students will need to participate to be able to engage with the material in a productive manner.


The EM spectrum and light have been the topic of study for 8th grade.  This week students participated in a lab to determine how different materials (opaque, translucent and transparent) affect light transmission and looked at polarizing film, prisms and spectroscopes.  (See photos below.)  Next week we will focus on the eye, how we see, optical illusions and colors.  Students will also participate in a Rainbow Test Tube Lab to create their own color combinations and compare the colors of pigment and the colors of light.  We will also introduce mirrors and lenses.  The unit test for all this information is scheduled for Tuesday 5/10/22. The last Science in Comics of the school year is due on Friday, 4/29/22 and students may complete two extra Science in Comics for additional homework grades. These optional assignments are due by 5/20/22.

A reminder that all rubrics, homework and classwork are posted on Google Classroom under the appropriate topic. This includes all videos, websites, diagrams, notes and other material we use in class.  Students are encouraged to use them for review, studying and to keep up with assignments they may miss if absent from class. 

US HISTORY- Mr. Gauthier

The in class projects for the 1920’s have been completed.  Assessments (projects and quizzes are complete.  Test on WW1-1920’s will be next week with steps forward to learning about FDR’s New Deal and causes of WW2.


Hello…this week we will continue to work on the preterite tense…with concentration on the verbs SER & IR.  The students will also complete a translation of a story for a mini project grade.

The students will begin work on the preterite tense & the demonstrative adjectives.  At the close of the week the students will have a quiz.  The students will be quizzed on the verbs saber and conocer and the preterite tense.  This will take place on Friday.


This week we are wrapping up our video/tshirt design project. The kids did such a great job in creatively designing and sewing a tacky tshirt! See below! The video portion for the project will be due MONDAY at end of day tutorial. We will have a test on List 6B and numbers 1-1000 on Thursday, April 28th!!

*Remember, students, that Spanish homework is due BEGINNING OF CLASS or it is a zero! Outside of emergency situations!** 


Students will continue working on the last two sections of this unit. The test has been moved to Thursday, 4/28. The last units will consist of graphing quadratic equations, properties of radicals, solving radical equations, and applying pythagorean theorem and its converse. I will take the last unit slowly knowing that it is the end of the year. 


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete the final part of Chapter 8.  We will have a day of review on Monday and then the 8.7-8.9 test on Tuesday (E Block) or Wednesday (B Block).  We will then begin Chapter 9 by learning about square roots and how to evaluate them (9.1).  We will also have the last STAR Math Assessment on Friday.


This week we will be STAR testing on 4/28. 

Students will be working on a paragraph response where they will be discussing the ‘Anchors’ for the characters within the novel. They will also be discussing some of their own anchors as they make a real-world connection to the text. 

Reading Due 224-296 Due on 4/28. 

Reading 296-End of Novel Due on 

We will begin working on the Final Essay on 5/9 which will be an example for their upcoming summer reading. Students will be working through comprehension questions each week alongside their reading. I usually give 25-30 questions, but students can choose 15 to complete. HOWEVER, I will be collecting these comprehension questions as a TEST grade when this unit study is complete. Details are on GC. We will be preparing for 8th grade during this unit.  This is an EXCELLENT novel, and I highly suggest that parents read along with their children. :) 

The 7th Grade Exam will be on Posted. 

Strategies for Home: 

-Students should be reviewing for a few minutes each night. Students should ask for parent/guardian help as a study buddy!

-Students should also annotate the rubric for projects and activities.

-Students should have a calendar of ‘chunking’ due dates for projects and studying. 

-Students should be coming in from 7:35-8:15 am to review/ask questions/take more time on their homework. 

**As students continue into their 7th grade year, it is imperative that they keep up with their reading, annotate their novels, and come in for extra help. The foundation of this class is heavily based on student reading and the sharing of ideas; students will need to participate to be able to engage with the material in a productive manner. All class activities are based on the reading completed prior to class time. **


This week, students will break down the use of figurative language in our novel Posted. Students will identify different uses of figurative language, discussing their meaning and importance in the story. Because students will only have four days to complete the final section of reading, they will NOT have guided reading questions. Instead, they will create questions for a Socratic Seminar, which will be held on Friday 4/29. This allows us to fully complete the novel prior to the class trip the first week of May. 


Due Date/Quiz


Monday 4/11


Tuesday 4/19


Monday 4/25


Friday 4/29

Novel Test 

Tuesday 5/10

I am available every morning and during tutorial if students would like to review the reading or ask questions. Because I make sure to be consistently available for the students, I expect them to walk into our class discussions and quizzes prepared and ready. I am here to assist the kids with their overall comprehension of the novel and expect them to reach out if they have questions. 

It is imperative that students keep up with their reading. They will be unable to complete our class discussions and activities without completing the reading. All reading assignments and homework are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day. All reading should be ANNOTATED. 

A reminder about any and all projects in ELA: projects in my class are designed to help students think critically and not just memorize information. Rather, I want them learning how to apply what they’ve learned. They are given detailed rubrics with checklists and a breakdown of my expectations. They should consult their rubric regularly while working on their project. The bulk of ELA projects are completed in class; they are given ample time and multiple class periods where they are strictly working on their project. Therefore, if students use their time wisely, they should have only minimal parts to complete at home. 


Next week, we will begin our final unit of the trimester - Ecology. We will continue to focus on biomes and ecosystems. Students will also analyze data regarding abiotic factors in various ecosystems. They will have a quiz on biomes and ecosystems on Friday. Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom daily for assignments, announcements, and study materials. 


Next week students will begin our next unit: Division, Civil War and Reconstruction.   The differences between state and federal government will be examined.


Next week in American History: Students will continue their study of the Division, Civil War, and Reconstruction. In this Unit students will study and examine the events that led up to the Civil War. We will dive deep into slavery, state’s rights, and how the Civil War and Reconstruction impacted our great nation. Students will continue to finish up their project: Studying Civil War soldiers and making a life-size cutout of CW soldiers and Generals. Students will have an assessment on 4/27. The Final Exam Project will be introduced next week. The entire project will be completed in class.


Progress reports were handed out and students know where they stand. There will be a quiz 9.1-9.4 Wednesday 4/27, (E block) and Thursday 4/28 (F block). (Decimals, percents, fractions, proportions and the percent equation.


Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete the final part of Chapter 8.  We will have a day of review on Monday and then the 8.7-8.9 test on Tuesday.  We will then begin Chapter 9 by learning about square roots and how to evaluate them (9.1).  We will also have the last STAR Math Assessment on Friday.


After finishing up our unit on Oceans, the sixth graders are discussing ways to help keep our oceans clean and safe by learning about different types of pollution.  They began by comparing point and non-point source examples as well as learning about oil spills and how these problems can affect our waterways. They built a miniature aquifer to simulate pollution entering our groundwater and observe actual examples of microplastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, along with learning  about the different types of plastics and how they are recycled. (See photos below.) As a grade level, students are tallying the amount of plastic, paper, metal and glass they use and throw away during lunch and snack.  They will also calculate their water usage at home for taking showers and work on ways to conserve water.  The last Science in Comics of the school year is due on Friday, 4/29/22.  Students may also complete two extra Science in Comics for additional homework grades. These optional assignments are due by 5/20/22.  Next week we will begin our Astronomy unit beginning with comets, asteroids and meteors, the seasons and the phases of the moon. The astronomy test is scheduled for Friday, 5/13/22.

A reminder that all rubrics, homework and classwork are posted on Google Classroom under the appropriate topic. This includes all videos, websites, diagrams, notes and other material we use in class.  Students are encouraged to use them for review, studying and to locate any material they miss while absent from class. 


Next week, we will begin our final unit of the year - Astronomy! We will begin with an overview of astronomy and focus on the lunar cycle. Students will have a quiz on Friday on the lunar cycle. Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom daily for assignments and study materials which have been posted for daily review. 


This week, we will finish up our reading on The Outsiders. It has been so great to see the kids connect with this novel! Remember—students will not have a formal test over the novel. Rather, the bulk of the text will be covered on their final exam at the end of May. 

Our Greaser Day (when we will watch the film) will be Wednesday 4/27 (D BLOCK) and Thursday 4/28 (B/C BLOCK). If you are able, please feel free to bring in snacks/drinks for the kids. I will provide popcorn! :-) 

Vocab packets for Chapters 7-12 are DUE to be checked Friday 4/29. 

The Outsiders Reading Assignments 


Due Date/Quiz

Chapters 1 and 2

Friday 3/25

Chapters 3 and 4

Friday 4/1

Chapters 5 and 6

Friday 4/8


D Block: Tuesday 4/12

B/C Block: Wednesday 4/13

Chapters 7, 8, and 9

D Block: Tuesday 4/19
B/C Block: Wednesday 4/20

Chapters 10, 11, and 12

D Block: Tuesday 4/26

B/C Block: Wednesday 4/27 


Monday 5/9

*Final test over The Outsiders will be on students’ final exam at the end of May. Students will be given a full study guide of material on the exam and be allowed to use a notecard. 

As a reminder: projects and essays in ELA are designed to help students think critically about the reading they have completed. I structure these assignments in a way that almost 95% should be completed in class. I carve out time and multiple periods for students to have ample time to work, ask questions, and be productive, which should limit their homework load. If students utilize this time wisely and stay on task, they should be coming home with minimal homework. 

REMINDER: In order to find success with novel studies in middle school ELA, it is essential that students keep up with the assigned reading, annotate their novels, and THOROUGHLY answer their guided questions. Students will be assigned a set number of chapters and have a week to complete the reading/questions. All of our in class lessons will center around the assigned reading and failure to keep up with the reading will have a drastic effect on their ability to complete in class assignments/projects. I expect students to pace themselves and be reading each night, come to class prepared to discuss our reading, and come see me if they have questions. 

All reading assignments and homework are posted on my classroom board and on Google Classroom daily. Students should check Google Classroom every single day. 

Students MUST follow my writing formula for all formal writing assignments and should follow the MLA formatting guidelines I gave them. The students have a handout on how to do this and we have practiced together multiple times. Any paper not formatted correctly or color-coded will not be accepted. 


Last week we started our Radionovela project and wrapping up this project and “presenting” the podcasts. This project is due Wednesday, April 27th for B and C blocks, and Tuesday, April 26th for D block. We are also doing a review this week for our test on Friday! It will cover numbers 1-1000 and List #6B. 

 **Remember, students, that Spanish homework is due at the BEGINNING of class! No late homework will be accepted outside of emergency situations or if you have previously communicated with me**


Next week in World History students will continue their study of  The Making of America: Immigration, Industrialization and Reform. We will  study Immigration and how this impacted America and how this topic still influences much of America’s policies today. We will have an assessment on Friday the 29th. The Final Exam project will be introduced next week as well. The entire project will be completed in class.


“The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” – William Morris

Sketchbook Prompt:

8th: Draw two sports figures in a dynamic pose.

7th: Draw an animal playing a musical instrument.

6th: Draw a salad.

Classwork Challenges:

8th: Will continue working on screen printing.

7th: Will finish Faux Stained Glass in conjunction with Math.

6th: Will continue to work on an ocean’s sculptural project in line with Science. Please try to remember to bring in clean, plastic recyclables.
