August 21st - August 25th


Dear Parents, 

It was nice to see so many of you at our Open House on Sunday and in Carpool this week. The beginning of a new school year holds the promise of limitless potential and is met with great excitement and anticipation. We are in this together, and with you, we endeavor to provide the best possible learning environment where your children can thrive academically, emotionally, socially, and as artists and athletes. 

The home-school relationship is an important component of exceptional education, and it is our endeavor to partner with you, the parents, to ensure that your children are supported through their educational journey at HDS. It is inevitable that your student will experience some challenging times this year, whether in the classroom, in extracurriculars, or during unstructured times like recess and lunch. Your support from home is critical, and here are a few tips to keep the lines of communication open:

  • Contact your child’s teacher directly if you have any questions or concerns. Going directly to the source eliminates miscommunication and frustration. 
  • Presume positive intent, and remember that everyone (teachers, students, and parents) are doing their best every day… even on the days when we miss the mark, we are doing the best we can at that time.
  • Focus on effort and strategies, not on the outcome. We can’t always control the outcome, but we can always control our effort and the strategies we choose to employ. 
  • Learning is a process, not an event like a test or quiz grade, and reflecting on the learning process is a valuable exercise that helps students learn how to learn.
  • Always remember that we are in this together. When we work together, communicate openly, and focus on solutions to challenges, we can overcome any obstacles in our path.

We look forward to a productive, positive year of learning, growth, and fun. The faculty is energized. The students are energized. And we are excited to take this journey together with you.

Kind regards,

Jack Cargile

Head of Middle School


On the morning of Tuesday, September 26th, parents will drop-off their student/s at the Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot at 5:30 AM so that everyone can stow their baggage and get settled into their grade-level bus for our 6:00 AM departure. For our return trip, we will leave Merri-Mac prior to lunch on Friday, September 29th and expect to arrive between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM at the Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot in Savannah. Parents will be notified after we’ve hit the road to get a more accurate return time. 

Payment of $615 for the trip is due by check made out to Hancock Day School on or before Friday, August 25th, and payment will be collected by Mrs. Mannarino starting the first day of school. In addition to remitting payment, it is important that you complete the following documents by Friday, August 25th:


Please review with your student the Chromebook Code of Conduct and Standards which all families signed.  It is important to understand that if a Chromebook is broken or fails to work properly, the family is responsible for its repair or replacement.  As stated in the Chromebook Code of Conduct and Standards:

Students’ families are financially responsible for the repair or replacement cost of a broken or damaged Chromebook, iPad, Computer bag, or any other technology accessory.

  • Replacement Chromebook: $300

  • Replacement iPad: $500

  • Replacement Computer Bag: $20

  • Replacement Headphones: $5

Using the protective case provided, carrying the Chromebook with care (closing it when moving, not holding it by the screen), and always leaving the Chromebook in a safe place (not simply left on the floor) are the most responsible steps students can take to ensure the life of their Chromebook.


Middle School begins at 8:10am. Starting on Monday, students arriving after 8:10am will need to be checked into the middle school office by an adult, and they will receive a tardy slip before heading to their class. 

If you plan to pick up your student(s) before regular carpool, please complete a carpool change. When you arrive at the school to pick up, please come inside and sign out your student(s) using the Chromebook in the middle school office.


29th: PK-7th individual pictures
30th: PK-8th class pictures and 8th-grade individual pictures

In order to make Afternoon Carpool more efficient and safe for everyone, we need your cooperation. With the high volume of cars in our parking lot during the Afternoon Carpool pick-up window, it is imperative that you arrive at the scheduled time for your pick-up zone. When you arrive at Afternoon Carpool before your designated pick-up time, it causes a disruption in the flow of traffic which slows down Carpool and makes everyone have to sit in their car longer. 

For Afternoon Carpool, it is important to adhere to the scheduled pick-up time for each Carpool zone when you are picking up your child:

Green Zone (PreK-2nd Grade) 2:45-3:00

Gold Zone (3rd-5th Grade) 3:00-3:15

White Zone (6th-8th Grade) 3:25-3:45: Arrive at 3:15 or after

When we all work together, Afternoon Carpool runs more smoothly and takes less time out of your day. We recognize that perfect timing is not always easy, and we thank you for your efforts to help streamline our system. 


We hope to see you at our Middle School Parent Night on Thursday, August 31st from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Parent Night is a great opportunity for you to walk the halls of the Middle School and go to the same classes your child attends each day. On Parent Night, you will get to meet all of your children’s teachers and learn about them, their class expectations, classroom rules, and the curriculum they will impart during the school year. 

6TH GRADE PARENT EDU: Making the Transition into 6th Grade

I hope to see all 6th grade parents in Hancock Hall at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, September 13th, for a look into 6th grade practices and procedures with helpful hints and information about making your child’s 6th grade year a success. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to me:

See you there!

Tricia Guggenheim

Learning Coach



Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects.  THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments.  The link below will lead to the 6th grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th grade and 8th grade assessments, as well.

Different subjects will appear in different colors:

History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.

Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time.  This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.

Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year.  Please remember to list hours worked on a daily basis, do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period of time. Click HERE for a log form or see Mrs. Mannarino in the office.

As Learning Coach, I work with students, parents, and teachers to offer support and strategies throughout the year. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child/ren. I will share ideas and strategies often in this space. My email is: My phone extension is 327. I look forward to working with you! Tricia Guggenheim

ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor

So glad to be back with your kiddos!! Chapter 1 quiz will be on 8/24 sections 1.1-1.4. Chapter 1 test will be on 8/30.


Welcome back!!  Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will be learning how to factor trinomials by a variety of methods including traditional factoring into two binomials (9.5), factoring by divide and slide (9.6), factoring the difference of two squares (9.7), factoring by grouping (9.8).  There will be a day of review on Friday and the Chapter 9 test the following Monday.

GEOMETRY - Mr. Lanfear

Welcome back!!  Next week in Geometry, we will be practicing the midpoint and distance formulas (1.3), learning about angles (1.4-1.5), and learning about polygons (1.6).  There will be a quiz on Wednesday covering 1.1-1.5, a day of review on Thursday, and the Chapter 1 test on Friday.

ELA - Mrs. Boyer

This week we are finishing our Mini Intro Unit: The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell (Quiz 8/21), and we will be diving into an Idea Based Writing refresher course. Students will be analyzing the children’s book, My Papi Has a Motorcyle by Isabel Quintero and the inspirational video about the Panyee Football Club. Once they have completed brainstorms and thesis statements for both texts, students will write their own essay on the Disney/Pixar Short of their choice. (I will be posting eight videos that students may choose from.)

We will begin To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee on Tuesday, September 5th. It is critical that students stay current on their reading schedules and check their annotations against my personal novel. 


It is SO good to be back with students again! I am very excited for all the fun things we are going to be doing this year. Last week was all about settling in, but this week we are hitting the ground running with scientific writing and lab safety. Friday, they designed their own experiment and this week AND next we will be writing about that experiment with APA format. Each day in class, I will explain the “how” of writing each section and then they will have plenty of time to add to their papers. What they do not get done in class will be homework. There will be a quiz on glassware and lab safety on Friday, August 25th. 

US HISTORY - Mr. Saviskas  

Welcome to another wonderful year at Hancock! This week we have been discussing how history works as an academic profession and why it is important to learn and understand. We have discussed sources, note-taking methods, historical writing, and historical reasoning. At the end of this week we will begin looking at the lead up to the American Civil War. Next week our class will cover events like Bleeding Kansas and the Nullification crisis and how they play a part leading up to the Civil War.


¡Bienvenido!s If your student is enrolled in Sra. Gonzalez’s class, please see the following bullets.  agenda for the start of the year!

  • All students have been provided a syllabus for our class this year. We went through the major topics in class. However students were expected to read it in completion along with parents. Students completed a short “quiz” with key topics from the syllabus. P.S. Students did well on the quiz! They are also expected to have it read and signed by parents, and should be returned no later than Tue, Aug 22.

  • This week we have been reviewing basic vocabulary (introductions) - there will be a quiz early next week! 

  • Their first project of the tri-mester will begin next week (they will receive more information about this and a rubric in class as well as be available on their Google Classroom). Gracias!

ADVANCED SPANISH - Ms. Brown and Ms. Gonzalez
¡Bienvenidos a otro año escolar! Welcome back to another academic school year! If your student is enrolled in Ms. Brown’s class, please see the following bullets to know what we have on our agenda for the start of the year!

  • All students were provided a syllabus for Ms. Brown’s course and are expected to have it read, signed by parents, and returned no later than Tue, Aug 22.

  • Their first project of the trimester will be due Wed, Aug 23 (they will receive more information about this and a rubric in class as well as be available on their Google Classroom).

Take it away Ms. Gonzalez!

ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor

So glad to be back with your kiddos!! Chapter 1 quiz will be on 8/24 sections 1.1-1.4. Chapter 1 test will be on 8/30.

PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear

Welcome back!!  Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will review exponents and order of operations and have a short quiz that does not count on Monday.  Then, we will begin our work in the textbook by learning about expressions and variables (1.1), comparing and ordering integers (1.4), adding integers (1.5), and subtracting integers (1.6).  There will be a quiz covering 1.1-1.5 on Wednesday.

ELA - Ms. Ferkol and Mrs. Boyer

This week we are working on an Idea Based Writing refresher course! Students will be working with accessible mentor texts through class discussions centered around author’s purpose, literary devices, writing strategies, etc. Students will craft brainstorms and final thesis statements for these texts which will then lead them to create their own piece of writing on a choice text. 

Idea Based Writing is a strategy taken from the teachings of Lucy Caulkin, where reading comprehension is taught through a variety of specific strategies that target student connection, character development, the element of place, and critical and creative thinking through an analytical lens. 

With this foundation, students will be more readily able to read denser texts, organize their thoughts, and complete challenging writing-based tasks. 

LIFE SCIENCE - Ms. Hallman and Ms. Insignares

We are SO excited to be back and to be teaching Life Science to 7th grade this year. Last week was all about settling in and this week we are hitting the ground running with the characteristics of life and classifying animals. There will be a mini animal research project that will be done in class to see where they are with their research skills! 

US HISTORY - Mr. Saviskas

Greetings everyone! This week in history we have been learning how historians study history. We have been working with understanding sources, discussing how its been taught over the centuries and why its so important to today. At the end of this week we’ll begin looking at the pre-colonial world and the empires that existed then. Next week we will be talking about the early European explorers and the reasons for their expeditions. At the end of next week we shall be talking about the first colonies and their European sponsors.

US HISTORY - Mr. O’Hayer

Welcome Back Everyone. So far in US History we have been working on Why we study History, How we study History and sources that are important to understanding History. We will also work on strategies that will help students be successful in this class. We will introduce the first Chapter: Explorers and the First Europeans in North America. 


What a great bunch of kids added to our middle school community!! We began Chapter 1 Friday 8/18. Their first quiz will be on sections 1.1-1.3 on Thursday, 8/24. We will finish up the Chapter and have the first chapter test on Tuesday, 8/29.

PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear

Welcome back!!  Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will review exponents and order of operations and have a short quiz that does not count on Monday.  Then, we will begin our work in the textbook by learning about expressions and variables (1.1), comparing and ordering integers (1.4), adding integers (1.5), and subtracting integers (1.6).  There will be a quiz covering 1.1-1.5 on Wednesday.

EARTH SCIENCE - Ms. Insignares

I am so excited to join the HDS family!! It’s been so fun getting to know all my students and them getting to know me! Next week we will learn all about the Solar System and planet distances from the sun. 

ELA - Ms. Ferkol

We are off to such a great start this year in 6th grade ELA! This week, we started talking about expectations for Idea-Based Writing* and will continue to work on this into next week. We will also begin the analysis of our first mentor text, Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. 

*Idea-Based Writing is a distinct approach to writing focused on identifying and analyzing the underlying concepts as opposed to merely conveying known information. This style of writing is used to dive deeper into the true meaning of a subject, in our case a story or novel, and explore its core ideas and implications. At the heart of this style of writing, we ask ourselves, “What does this really mean?” In order to answer this question, Idea-Based Writing encourages students to spark up conversations and think critically about texts presented to them, whether that be a simple picture book or more complex novel.


¡Bienvenidos a otro año escolar! Welcome back to another academic school year! Please see the following bullets to know what we have on our agenda for the start of the year!

  • All students were provided a syllabus for Ms. Brown’s course and are expected to have it read, signed by parents, and returned no later than Tue, Aug 22.

  • Their first project of the trimester will be due Thur, Aug 24 (they will receive more information about this and a rubric in class as well as be available on their Google Classroom).

I am so happy to have the pleasure of teaching this generation of Hancock Eagles again! They were so fun and curious in the 5th grade and I am thrilled that we all get to share the classroom together again this year as 6th graders!


Welcome to Middle School to all my 6th graders and their families. I have no doubt that this year will be one of the best ever at HDS. This week we focused on how to be successful in MS and World History. We went over policies and procedures that are vital to having a fabulous year. Next week students will continue our study and implementation of smart strategies that will help students excel in World History. We will also begin our historical journey to Ancient Greece and Rome.

Hello HDS Crew,

The Middle School Art Studio is soaring with creativity. This week Eagles embraced the challenge to design an Eagle using only the triangle shape and consider, “How could the interior of the shapes be designed?” Eagles did super great in producing a variety of solutions. 

Next week Eagles will continue routines & begin their unit studies. Sixth grade parents, look for invite to join the online student gallery Artsonia. Eagles published over 1300 works of art, and here is work to start! 
