January 16th - January 20th



Just a friendly reminder that all students in grades 6th through 8th should be signed in and out of the middle school office by their parent. 


Every year we display a slideshow of the 8th grade class during their reception following graduation. Families are asked to provide five (5) pictures of their choice (baby pictures, family pictures, friends, etc.) and the high school they will be attending in the Fall. Please submit this information to Mrs. Mannarino via email by Friday, May 5th. For an example of a past slideshow, please click here


8th Graders interested in earning a PVSA at our annual Honors Assembly will need to submit their community service hours by Friday, March 24th. 

  • Gold Award (100+ hours)

  • Silver Award (75 - 99 hours)

  • Bronze Award (50 - 74 hours)


If you are interested in participating in the Hancock tradition of hosting the reception for the graduating 8th grade class on May 24th, please follow this link for more information and sign-ups!


Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects.  THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.

Different subjects will appear in different colors:

History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.


Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time.  This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time.  See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form or see Mrs. Mannarino in the office.

CURRENT OPPORTUNITY AT HANCOCK - SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH There will be a community service opportunity on Saturday, January 28th from 2:00 to 4:00 in Hancock Hall. We are collecting plastic store bags to make PLARN beds for the homeless. Watch this video for more information on the Plarn Matter Project!

As Learning Coach, I work with students, parents, and teachers to offer support and strategies throughout the year. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child/ren. I will share ideas and strategies often in this space. My email is: tguggenheim@hancockdayschool.org. My phone extension is 327. 

I look forward to working with you! 

Tricia Guggenheim

16. If you are struggling, ask for help.

Start by talking to the teacher. You can begin by telling the teacher what you do understand or what you have tried, and then you can discuss the part you are having difficulty with. Or you can show the teacher how you have attempted to complete the question/directions and point out where you are getting stuck. Another idea is to ask the teacher if you can restate the question in your own words or attempt the math problem with the teacher’s guidance. The way you ask for help is important. Saying “I don’t understand” without details (e.g. where you are getting stuck or what you have tried) will not show the teacher your effort.

Talking to your middle school student about peer pressure is a great way to help them develop strategies to navigate tricky situations before they encounter them. 

Creating a family “code word” or “code phrase” is a simple tool that enables your child  to indicate they need assistance to leave a potentially dangerous environment. See the link below for tips on how to implement this.


6 Ways to Help Your Child Deal with Peer Pressure

Develop a Code Word

Please feel free to get in touch with me at amaher@hancockdayschool.org if you have any questions or concerns.

ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor

Students did very well with sections 6.1-6.3. We are working on 6.4 (compound inequalities and special cases compound inequalities. We will spend all next week on this section, review 1/23 (Monday) and quiz on this section only 1/24 (A-block), 1/25(B-block). Then we will move on to Solving and graphing absolute value equations and inequalities. (6.5-6.6).


Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will continue Chapter 4 in Geometry by learning about the Triangle Sum Theorem (4.1), the Exterior Angle Theorem (4.2), the Base Angles Theorem and its Converse (4.3), the Pythagorean Inequality Theorem (4.4-4.5), and using the median and centroid in triangles (4.6).

GEOMETRY - Mr. Lanfear

Next week in Geometry, we will begin Chapter 7 by learning about the Pythagorean Theorem, its Converse, and the Pythagorean Inequality Theorem (7.1-7.3).  We will also learn about 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 right triangles (7.4).  On Tuesday, we will review some key Algebra concepts such as graphing linear inequalities and solving quadratic equations using square roots.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer

We aren’t done with Macbeth…yet. :) 

We have one more final project!  Reader’s Theatre Performance! Students will be assigned groups and a scene! Students will be performing in class on Monday, January 23rd. 

It’s Time for a Mental Break!

The 8th graders have been working extremely hard throughout the Macbeth Unit. As a reward, assuming they continue to work diligently, before we begin Night, the 8th graders will receive one week ‘off’ of ELA. This is a ‘tradition/privilege’ I started last year. Students will watch an educational movie in class that week with snacks and drinks. This is a much needed BRAIN BREAK! Please see your email for the donation sign up! :)

We will then begin Night by Elie Wiesel on January 30th. :) 


Macbeth Workbook is due 1/23/23

***In 8th grade it is critical that students need to be completing their homework each night. This is a KEY component to success for 8th ELA. POP Quizzes are continuing…Students are learning that it is critical for students to annotate their books in regards to characters and key details. For students to do well on these assessments, please use the following strategies: 

  1. Read and annotate (check annotations with Mrs. Boyer’s book). 

  2. Ask for practice questions

  3. Come in and practice writing prompts

  4. Spend a solid 30 minutes each night on reading, review, etc. 

**Students are currently writing in an ELA specific journal. This journal will be a critical piece throughout the year. I would highly encourage students to take very good care of this journal as it will be extremely helpful as they venture on to high school.**


We have begun our investigation into motion and forces- specifically Newton’s Laws! The students will have had their first quiz in physics by next week and should be continuing to review concepts and do practice problems. Next week we will be identifying forces and we will be doing a lab to reinforce Newton’s three laws. I hope that this unit continues to be fun and engaging as I am trying to incorporate demonstrations and practical examples. Looking further ahead, students will have their first unit test on Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Friday 1/27. The week following that will be spent working on a bottle rocket project where students will construct with a partner their bottle rocket and write a written report. It will conclude with the launching of them which everyone should be excited for! This will be worth both a test grade and project grade. Keep checking GC for updates and extra credit opportunities. 

US HISTORY - Mr. Gauthier  

Year in review projects are done.  WWl continues with google classroom videos and questions.  Next week  (1/20) will be a test on WW l vocabulary , terms and history.

SPANISH - Ms. Crocker

¡Hola, clase! This week we are starting our COOKING SHOW PROJECT and making a class recipe book. Parents, your help would be greatly appreciated for this. Students will be either demonstrating live in class how to make a dish (their favorite dish) in class OR may make a cooking show video at home (all in Spanish!). This project is a TEST grade. There will be 2-3 steps along the way for this project that will be due and posted on Google Classroom.

Cooking Projects are due Jan 24th and 25th

Make sure you are practicing your new verb conjugations!

Vocabulary quizzes coming up over the next and the following Fridays this month. Encourage students to review their vocabulary for the note in their binders and on those available to them on Google Classroom!


We enjoyed tasting all of the delicious foods from Spanish speaking countries last week!  GRACIAS, parents!! They LOVED it. Thank you for your help! We will continue working with food vocabulary and verbs and have a quiz Wed (E block) and Thursday (C block) on verbs.

ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor

Students did very well with sections 6.1-6.3. We are working on 6.4 (compound inequalities and special cases compound inequalities. We will spend all next week on this section, review 1/23 (Monday) and quiz on this section only 1/24 (A-block), 1/25(B-block). Then we will move on to Solving and graphing absolute value equations and inequalities. (6.5-6.6).

PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear

Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will begin Chapter 5 by learning about rational numbers and converting fractions to decimals and vice versa (5.1).  We will also review adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers (5.2-5.4).  There will be a quiz on Friday covering 5.1-5.4.

ELA - Mrs. Buchner & Mrs. Boyer

Students have chosen their Voices of the World books and received their journals! We know that students will reap many benefits from this unit including how to work as a team, how to self-direct their learning, as well as the academic benefits of digging deeper into literature. 

Novel Choices: 

The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

 The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz

 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by Bryan Mealer and William Kamkwamba

 The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani

Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed.

This is a unit that works in tandem with cultural studies, as students work on their research based writing skills, and literary analysis, as students create their independent reading schedule and work in literature circles with their own literary reflection journal. Students have begun to read (with their independent reading schedule as a guide); novels must be finished by class on 2/9/23.  

Students are continuing their Brochure through the week, and this will be due Thursday, January 19th by 3:30 pm. 

Students will begin their reflection journals and will be expected to write five journals each week. Journals will be checked each week. 

Thursday 1/19/23

Thursday 1/26/23

Thursday 2/2/23

Thursday 2/9/23

In preparation for the VoW Book clubs, students have been reviewing literary devices this week that are critical to the 7th grade curriculum (simile, metaphor, symbols/motifs, foreshadowing, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, anecdote, paradox, personification, alliteration, irony (dramatic, situational, and verbal), oxymorons, imagery, etc.). Students will use their knowledge of literary devices and Idea Based Writing to dive deep into their chosen novel. The activities associated with this review will allow students to have a little fun too! They will find memes to use as examples of the different literary devices for which they will be responsible. Next week, Friday January 13th, students will have a quiz over the literary devices. 


Literary Device Quiz - Friday January 13th

Research Country Brochure- Due Thursday 1/19 by 3:30 pm

Reflection Journal Due Thursday 2/9 TEST Grade

Students are highly encouraged to come in for extra help if they are having any difficulty with any assignment. Mrs. Buchner and Mrs. Boyer are available weekday mornings from 7:45 am to 8:15 am.

Strategies for Home: 

-Students should be studying for the exam a little each night. Students retain information much better if they study along the way, rather than cramming the night before a test.

-All homework assignments are in Google Calendar and Our Weekly Google Slide Presentation.

-Students should be coming in from 7:45-8:15 am to review/ask questions/work on their homework. 

**As students continue into their 7th grade year, it is imperative that they keep up with their reading, annotate their novels, and come in for extra help. The foundation of this class is heavily based on student reading and the sharing of ideas; students will need to participate to be able to engage with the material in a productive manner. All class activities are based on the reading completed prior to class time. 


Next week, we will continue to explore the body systems by delving into the Muscular System. Our focus will be on the interrelationship of the skeletal system and muscular system. Students will conduct an exploratory station lab to gather facts about the structure and functions of the muscular system. Then on Friday, they will participate in an engaging lab where they see the muscular system at work! Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom each day for announcements, assignments, and study materials. 

US HISTORY - Mr. Gauthier

Students had a very successful excursion to Georgia Southern.  THANK YOU for a very smooth transition to and from the site!  Revolution map test has been assigned with rubric and instructions in google classroom.  The map is due on Wednesday 1/18

US HISTORY - Mr. O’Hayer

Students had a great time at the JA Business Park. They learned a great deal about financial literacy and what it means to “adult in the real world.” Coming up, students will continue their investigation into the causes of the American Revolution. 


Students seemed to struggle a little with adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. They are learning to multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers now. They will continue to practice using self-checking fun digital formative assessments to strengthen their skill. They will have a test on Chapter 5 Friday 1/20.

PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear

Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will begin Chapter 5 by learning about rational numbers and converting fractions to decimals and vice versa (5.1).  We will also review adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers (5.2-5.4).  There will be a quiz on Friday covering 5.1-5.4.


Next week, we will begin our unit on Continental Drift Theory. This is a fun and engaging unit. Throughout the week, students will participate in activities to explore Pangea and they will have the opportunity to agree or formulate their own theory on Continental Drift. Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom daily for announcements, assignments, and study materials.


Next week we will be learning about Continental Drift Theory which we have previously investigated at the beginning of the unit. Students seemed very interested in that and I am excited to watch them as they investigate Pangea and the movement of the continents to their positions now. Please have your student check Google Classroom for any updates!

ELA - Mrs. Buchner

6TH grade is ROCKING the Essay Project! I am so PROUD of how students have committed to this unit! They are really catching on in writing their FIRST literary analysis essay. The units we have worked on so far this year have well-prepared them to write strong, well-developed paragraphs. Idea Based Writing has provided them with the tools to dig deeper into a text and the Jan Schaffer Method of Writing has given them the tools to create solid, well-supported evidence in their paragraphs. I love seeing them reap the benefits of all of their hard work so far this school year. I think we will be ahead of schedule in completing the essay for the majority of students, so we may be able to start The Outsiders unit a bit sooner.

On another note, 60% of 6th grade students achieved HIGH GROWTH on their Star Reading Test which was taken last week. Please note that this means that 60% raised their reading level, while the remaining 40% may have maintained their current level or dropped just a bit. Sometimes, being distracted, tired, or having a bad day can affect a student’s score. I will send home STAR reading reports soon, so be on the lookout!

Almost all students will have completed their essay rough draft by Friday 1/13. The rough draft will count as a PROJECT grade. Students will spend next week editing and revising their essays with several of their peers, as well as receive feedback through edits and conferencing from me. The final draft will be due on Wednesday January 25th to Google Classroom by 8:30 p.m., and it will count as a TEST grade. Students will turn in a paper copy of their essay to me on Friday 1/27 in class.

I really appreciate how much you are supporting your students during this unit by bringing them to tutorials, making sure they are completing their edits at home, and providing a bit of feedback. Please be careful not to do too much for them. It is important that students are doing their own writing, so they can gain the confidence needed to do this on their own when they have a prompt in class that they must complete ONLY during class time. This will not be the only essay they write in their educational career, so please let them struggle a bit. It will only allow them to learn, grow, and become more confident in their abilities. All of your students are capable of writing well-developed essays. If I find that they need more help, I will email you with a suggestion of securing a tutor, so they can get one-on-one assistance. 

Students should have already chosen and begun reading an independent novel for their INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT. My recommendation is that they will try to finish reading the book while we are working on the 5 paragraph essay since we will begin reading The Outsiders on January 25th.  Students will choose 3 book responses from the Tic-Tac-Toe board in Google Classroom. They may submit their responses in Google Classroom or as a hard copy on notebook paper, or a combination of both. The 1st Independent Reading Project Responses are due January 31st. These book responses will count as PROJECT grades each month. A list of book choices have been posted in Google Classroom. Students may choose to read a book that is not on the list, but must get it approved by me first to do so. 

Once we finish our essays, we will then begin our next novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. During this unit, students will read the novel outside of class and complete discussion questions as they read, so we can use class time to dig deeper into the novel through open classroom discussions. Students will work in book club groups to explore many literary aspects of the book during class time. It is very important that students are completing their reading assignments each day, so they can participate in the book club meetings and be able to contribute to discussions. As well, there will be reading checks over comprehension of the text after each reading assignment.These will be short “quizzes” over the previous night’s reading, which will count as classwork grades. Students will also have a quiz approximately every 4 chapters over the discussion questions and our class discussions.  

 Homework assignments can be found in your student’s Google Calendar, as well as the weekly Google Slide Presentation in their ELA Google Classroom. Students are highly encouraged to come in for help on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:45-8:15 a.m.  Tutorials are available weekly on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m.

Upcoming Assessments:

  • ESSAY PROJECT rough draft Due Friday January 20th (PROJECT Grade)

  • ESSAY PROJECT final draft-Due Wednesday January 25th (TEST Grade)

*Students will submit to Google Classroom and turn in a paper copy to me on Friday 1/27.

  • INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT #1: Due Tuesday January 31, 2023


Vocabulary quizzes coming up over the next and the following Fridays this month. Encourage students to review their vocabulary for the note in their binders and on those available to them on Google Classroom!


Students will begin our investigation of The Enlightenment period and study how this Age of Reason changed our world and influenced governments across the globe including how its principles impacted the governing theories of the new America. Students will also begin their first project of the Semester- researching the famous philosophers of The Enlightenment.

Good day HDS Community! This week students have shown skills in teamwork, planning, and researching in the two-dimensional work that will cross over into three-dimensional clay work next week.  Small groups of sixth graders teamed up to observe the instinctive lines of the local live oaks.  Students discussed how trees instinctively grow in the right direction in order to survive through balance. Each student will have their live oak posted in the Local Live Oak Gallery of Artsonia. 

Focused planning skills were required by 7th graders to illustrate types of architecture using the grid method. Students will create clay architectural facades next week using the slab method.  Eighth graders discover the diversity within the traditions of pottery.  The research guides students to determine the style and design for their own ceramic vessel plan using the coil method. 

