May 20 - May 24
It is hard to believe that the school year will be wrapping up soon. The next week is full of important and exciting events. To help you with your planning, please take note of the following details:
*Tuesday, May 21st, and Wednesday, May 22nd - 3rd Trimester Examinations
Students report to homeroom at 8:15 AM, with exams beginning promptly at 8:30 AM, and concluding at 12:15 PM. Afternoon carpool will begin at 12:20 PM. No Middle School Extended will be available either day. If your student has extended time for their exam, please park in a space for pickup rather than wait in the carpool line.
Tuesday, 5/21
6th: History then Math
7th: Math then History
8th: Math then Science
Wednesday, 5/22
6th: ELA then Science
7th: Science then ELA
8th: ELA then History
**Wednesday, May 22nd - 8th Grade Dinner, Middle School Dance Attire
Spring Casual; daily school dress codes apply (Ladies - appropriate skirts and dress length, undergarments should not be visible, no bare midriffs or cutouts; Gentlemen - collared shirt, shirt must have sleeves, no hats)
***Thursday, May 23nd - Graduation Attire
Boys: dress shirt, dress slacks, belt, socks, coat, tie, dress shoes (no athletic shoes or sandals).
Girls: dress or skirt (4 inches above the back of the knee or longer), tops (covering the shoulders and entire middle torso, shoulder to waist), dress shoes (no flip-flops).
Follow all the fun on our Middle School Instagram account - @MS_HANCOCK_GOEAGLES
Jack Cargile
Head of Middle School
Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects. THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th-grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th-grade and 8th-grade assessments, as well.
Different subjects will appear in different colors:
History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink.
Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time. This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CROMEBOOKS - 8th Grade student emails and drives will be DELETED forever on May 31st. If you want any materials/papers, be sure to SHARE the document with yourself and then make a COPY in your personal email. Again, everything will be GONE on May 31st. Eighth Grade Students have the option to take your Chromebooks when you graduate. Currently, your Chromebook is managed by the school. That control must be removed. Therefore, your computer will be collected on May 22nd after exams to be updated. If you would like your Chromebook back, you may pick it up from school June 5, 6, or 7 between 9:00 am -2:00 pm.
ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor
Students will take the practice exam Monday and exams begin Tuesday for Math.
The last week of middle school has finally arrived! We will have our last day of exam review on Monday and then the exam will take place on Tuesday, May 21st.
GEOMETRY - Mr. Lanfear
The last week of middle school has finally arrived! We will have our last day of exam review on Monday and then the exam will take place on Tuesday, May 21st.
ELA - Mrs. Boyer
I am so very proud to have taught this group of 8th graders for my last year. You have truly made the most impact through your support, positivity, and trust through each and every unit. This week we will wrap up our exam study through writing prompt practice, reading comprehension, review of themes/characters from the year, etc. The Exam will focus on the themes from the past year as a culmination of their learning.
I am so very proud of these kiddos! :) Good luck in your future endeavors! :)
If you need anything in the future, please feel free to email
Next week we have exams! This exam will be a culmination of everything they’ve learned in physics. This information will just be from what we have learned January-now. There will be no chemistry. They have reviewed all week, were given a review packet, a study guide, and a Quizlet with 108 terms. They have everything they need to succeed!
This has been truly the BEST year with these kids. I am so proud of each of them. Chemistry and physics are challenging subjects, but they gave it their best and I hope they walk away with the confidence to tackle tough high school classes. Thank you all for your support and kind words throughout the year. Your kids have forever touched my heart! If you need anything from me in the coming weeks or next year please just email me. My personal email is
US HISTORY - Mr. Saviskas
It has been an amazing year! Next week we have our exams. Students already have the study guides and notes needed to pass. Last week we spent time reading and reviewing for the exams. The exams will only cover the Holocaust, World War I, Pre-World War II and World War II. I wish them the best of luck on the exams. Have a wonderful summer!
It's that time of the year when we start setting expectations for the next year but first, this year needs to be ended in the best way possible. The students have covered all the Curriculum for Spanish and accomplished every goal. Help the students by sharing powerful confidence advice making sure they get enough sleep time and encouraging them to work on their final study guide materials. The final step is just around the corner. The final exams happen one week before the other classes. Next week on Monday we will have the final general review of the year. We will have the speaking exam part 1 and 2 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we will have the written final exam. On Friday we will have a practical exercise to give the students the chance to demonstrate what they have learned during this school year.
It's that time of the year when we start setting expectations for the next year but first, this year needs to be ended in the best way possible. The students have covered all the Curriculum for Spanish and accomplished every goal. Help the students by sharing powerful confidence advice making sure they get enough sleep time and encouraging them to work on their final study guide materials. The final step is just around the corner. The final exams happen one week before the other classes. Next week on Monday we will have the final general review of the year. We will have the speaking exam part 1 and 2 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we will have the written final exam. On Friday we will have a practical exercise to give the students the chance to demonstrate what they have learned during this school year.
Students have been hard at work studying/reviewing for the spoken portions of their exam as well as their written portion.
I am confident that they will do well as we quickly end the year!
ALGEBRA 1 - Mrs. Taylor
Students will take the practice exam Monday and exams begin Tuesday for Math.
PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear
The last week of 7th grade has finally arrived! We will have our last day of exam review on Monday and then the exam will take place on Tuesday, May 21st.
ELA - Ms. Ferkol and Mrs. Boyer
We have completed our study guides and are diving into the review! Students have all of their comprehension questions, a Kahoot, the Exam Study Guide, practice writing prompts, etc. to help them on the exam. This will essentially be in the same format of a regular quiz/test but just a bit longer. Please be sure that your students are studying each night for about 20-30 minutes. Study partners truly help! The ELA exam is on Wednesday.
**It has truly been a pleasure to end my year with this group of students. Thank you for your support, trust, and communication. Good luck in 8th grade and beyond! If you need anything in the future, please feel free to email - Mrs. Boyer **
LIFE SCIENCE - Ms. Hallman and Ms. Insignares
Exams are next week and we have worked hard on reviewing all week. There is a study guide and a packet that they have been given!
This year has been an absolute blast and I am so sad to not have another year with these wonderful kids. Thank you for all of your support and kind words throughout the year. I will truly miss this Hancock family so much. If you need anything at all in the future, references, etc. please do not hesitate to reach out to me at my personal email: I look forward to continuing to support these students, just from afar. :) - Ms. Hallman
We are finally here! The end of the year and final exams. This last exam will be covering the Constitution, Early American Republic, Slavery and the Civil War. Over the last week we have been reviewing for the exam. I wish them the best of luck on my exam and all of the others they’ll be taking. Have a wonderful summer!
Next week in American History we will finish our Exam review and have our our last assessment on Tuesday. Students have been preparing for the exam since last week. Good Luck to all students as they prepare for exams.
Students will take the practice exam Monday and exams begin Tuesday for Math.
PRE-ALGEBRA - Mr. Lanfear
The last week of 6th grade has finally arrived! We will have our last day of exam review on Monday and then the exam will take place on Tuesday, May 21st.
EARTH SCIENCE - Ms. Insignares
Last week of school!! Next week we will do one final review on Monday before our Exam on Tuesday! I will miss this 6th grade bunch SO much! I will definitely be back to visit my lovely crew!
ELA - Ms. Ferkol
First year of middle school ELA is almost at its end! Monday we will have our last review day to practice long response formatting and complete study stations to cover the other exam content. Please see Google Classroom for study suggestions and a *highly recommended reading passage* that will help students prepare for the exam. Our exam will take place on Wednesday, 5/22!
This year has been full of growth, learning, and unforgettable shared memories! As you embark on your summer adventures, I hope you all have a chance to reflect on the journey we have taken together and honor the lessons learned, friendships formed, and challenges overcome. Thank you to all of you for your unwavering support and dedication to your student’s education, it was truly priceless as I navigated this wonderful community. I can’t wait to see all of you in the fall and hear about the exciting adventures that await you in the coming summer months!
Students have been hard at work studying/reviewing for the spoken portions of their exam as well as their written portion.
I am confident that they will do well as we quickly end the year!
Next week in World History, students will finish their exam review and take their exam on Tuesday. We will collect student readers next week as well. Good Luck on exams!!
To stay up to date with the latest HDS athletic events, follow @hds_eagles on Instagram.
Fishing - Last week 13 HDS students signed up for the satellite fishing tournament. It was so close. Coach B gave all the top finishers $50 dollars - 1st place money. Winners were Will Coolidge, Gage Hart, Alton Smith and Hudson Broderick! Congrats to all - it was fun!!!
Physicals - We are tentatively planning a physical day on July 28th. More details to come. Please remember, you must have a current physical before fall sports practice. They are good for one calendar year - not an academic year.
SPORTS UNIFORM TURN IN - LAST CALL - If you have a sports uniform, please turn it in to your coach ASAP. If uniforms are not turned into school a uniform replacement bill will be sent to you. ALL SPORTS UNIFORMS MUST BE TURNED IN ASAP OR YOU MAY BE BILLED AND/OR TRANSCRIPT WILL BE HELD.
Summer Camps - Register soon! Camps are almost sold out. Friends from other schools are welcome to attend.
Our last virtue of the month is appreciation! There are so many great ways to incorporate this into your daily routines! 10 Tips for Raising Grateful Kids
A few highlights include:
Set an example.
Point out acts of generosity.
Make gratitude a part of bedtime routines (or dinnertime).
Allow flexibility in the ways that children are comfortable expressing appreciation.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns that you may have this year at
As Learning Coach, I work with students, parents, and teachers to offer support and strategies throughout the year. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child/ren. I will share ideas and strategies often in this space. My email is My phone extension is 327. I look forward to working with you! Tricia Guggenheim
34. Exam Prep:
Exams can be tough! But there’s good news. You might not have known this, but top students aren’t just smart, hard workers. They’ve also learned and practiced the strategies that allow them to perform well on important exams.
1. Read all of the directions, always.
2. Skip the tricky questions and return to them later. (Answer the easy questions first.)
3. Answer every question.
4. Ask questions.
5. Read questions closely. Circle any tricky words that appear in the question.
6. Read the answer choices in full before trying to answer the question.
7. Circle/highlight key words in the questions.
8. Underline key details in the questions.
9. Rephrase difficult questions.
10. On multiple choice exams, eliminate weak answer choices.
11. On reading tests, know where answers can be found in reading passages to save time and pinpoint the most important details in long texts:
12. On reading tests, preview the questions. Then read the passage.
13. On reading tests or word-problem math tests, “mark up” reading passages.
14. On free-response questions and essays,organize your thoughts before you write.
15. Write neatly.
16. Use all of the time you are given.
Congratulations 8th grade! I wish you all the best. Your creativity and comradery will be remembered! 7th grade, your weekly dedication, work ethic and and then final stretch teamwork for the backdrops was so impressive! 6th grade, I admire your consistent curiosity. Each of you take on each project with joy and go beyond expectations. That is contagious! Happy Summer to you all!! Mrs. Byrne
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the school year. Please remember to list hours worked daily, and do not log the total sum of hours worked over an extended period. Click HERE for a log form or see Mrs. Mannarino in the office.
Ongoing Opportunities
1. Plarn: Students are welcome to continue making and submitting plarn to the middle school office. Each ball should be made from 50 plastic bags. For every ball submitted, students will receive 1 hour of community service. During the event in Hancock Hall, students also made cards of encouragement that were, ultimately, attached to the mats. Students are welcome to continue making cards. The cards should be approximately 2"x3" and made from unlined index cards, cardstock, or something similar. There should be an encouraging note and a nice picture on one side or an encouraging note on one side and a nice picture on the other side. Students should use a hole punch to add a hole to the left side of the cards before submitting them to the middle school office. For every 30 quality cards submitted, students will receive 1 hour of community service.
2. Shelter From the Rain: SFTR is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides assistance for single mothers and children in need. This organization is also requesting handmade cards of encouragement. Students can make cards that are 4"x6" or 5"x7" and made from cardstock. The cards should be one-sided and include messages like:
Everything would be better if more people were like you!
You are really something special!
You are brilliant!
I think you are amazing!
Keep going! You're doing great!
Have a beautiful day! We are rooting for you!
We are so proud of you!
For every 30 quality cards submitted, students will receive 1 hour of community service. Please see below for examples of cards.
Upcoming Opportunities
1. Forsyth Farmers' Market Youth Booth: The Youth Booth is a grant-funded program designed to teach children about nutrition. Student volunteers will greet children and parents, offer produce samples, and assist with the craft table. The Farmer's Market is looking for 2 student volunteers and 1 parent chaperone each Saturday for this ongoing program.
Junior Achievement of Georgia’s Upcoming Summer Camp
It’s going to be a fun week at their Discovery Center on the GSU Armstrong Campus. The camp is for 10-14-year-old students, and it’s June 10-14th from 9 AM - 3 PM. Here is a link for more information about the camp - JA Summer Camp
And here’s a link to register - JA Summer Camp Registration (just click the “Get Tickets’ button)
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