January 30th - February 3rd
SENIOR NIGHT Monday, January 30th is "senior night" for the boys' and girls' basketball teams!
Just a friendly reminder that all students, grades 6th through 8th, should be signed in and out of the middle school office by their parent.
Every year we display a slideshow of the 8th grade class during their reception following graduation. Families are asked to provide five (5) pictures of their choice (baby pictures, family pictures, friends, etc.) and the high school they will be attending in the Fall. Please submit this information to Mrs. Mannarino via email by Friday, May 5th. For an example of a past slideshow, please click here.
8th Graders interested in earning a PVSA at our annual Honors Assembly will need to submit their community service hours by Friday, March 24th.
Gold Award (100+ hours)
Silver Award (75 - 99 hours)
Bronze Award (50 - 74 hours)
If you are interested in participating in the Hancock tradition of hosting the reception for the graduating 8th grade class on May 24th, please follow this link for more information and sign-ups!
Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects. THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.
Different subjects will appear in different colors:
History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.
Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time. This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. See below for a few upcoming service opportunities. Click HERE for a log form or see Mrs. Mannarino in the office.
There will be a community service opportunity tomorrow, Saturday, January 28th from 2:00 to 4:00 in Hancock Hall. Watch this video for more information on the Plarn Matter Project! Please plan to attend with your child if you would like or drop off.
As Learning Coach, I work with students, parents, and teachers to offer support and strategies throughout the year. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child/ren. I will share ideas and strategies often in this space. My email is: tguggenheim@hancockdayschool.org. My phone extension is 327.
I look forward to working with you!
Tricia Guggenheim
18. Make your own study guide.
One great way to study is to make a list of the important information from a chapter and write it in your own words. Copy down any words that are written in bold or in italics. Look at chapter headings, section headings and review sections at the end of a chapter for other important information to add to your study guide. Merge this information with class notes.
Talking to your middle school student about peer pressure is a great way to help them develop strategies to navigate tricky situations before they encounter them.
Creating a family “code word” or “code phrase” is a simple tool that enables your child to indicate they need assistance to leave a potentially dangerous environment. See the link below for tips on how to implement this.
6 Ways to Help Your Child Deal with Peer Pressure
Please feel free to get in touch with me at amaher@hancockdayschool.org if you have any questions or concerns.
ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor
This week will end Chapter 6 (Absolute Value Inequalities/Equations and Graphing Two Variable linear inequalities). We will review for Chapter test 2/6. Students will be able to finish the test Tues or Wed if they need to. It is a long chapter and I want to give them the best opportunity to do well.
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will begin Chapter 8 by learning how to classify polygons (8.1), find the sum of the interior and exterior angles in any polygon (8.2), find the area of rectangles, squares, triangles, parallelograms, and rhombuses (8.3-8.5). There will be a quiz covering 8.1-8.4 on Friday.
GEOMETRY - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will complete Chapter 7 by using right triangle trigonometry to solve real world problems. There will be a short quiz covering 7.5-7.6 on Monday, a day of review on Tuesday, and a test on Trig on Thursday.
ELA - Mrs. Boyer
This week we will begin Night by Elie Wiesel. This is a memoir of Wiesel’s time in the Holocaust concentration camps. This is the first year that the schedule has worked out so that I am able to teach the novel/content before the Washington, D.C. trip at which they will be visiting the United States Holocaust Museum.
This unit is about reflection, awareness, respect, and diving into the unanswerable question…WHY?
Students will work through this novel using the following:
Night Reflection Packet- Class Warm Ups, Night Comprehension Questions, Journal Entries
Yom HaShoah Contest Packet- All 8th graders will be entering the Jewish Education Alliance’s Annual Yom Hashoah Holocaust Art and Writing Contest. Your child will receive this information on Monday, and their homework will be for you to read and sign.
Dear Parents,
During the next several weeks your child will be completing their Yom HaShoah Contest Project. This project is a large part of each student’s overall grade for the third trimester and failure to complete it may result in a failing grade in English Literature for T3.
Besides weekly homework grades as outlined in the dates below, there will be four additional grades accessed for the project based on each individual part required. These are the submission brainstorm, the contest submission piece, formal report/class presentation, and the Reflection Journal/Packet. Each of these will count for the following grade: formal report= test grade, the contest submission piece= test, reflection journal packet- project grade, and the presentation= classwork grade.
Supplies needed for this project will include a report cover and any specific art materials needed to complete your child’s experiment. Students needing any assistance with these materials should see Mrs. Boyer.
There will be multiple days in class for working on these assignments; however, the majority of the work for the contest submission piece should be completed at home. Students are also encouraged to come in and work on their projects during morning tutorial times.
Contest Pieces will be due the week AFTER SPRING BREAK!
Please sign the cover sheet of the form to acknowledge the receipt of information about the project and its importance in your child’s ELA class. This form is due by 1/31 (E &F) and 2/1( C). If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to email me at oboyer@hancockdayschool.org. I will be glad to offer any assistance I can to ensure your child is successful in their project.
Yom HoShoah Due Dates
***In 8th grade it is critical that students need to be completing their homework each night. This is a KEY component to success for 8th ELA. POP Quizzes are continuing…Students are learning that it is critical for students to annotate their books in regards to characters and key details. For students to do well on these assessments, please use the following strategies:
Read and annotate (check annotations with Mrs. Boyer’s book).
Ask for practice questions
Come in and practice writing prompts
Spend a solid 30 minutes each night on reading, review, etc.
We have had SO much fun in physics this week! Below you will find the pictures of our archery day from E and F block. The students were so enthusiastic about it and I will create a shareable album and email that to all parents so you may look at the photos that Mr. Cargile was so kind to take. I truly believe this application and the work we have done this week will serve them well for their test. Looking to next week, we are beginning the first of three major projects in physics. It will be worth a project and test grade. The students will be making bottle rockets and studying the aerodynamics and the forces that will be acting on the rocket. They will have to write their first scientific paper that includes the history of rocketry, the science behind it, and explanation of their design. They will be in pairs or trios for this project and will be required to bring in materials for bottle rockets on Monday. A 2 liter soda bottle is required as the base and then materials of their choice for nose cone, fins, decorations, etc. I will remind them on Friday to bring in these things as well. Looking forward to it!
US HISTORY - Mr. Gauthier
1920’s discussion and research continue. A research/presentation project has been assigned and is due on 1/21 and 22. All classes watched MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech checking for examples of REFRAIN (a phrase that is repeated throughout a speech or poem that emphasizes a particular point) All students have been assigned their own speech that must contain refrain. Due dates and rubric for this speech is in Google Classroom.
SPANISH - Ms. Crocker
WOW!!! Thank you, parents for your help in the food projects-it has been such a special week for 8th grade. The videos were so impressive-some were professional, some very funny! I’ve put some screenshots of a few of the videos (there were a few cameos from family members and friends!) and treats brought in the class. This week we are starting a new unit on family and will start a family tree project and interview.
Our first round of Friday vocabulary quizzes went well last week! Please be mindful of our last vocabulary quiz of January this Friday. Looking forward to seeing equally stunning scores!
We have a TEST on food vocabulary and verbs on Monday!
We will be starting a new family unit this week as well!
ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor
This week will end Chapter 6 (Absolute Value Inequalities/Equations and Graphing Two Variable linear inequalities). We will review for Chapter test 2/6. Students will be able to finish the test Tues or Wed if they need to. It is a long chapter and I want to give them the best opportunity to do well.
PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 5 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 5 test on Wednesday (E Block) and Thursday (C Block). We will then begin Chapter 6 by learning about ratios and unit rates (6.1). We will have a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.
ELA - Mrs. Buchner & Mrs. Boyer
We are about half way through our choice novels; students will need to have their novels read by Thursday, February 9th.
We are working on a Poem in Two Voices where students write two poems side by side that reflect both the differences and similarities between themselves and the protagonist. This assignment will focus on creative thought and utilizing challenging/sensory-like vocabulary.
Students will have a Constructed Response this week, their third Book Club Meeting which will focus on metaphors/similes and symbolism, and will be assigned their final project which will be a test and project grade: THEME PARKS!
Some students are struggling with time management. It is important that they come up with a method to organize their tasks. Students were provided with the opportunity last week to create a calendar for their book club. We highly encourage students to complete this task and use the calendar if they are finding it difficult to accomplish their tasks in the time allotted.
Mrs. Boyer and Mrs. Buchner are both available for morning tutorials. If your student needs assistance with journal entries or just a quick check to see if they are completing them correctly, please have them drop by.
Students should have a Dark Blue or Black ink pen for class every day. Points will be deducted from journal entries if they are not writing in ink going forward. They may use an erasable pen if needed.
Journal Entries #11-15 due Thursday, Feb 2nd
Poem in Two Voices: Boyer Due Monday, January 30th in GC BEFORE CLASS
Buchner Due Friday, February 2nd by 8:30 p.m.
Students are highly encouraged to come in for extra help if they are having any difficulty with any assignment. Mrs. Buchner and Mrs. Boyer are available weekday mornings from 7:45 am to 8:15 am.
Strategies for Home:
-Students should be reading their VoW book each night and completing at least ONE journal entry a night.
-All homework assignments are in Google Calendar and Our Weekly Google Slide Presentation.
-Students should be coming in from 7:45-8:15 am to review/ask questions/work on their homework or review their journal entries with the teacher.
**As students continue into their 7th grade year, it is imperative that they keep up with their reading, annotate their novels, and come in for extra help. The foundation of this class is heavily based on student reading and the sharing of ideas; students will need to participate to be able to engage with the material in a productive manner. All class activities are based on the reading completed prior to class time.
Next week, we will conclude our unit on the Muscular System. Students will do review activities to prepare for their test. They will have a test on the Muscular System on Thursday. On Friday, we will begin a Project Based Learning activity to explore the Nervous System. This will be an in-class group project. Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom each day for announcements, assignments, and study materials.
US HISTORY - Mr. Gauthier
Next week in US History, as part of the Articles of Confederation/Constitution unit, students will be asked to “Be the Judge” on several scenarios involving potential violations of the US Constitution.
US HISTORY - Mr. O’Hayer
Next week in American History students will continue working on their “Teach a Lesson” projects. Students will research different aspects of the American Revolution and prepare a lesson and present their information to the class. We will also move past the Revolution and focus on the creation of the U.S. Constitution.
These sixth graders picked up on integers very quickly. A quiz on the first three sections (what is an integer, adding and subtracting integers) will be on 1/31 and 2/1. Then we will move to multiplication and division of integers.
PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will complete Chapter 5 by having a day of review on Monday and the Chapter 5 test on Thursday. We will then begin Chapter 6 by learning about ratios and unit rates (6.1). We will have a Math Facts Quiz on Friday.
Next week, we will conclude our study on Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonics. Students will have a quiz on Continental Drift Theory on Tuesday. The unit test on Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonics will be on Friday. Also next week, we will begin our unit on Earthquakes. Students will participate in an engaging lab where they compete to design an earthquake resistant structure. They will also have a lab exploring seismographs and websites which monitor geological activity around the world. Please remind your student to check the Google Classroom daily for announcements, assignments, and study materials.
Next week in Earth science, we will be finishing up our unit on Continental Drift as we learn about tectonics. They will have a quiz over the information on continental drift on Tuesday and then a unit test on Layers of the Earth through Plate Tectonics on Friday. This unit has been so fun with them!
ELA - Mrs. Buchner
All I can say is WOW!! I am so proud of all of the 6th graders. Students turned in their final drafts on Tuesday January 24th. Every student handed me a beautiful five-paragraph analytical essay written in MLA format using our Idea Based Writing Method and Jan Schafer Method. Your students have come SO FAR in just SIX months. I told them I didn’t want to write on them because they were so beautiful. One student said, “Then don’t. Just give us all 100s!” Of course, I cannot do that, but I am sure the outcomes will be remarkable. Please be sure to tell your students how proud you are of them and what they have accomplished. They are on the path to many more successes by becoming strong writers.
We are now working on The Outsiders unit. Students have begun reading the novel. They will be writing constructed responses as journal entries, using the Jan Schafer Method and Idea Based Writing, on each chapter of the book. Students will meet in groups of 3-4 to discuss the novel, using guiding questions over the literary focus from the previous week. Students will receive their Book Club groups this week based on STAR reading levels. These meetings will allow for cooperative learning in small groups. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS BRING THEIR COPY OF The Outsiders TO CLASS EACH DAY. Your student will be UNABLE to annotate the items they need to study for the quiz each day if they do not have their personal copy.
The INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT is due on Tuesday January 31st. Students will choose 3 book responses from the Tic-Tac-Toe board in Google Classroom. They may submit their responses in Google Classroom to the Assignment or as a hard copy on notebook paper/poster board, or a combination of both. The book responses will count as a PROJECT grade. A list of book choices have been posted in Google Classroom. Students may choose to read a book that is not on the list, but must get it approved by me first to do so.
GREASERS DAY! Students will be dressing up as their favorite character from The Outsiders on Tuesday February 28th. More information will be coming home soon!
On February 1st, students will choose their next Independent Reading Book. I have suggested that students read another book by S.E. Hinton, such as Rumble Fish or Tex, but this is not required. As usual, please peruse the book your student chooses for content. Some students are reading at a high school level, but that does not mean they should be reading a book appropriate for a high schooler. They should read within their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development). This is where they will benefit most from their reading. There are many books appropriate for a 6th grader within each student’s ZPD.This is on the STAR report that was sent home last week. I prefer that they wait to read That Was Then, This is Now until after they have finished The Outsiders, since it involves the same characters and setting.
Homework assignments can be found in your student’s Google Calendar, as well as the weekly Google Slide Presentation in their ELA Google Classroom. All of the reading/journal entry assignments for The Outsiders are located in the Google Classroom Assignment. Students are highly encouraged to come in for help on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:45-8:15 a.m. Tutorials are available weekly on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m.
Upcoming Assessments/Assignments:
Independent Reading PROJECT: Due Tuesday 1/31 (ALL Blocks)
Read Chapters 4-6: Due Wednesday 2/1 (D & E) & Thursday (A)
Journal Entries #5-8: Due Friday 2/3
Reading Check/QUIZ: Friday 2/3
TEST over Chapter 1-6 The Outsiders- Tuesday 2/7
Our first round of Friday vocabulary quizzes went well last week! Please be mindful of our last vocabulary quiz of January this Friday. Looking forward to seeing equally stunning scores!
Students will continue our study of The Enlightenment. After we finish with John Locke and his influence on the American colonies, we will move on to Enlightenment thinkers of the U.S and France. Students will also finish up their biographies on an Enlightenment Philosopher.
Good day HDS Community! Art classes for 7th & 8th grade are continuing beautifully in working with clay. The pieces are now transitioning from leatherware to greenware in preparation for glazing the bisqueware. While the stages and processes move along, the 2D work picks up the pace as students consider color for the architecture drawings in 7th. The eighth graders began carving linoleum today as the start of the printing process. Sixth graders have continued with 2D surface design in print and stained glass windows. Great work in progress this week!
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