January 20th - January 24th
Deadline for PVSA Community Service Hours – Don't Miss Out!
If your 8th grader would like to receive a Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) at this year’s Honors Assembly on Monday, May 19th at 8:30 AM, please make sure all community service hours are completed and submitted to the middle school office by Monday, March 24th.
Here are the PVSA levels based on the number of hours completed: Bronze Level: 50 – 74 hours Silver Level: 75 – 99 hours Gold Level: 100+ hours
We’re excited to recognize our students for their outstanding service to the community, so encourage your child to get their hours in on time! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Attention 7th Grade Families
We are excited to continue the beloved tradition of having 7th grade families host the reception following the 8th grade graduation ceremony on May 22. This special event is a wonderful way to show our support for the 8th graders as they celebrate the end of their middle school journey and prepare to transition to high school.
Please click here to sign up and be part of this meaningful occasion!
** Graduating families who helped with last year’s reception: Albert. Cheshire, Lake, Lapp, Mitchell, Mobley, Moody, Phillips, Richter, Stegall, Tanner, Thomas, Wilson, Wilkes, and Zeigler! **
Share Your Memories!
Click the QR code below to upload your photos for our school yearbook. Share your memories from school events, sports, or special moments in the classroom! Help us capture the moments that matter most!
Parents and students have an easy way to look at upcoming assessments and projects. THIS LINK leads to a Google Sheet that will have the next 2 weeks of assessments. The link below will lead to the 6th-grade assessments, but by using the tabs in the lower left corner (shown below), you can navigate to 7th-grade and 8th-grade assessments, as well.
Different subjects will appear in different colors: History is black, Science is green, ELA is blue, Spanish is red, and Math is pink. Please bear in mind that Middle School Assessments may be added, removed, or changed at any time. This Sheet will always be up to date, however - once a teacher assigns or adjusts an assessment, this Sheet will reflect that change.
Hi Everyone!
There are a couple of exciting events coming up that I want to make sure you don’t miss!
Big Congrats to all our basketball teams for a combined winning record of over 80%! Way to go, Eagles!
Let’s go, Eagles! 🎉
Tip #12 Actively Participate in Class
Ask questions if you don’t understand something—it shows you're engaged and helps you learn better.
Take notes in a way that works for you, such as summarizing key points or using diagrams.
Our Virtue of the Month for November and December is community! Consider looking for an opportunity during this time for your family to volunteer together. The United Way of the Coastal Empire has opportunities and Second Harvest allows volunteers ages 12 and up when accompanied by an adult.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have this year. amaher@hancockdayschool.org
Each middle school student is required to complete ten hours of community service over the course of the school year. Please remember to check this area of the blog for opportunities. Click HERE for a log form or see Mrs. Mannarino in the office.
Algebra I - Mr. Scordato
Students will be studying exponents, including negative and fractional exponents. Don’t worry, they’ve got the power.
Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Advanced Algebra, we will continue Chapter 8 by learning how to find the area of parallelograms and rhombuses (8.5), area of trapezoids (8.6), the circumference and area of circles (8.7), and central angles and finding complex areas (8.7).
Geometry - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Geometry, we will begin Chapter 8 by learning about the Polygon Interior and Exterior Angle Theorems (8.1), properties of parallelograms (8.2), and how to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram (8.3). We will have the 2nd STAR Test on Tuesday.
Physical Science - Ms. Harmon
We will be continuing our lesson on the Newtonian Laws of Motion
ELA - Ms. Hall
This week we finished Macbeth in class! At the beginning of next week, students will use their completed Theme Graphic Organizers to complete a Persuasive activity over the development of thematic ideas in the text. They are scheduled to have their test next Thursday, January 23.
US History - Mr. Saviskas
We have finished discussing Reconstruction and have moved onto the Gilded Age. Next week we will be doing a short, in-class project on labor unions and business in the early 1900s. The goal is to highlight the struggles Americans worked for early on in the new millennium. That Friday I intend to have a quiz, but should the project that week run long or we slow down during the earlier lessons, I will push that to the following week.
High School Spanish - Mr. De Cardenas
Next week, we will continue practicing the past tense with the aim of strengthening its use and improving students' conversational skills. Through various activities and exercises, students will have the opportunity to apply verb tenses in real contexts, which will allow them to express themselves with greater fluency and confidence in everyday situations. We will also continue with the reading of the book La Isla Más Peligrosa and improving the reading comprehension and will work on the updates of our year project to Board Map the book.
Algebra I - Mr. Scordato
Students will be studying exponents, including negative and fractional exponents. Don’t worry, they’ve got the power.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 6 by learning about similar and congruent figures (6.4), and using similar figures to find measurements (6.5). There will be a quiz on Wednesday covering 6.1-6.4.
Life Science - Ms. Harmon
We will be continuing our lesson on Mitosis.
Life Science - Mrs. Swanner
Next week, we will begin our study of genetics.
ELA - Ms. Ferkol
In the coming week, students will continue to read their novels and complete a nightly journal entry. In addition to this nightly work, students will be diving deeper into three specific literature skills: symbolism, identifying important quotations, and creating and defending claims and counterclaims.
Students should anticipate having 10 journal entries completed by Monday, January 27th. They will be checked for completion per the standards listed in the packet for a classwork grade.
**Please note that the entire packet of journals will be due at the end of this unit and taken as a QUIZ GRADE. Students should take care to work on these journals diligently and with care and intention.
ELA - Ms. Hall
Students have officially started reading their book club novels. As we move into the next week, students will continue to read and complete journals nightly. While in class, we will be working on developing students' knowledge of the concepts covered in the journals, such as symbolism, quotations, and argumentative terms.
American History - Mr. O’Hayer
Next week in American History students will travel out to Armstrong to Junior Achievement’s Finance Park. Students will go to Armstrong on Tuesday, the 21st. 9:30-1:30. Please make sure students wear their school uniforms. NO PE uniforms allowed. Don’t forget Lunch!.
When we get back on Wednesday, we will begin our Civics/Government and Economics Unit.
American History - Mr. Saviskas
Next week in American History students will travel out to Armstrong to Junior Achievement’s Finance Park. Students will go to Armstrong on Tuesday, the 21st. 9:30-1:30. Please make sure students wear their school uniforms. NO PE uniforms allowed. Don’t forget Lunch!.
When we get back on Wednesday, we will begin our Civics/Government and Economics Unit.
Advanced Spanish - Mr. Jones
Having learned the days of the week, parts of the day, and the preposition por to express them together, we will use the same questions/responses to practice using ALL possessive pronouns in Spanish, singular and plural (ie. Nuestro momento favorito de la semana es el domingo por la mañana / Our favourite moment of the week is Sunday morning). We will also use the possessive pronouns and student elected nouns to ask about/express possession of things. Test has been pushed back definitively to Wednesday, 22 January. We will begin learning the expression “to have to…” on 17, January.
X + 1 = Fluency
Advanced Spanish - Mr. De Cardenas
Having learned the days of the week, parts of the day, and the preposition por to express them together, we will use the same questions/responses to practice using ALL possessive pronouns in Spanish, singular and plural (ie. Nuestro momento favorito de la semana es el domingo por la mañana / Our favourite moment of the week is Sunday morning). We will also use the possessive pronouns and student elected nouns to ask about/express possession of things. Test has been pushed back definitively to Wednesday, 22 January. We will begin learning the expression “to have to…” on 17, January.
X + 1 = Fluency
Accelerated Math - Mr. Scordato
Students will take their knowledge from the coordinate plane to learn about functions, scatter plots, and displaying data.
Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear
Next week in Pre-Algebra, we will continue Chapter 6 by learning about similar and congruent figures (6.4), and using similar figures to find measurements (6.5). There will be a quiz on Wednesday covering 6.1-6.4.
Earth Science - Mrs. Swanner
Next week, we will begin our study of minerals.
ELA - Ms. Ferkol
Students are continuing to provide some great work with literary skills within our Realistic Fiction unit. To begin the upcoming week, students will meet in their book clubs to discuss the features learned this week: characterization/character traits, theme, and conflict. Throughout the rest of the week, students will work on identifying parts of their plot and diving deeper into symbolism.
World History - Mr. O’Hayer
Next week in World History students will continue our study of The Enlightenment. We will look at and analyze the works and influence of Rene Descartes, considered the Father of Modern Philosophy, and Thomas Hobbes, who believed in the need for an all-powerful ruler to rule government.
Spanish Fundamentals - Mr. Jones
Having learned the days of the week, parts of the day, and the preposition por to express them together all in the 1st and 2nd person singular, we will now use the same structures to practice the other possessive pronouns in spontaneous, communicative activities. Additionally, being that we now know how to express that something is our favorite, each 6th grade class will discover 10 nouns in Spanish of their choosing (cumulative 30 for 6th grade) and we will use these words to practice asking about/expressing possession and favorites.
Fancy footwear by 6th: WC, CB & RJ these guys worked together to make wearable prototypes!
“And the Children Speak” Mixed Media Collage 7th
Kinetic Drawing inspired by sculpture 8th
Sixth graders will continue sculpting shoes in cardboard, fabric and paper next week. 7th graders will finalize collage then start tree house sculpture. 8th graders learn techniques of comic illustration with foreshortening & more in character design.
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